State of the Nation: Will the broad-base government address issues raised by Gen Zs? | DAY BREAK

State of the Nation: Will the broad-base government address issues raised by Gen Zs? | DAY BREAK

Citizen TV Kenya

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@dennisalbert6115 - 01.08.2024 08:06

Stupid people

@muyumbaemmanuel - 01.08.2024 08:11

Question is....who is going to be served with the court order?? We have no AG this government is a mess. Its as if Ruto expected this verdict

@werelawrence4686 - 01.08.2024 08:22


@dankim68 - 01.08.2024 08:26

New Cabinet aren't meant to implement Nothing but to feed their Stomachs.

@werelawrence4686 - 01.08.2024 08:39


@wekhoyostephen9729 - 01.08.2024 08:40

Broad based government just means calling a few corrupt leaders from counties where the political environment is not conducive to Kenya Kwisha government and pay them to cool down the anger, it will work for the time being but not for long it will catch up on them

@baruasafi5880 - 01.08.2024 09:23

Because of silly political and narrow interests makes governance difficult in Kenya. For as long as politicians put their interests before the country's Kenya is DOOMED. Simple and clear.

@edwinmhondera4353 - 01.08.2024 10:07

People don't need a broad government of these old ancient people, people need a new system of government and ACCOUNTABILITY.

@daviddavis7959 - 01.08.2024 11:42

The broad based govt was not meant to deal with corruption; it was meant as a political survival tactic disguised as fighting all the ills in govt but in actuality it enhances corruption by just adding old wine in new wine skins.

Ruto said he consulted broadly on the cabinet picks. But Jameni really. Are these the names one
would pick at these times; the very reason why GENZ are in the streets is because of persons
with questionable character whom Kenyans do not trust.

Every time Ruto is given a chance to rise to the occasion his solutions are so underwheliming almost to a point of mockery; giving Kenyans more reason never to trust him. For instance, dismising the cabinet and then rehiring the same people many of whom are of questionable character. His choice of new faces to the cabinet with persons with corruption backgrounds and placing them in key minsitries that deal in big financial contracts only continues to cement the mistrust that Kenyans have in their president.

Joho Mines One of Kenyas biggest wheeler dealers who was also gifted a port terminal for political support by UK, is to head one of the most lucrative ministries that deals in billions worth of contracts. Will be in charge of issuing mining licenses which run in the billions. While governor of Mombasa Joho would demanded a cut for every realestate project in exchange for a permit; thats why the apartment complex next to Nyali bridge was not completed.

AFter Jojo left office, notice suddenly there is a realestate boom in Mombasa county? With Joho's shady reputation one would ask why was Mvurya who is part of the cabinet, who has no known scandals who was CS of mines and blue economy replaced by Joho. One can only concluded of sinister motives.

Murkomen- One of the reasons why GENZ went to the streets was because of the shear opulence of
the cabinet members and Murkomen specifically was pointed out as the face of opulence in the cabinet

Chirchir- A man with questionable background of courrption to head a minsitry that recieves one of the biggest budgets plus deals in multi billion shilling contracts- not only is roads, rails, ports under his docket but Airports where the govt is about to sign off a deal with a known corrupt investor.

@daviddavis7959 - 01.08.2024 11:50

We actaully need managers like CEO's to run these institutiions. Like kagwe. They are better at service delivery. You do not hire a doctor to manage an organization thats not thier expertise. A ceo knows how to get things done. Their strength are ensuring the Health ministry has the Logistics, effeciencies ,delivery to provide quality health care. The CEO can then be guided to work with experts under him on health issues. and he delivers to ensure things are done. There is serious breakdown on implementation on every level of govt and thats where our problems arise. A doctor is not experience in dealing with logistics, mgt, bringning teams togather to deliver, their expertise is taylored towards treatment.

@muriithijoel2705 - 01.08.2024 14:44

What does Azimio stand for as a party, Greedy for power or beggars of power.
