CAUSE OF DEATH: UNKNOWN - Big Pharma & the selling of mental illness

CAUSE OF DEATH: UNKNOWN - Big Pharma & the selling of mental illness


2 года назад

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KRYLON RECORDS - 11.09.2023 21:29

First you question the drugs, then the diseases, then you realize that mental illness is just a big hoax. Symptoms are real but they are not illnesses ,they are traumabased. Well then you question our society structure(healtcare is one of them) and you see that we live in a total corruption world:) Thank you for this documentary❤

Capresti - 09.09.2023 11:35

Psychiatrists are criminals. Its incredible and shocking governments allow them to destroy society for money.

Naydeen S
Naydeen S - 09.09.2023 06:04

2001 when I went out on disability for what they said was panic disorder- they gave multiple ssris medications that caused me to clench and grind my teeth- 2007 I lost all my teeth to these medications (f%#% you Pfizer) I never had a chemical imbalance- I had cptd from childhood trauma - which the American psychological association will not put cptd in the dsm- they will lose 💰greedy af

b swogger
b swogger - 13.08.2023 08:36

They terrorize American Citzens, even after car accidents they refuse to let you take car of business.
AZ health department does nothing but interfere with the daily lives of people, even stop me from getting follow up after anaphylaxis 12-3-2011.
Continue hate campaigns to this day!

b swogger
b swogger - 13.08.2023 08:27

Veterans hospital & state behavioral health are disgusting!

Marie Smith
Marie Smith - 09.08.2023 17:42

This was a beautiful documentary. It was so well done and so moving. I like how she just asked questions and didn’t try to force people to answer, but just tried to get the viewer to ask their own questions. That’s what made it powerful. It was the pauses given to think that made the information that was given more weighty. It was the question about what is a life worth, and what is it worth to these people, and the answer was obvious. She didn’t need to give endless statistics and data, even though all of that that data might have been damning. What she did was more powerful. What she did was point out what’s most important: they are overlooking safety for money, and people dying because of it. You can draw your own conclusions. But it’s hard not to agree that her sister’s life mattered… but maybe not so much to them.

dA nA
dA nA - 09.08.2023 13:56

It isn't a side effect it is the primary effect. Easiest ways are expensive more than the price tags you paid for and asking much more things behind and it costs yourself. It is another way to suicide. It is a painkiller to the mind. And pain is the mechanism for survival. Another very meaningful brave creation.

Saler Herman
Saler Herman - 06.08.2023 01:15

Kids stay away from drugs, drug dealers are everywhere.

Constantina Tanita
Constantina Tanita - 02.08.2023 23:53

Since you've made an intensive investigations which were actually remarkable for many of us to simply believe that your EFFORT IS NEAR CLOSEST TO EXPOSURE OF ANCIENT HUMAN GREED WHICH IS ENDLESS & CONTAGIOUS...
LET them face the Creator at END TIMES...their punishment is unimaginable!

Nevertheless, your wounded heart may find a temporal silence to ease the pain, but it will keep hurting. STUDY also THE BIBLE as you made a thorough study about pharmaceuticals.

I promise, YOU WILL FORGIVE, FORGET...and you'll be FREE too.

Vegan Winter
Vegan Winter - 01.08.2023 11:27

So much better health with a well balanced vegan diet.

Vestmanna - 31.07.2023 21:56

I realised who is destroying our world, they do it purposely to take over the whole world, why?; Just because they can.

It is bad food, bad teaching, bad air, chem trail, bad water, indoctrination, poisonous food, preshure, unemployment, open borders, changing culture, fake medicine and many other details.

Kumar J
Kumar J - 31.07.2023 21:22

All chemicals, ie man made medicines, alter human DNA, even to the point of changing our natural physiology and psychology. That, is a well known and well documented fact.
Europeans, and by extension, their bastard cousins the Americans, during the 1800s upto the first world war, made their colonial empires selling opium to Asians and Africans, especially to the Chinese, all around the world, even within their natural borders. That practice continues to this day, only now, they sell mind altering chemicals to their own population too. Like Reagan imported, cut and distributed crack cocaine to the black neighbourhoods in LA and the Bay area, in the guise of fighting communism in Latin America and religious fundamentalism in Iran, while he was president of the US.

Remedy Path
Remedy Path - 31.07.2023 17:09

say no to drugs.....all drugs (prescription medications, alcohol and cannabis are drugs).

Julia Howell
Julia Howell - 31.07.2023 16:46

Heartbreaking exposé Anniken. Thank you for pursuing this story & thanking al the whistleblowers❤️‍🩹

Red Shield
Red Shield - 31.07.2023 13:10

You did a great job, please don't stop. Thank you.

