Lindsay Huddleston is the founder of Sport Psychology Solutions. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a Master’s degree in Psychology with specialization in Sport Psychology. He is a member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. Mr. Huddleston has been an athlete and coach at his alma mater Detroit Henry Ford High School. Currently he travels the state of Michigan and the United States presenting to athletes and non-athletes about mental toughness and social media etiquette. He is also a USA Basketball Youth Development Academy national speaker. Mr. Huddleston has been an author, educator, political appointee of Governor Jennifer Granholm’s administration as well as a corporate and educational lobbyist. Lindsay resides in Lansing, Michigan with his wife and daughter.
Mike had the opportunity to hear Lindsay speak at the recent USA Basketball Coaches Academy here in Cleveland and he believes his message is one that coaches, parents, and players can implement to become more mindful, improve their mental toughness, and gain more control over their life. Get ready to learn from this episode with Sports Psychology Solutions’ Lindsay Huddleston.
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Twitter: @hsolutions