Die Ludolf Verschwörung
Die Ludolf Verschwörung - 31.07.2023 01:16

Correlation is not causation, I don't think there's much more to say about it. Pharmaceutical companies want to maximize their profits (just like any other company, think Volkswagen), there's no question about that, but even these "bad" companies don't do it at any price. Bad PR is never good.

Sandra B
Sandra B - 30.07.2023 15:47

None of this is news to me, as I worked in "healthcare" (which is really just a business $$$) for 40 years. People trust their doctors and do not come prepared with questions, do not ask for second opinions, do no do their research. Having also watched a family member go from inquisitive scientist as a student, to someone who told me he "couldn't wait" to start writing prescriptions while in his 4th year of medical school, I give everyone this advice: Stay as healthy as possible by exercising, keeping your weight down, fostering strong friendships and a relationship with the divine. Just like you would have the common sense to avoid criminal activity, stay away from doctors. Stay away from hospitals. Live an honorable life and let God choose when you will pass on. It's as simple as that.

Ian Mac Dougall
Ian Mac Dougall - 30.07.2023 14:15

To those that knew Big Pharma is a killer when we don't want the truth and no one listens.❤

Lean6am - 29.07.2023 22:49

The drugs are supposedly designed in a way that doctors can continuosly prescribe it to you. If you look at benzos, they came to a stop because they're not suitable for long term treatment and they have potential for abuse, however they disregard the fact benzos have also helped so many people short term, and they also disregard the fact they are often prescribed incorrectly by doctors, which is primarily why people become addicted.

If the pharmacies can't get money out of you for an extensive period of time then they probably don't want anything to do with you. Your illness is another dudes paycheck. And then others wonder why people don't reach out for help? These doctors will throw anything at you to 'fix' your problems. The truth is, you cannot rely on a drug to make you feel normal. I do not believe there is a safe long term 'fix' for your problems in the form of a pill. SSRI's will soon be replaced with another category of drugs, and they will be viewed as the new benzo.

I think all drugs have their own unique properties to help with different problems, and the way drugs are being prescribed to people is creating stigma and ruining the potential for genuine use.

Roy Brookton
Roy Brookton - 29.07.2023 19:22

True evil working in our health care system

JANET BUSENER - 29.07.2023 14:15

My older brother died from taking too much pain medication. Big pharmacies have a purpose, but we must stop abuse.

David Furino
David Furino - 28.07.2023 23:46

Grow your own in your backyard screw big pharma

Bruce Walters
Bruce Walters - 28.07.2023 20:05

Anti depressants get a bad rap and some of them have been a boon to humanity. The trick is finding the right one. I'm 69 and I suffered from a few episodes of depression at first working through it in therapy but after a couple more episodes I needed an antidepressant. I tried two before I found the right one. That was over 20 years ago and I haven't been depressed since. In fact I feel great. I still lift weights and I'm fit, healthy and happy. Unlike my grandmother who spent her life in a State Hospital til the day she died. Don't demonize anti depressants. They aren't all bad. Anti psychotic drugs are a whole different story.

sonsofsam - 28.07.2023 11:08

After Covid, this will hopefully will spread more awareness about this scheme of mental illness.

Antipsychotics cause Parkinsonism by targeting the dopamine receptors, a outdated 'science'..
Antidepressants causing PSSD, Post sexual dysfunction which can be permanent, and gets overlooked.
We need to stop these pharmaceutical companies pushing 'fake science' by 'fake doctors'..
Now, with the Internet; we can use 'real' resources to help fight back, against the corrupt monsters of the world..

1BadJane - 27.07.2023 20:13

God put everything on Earth for food & medicine..
Nobody wants to go look for it. Its just easier to make drugs in a Lab with all of their side affects, charge you a FORTUNE !!
As for me , God kept me from getting covid. Everyone around me ( at Church) had the sick again ! 😂 Thats what you get for LIMITING your FAITH.... therefore, I 😂 at you. 👍🏻

Massimo Falcinelli
Massimo Falcinelli - 27.07.2023 19:52

It s an upside-down world, quite the opposite of how It should be, and It s going more and more in that direction
Why did we become so shallow and blunt?

Christ Lord
Christ Lord - 27.07.2023 19:29


Denise Skinner
Denise Skinner - 26.07.2023 16:04

Back b a c k not deck as my google assistant wrote

Denise Skinner
Denise Skinner - 26.07.2023 16:04

You should have seen my sister, they. 37 pills a day, she flushed them all down. The toilet went to college and there's doing well. After she lost almost 15 years of her life, medication induced diabetes. All her cottage in her knees was eaten up by the medication. She went from 150 pounds to / 300 pounds, medication induced could not take care of her children for she could not get out of bed. It's nice to have my sister deck.

Denise Skinner
Denise Skinner - 26.07.2023 16:01


Denise Skinner
Denise Skinner - 26.07.2023 16:00

Worse than the psychologist drugs. How many will commit suicide? Will AI still be alive?

Mike Porten
Mike Porten - 26.07.2023 15:59

English please!

Denise Skinner
Denise Skinner - 26.07.2023 15:59

I wish i'd never seen the big picture. I wish I didn't see the full writing on the wall. Medication will only numb you. And it will give them control even that much more

CrimsonThornX - 25.07.2023 20:16

I'm here because of someone that's going through a similar experience as sent me the link to this video. Throughout my life I have been perscribed multiple different medications such as Risperidone, Sertraline, and Abilify, but it wasn't until December of last year that I began suffering immensely each and every day of my life since. The psychiatrist I was seeing at the time had perscribed me an antipsychotic called Invega Sustenna, which at the time I didn’t know what it was for, what it would cause, or how long it would last for, until it was too late. Shortly after I had been given the injection I had began to suffer from several side-effects, such as anhedonia, akathisia, fatigue, sexual issues, and much more. The worst instance about this was that after a week I had completely lost the ability to sleep for even a single minute each night for nearly 4 months, that it eventually caused me to have a stroke, leading to severe double vision and numerous other cognitive problems. As of now it's been over 7 months since I had recieved the injection and although I have made a significant recovery since, I'm still suffering from countless side effects that cause me to feel very suicidal, hopeless, and depressed every day of my life. This is the complete opposite of who I was prior over 7 months ago, mentally and physically healthy and competent, capable of studying and working at the same time, and very motivated with the will to live. As a result of my experience I have completely stopped taking such meds since and have instead used vitamins, supplements, and more natural remedies in an attempt to heal myself from the extensive, potentially permanent damage done to me by that so called "medication".

Amy - 25.07.2023 19:09

Big pharma and the world gov are the Babylon spoken of in the book if Revelation.

KingSolomon - 25.07.2023 17:13

Was put on Abilify immediately after my initial diagnosis. What a wild ride that was. I’m now a few months off of all my meds. I was on 7. I feel so much better .

God is real
God is real - 25.07.2023 07:04

OBNOXIOUS and they're pissed when you're not.

Frédérique Couture
Frédérique Couture - 25.07.2023 04:16

WAR. Without a shot? 🔫?

Frank James Bonarrigo
Frank James Bonarrigo - 25.07.2023 01:52

It would be great to be pull free, but I’m Fucking mental. What am I supposed to do?

Frank James Bonarrigo
Frank James Bonarrigo - 25.07.2023 01:41

Psychiatrists want better medication, I don’t think over all they are monsters. They really would like better tools to help people. I believe that, at least

Kun Lee
Kun Lee - 24.07.2023 05:27

I’m happy someone is talking about this. I believe this obsession with “mental health” is bs. If you want proof, check out the mental health of America today.

Toosiya Brandt
Toosiya Brandt - 24.07.2023 04:44

The ONLY way to stop being either a Guinea pig for Big Pharma or suffering from depression and anxiety attacks is to trust Yeshua Jesus PERSONALLY not as religion which is powerless ! HE EVER LIVES TO INTERCEDE FOR US WITH THE FATHER! And suffered in all ways as we do!
You only have yourself to blame for what you needlessly suffer without Him !
In fact He says to pray for those who despitefully use you!
Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua returning soon to reign over His creation from Jerusalem forever.

Martin Munnelly
Martin Munnelly - 23.07.2023 23:34

Antidepressants destroyed my brothers mind and body. Only for doctors to tell us he was getting better. If at all possible try not to take any drugs

geirtwo - 23.07.2023 22:37

The real motive is organized misanthropy, not making money.

Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock - 23.07.2023 10:57

She’s beautiful but you could see in her eyes that there’s something wrong with her

Daniel Terhorst
Daniel Terhorst - 23.07.2023 09:55

Basically.... they just make shit up as they go along.... they'll say and they're going to say anything they can to try to get everyone on their poison

Daniel Terhorst
Daniel Terhorst - 23.07.2023 09:27

Don't ever think that these people don't know what they are doing... they are all part of the depopulation plan, look around... everything is poisoned these days

EchoFoxtrot2.0 - 23.07.2023 03:59

And, the drugs change your brain chemistry and they can leave you with problems you never had before. Like taking escitalopram for anxiety and ending up with severe depressive episodes and worsened anxiety and coarse tremors all over, and all from a very low dose. There are better ways to actually help heal your brain. Putting negligibly effective chemicals into your body, that shorten your life and increase your chances of sudden death, doesn't sound like a good idea.
