Shadowlands Season 4 Mythic+ Tier List

Shadowlands Season 4 Mythic+ Tier List


1 год назад

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Boo Radley
Boo Radley - 07.11.2022 07:14

Drove me a little nuts though how Growl repeats himself like an NPC when you accidentally close the dialog box and then reopen it. Constantly.

Boo Radley
Boo Radley - 07.11.2022 01:48

As of 11/6/22 Growl is correct, on the front page only 1 team is using survival hunters- they have two on the same team. Top team is using a BM hunter. Top 50 has ~3 Survival hunters (it may be 4 if I got mixed up) but about 3x as many BM hunters.
He was correct about Survival. Unfortunately also incorrect about "No S tier" as ~90% of teams are running a fire mage, some of them are running two. Warlocks as a class are S tier but no spec has dominance, all three are represented in the top 50, with afflic and destro pulling the lions share it appears. So both Balance druid and Affliction lock are strongly represented in top keys. Hard misses from both Growl and Dorki, chat as usually was incredibly wrong and hype driven. Growl's healer list was spot on though. maybe undervalued druid.

Want me to absolutely crush your expectations though?
There are about as many feral druid placements in the top 50 as survival hunters. And a single arms warrior representing that entire class for DPS.

Dwight Kirkland
Dwight Kirkland - 02.11.2022 22:32

Do 1 for dragonflight

T Bone
T Bone - 17.10.2022 00:30

If you go OOM often as discipline you’re a poor discipline priest. And to the people saying haste = oom you’re a poor discipline priest. Learn to use Atonements more efficiently and you won’t go oom. Stop spamming shadowmend and start picking Schism as your first talent it’s better mana efficiency than Twist of Fate.

T Bone
T Bone - 17.10.2022 00:28

Discipline is B tier. There’s disc priests running +30 keys in all different covenants, most of the other +30 specs require you to choose only one or sometimes between two covenants.

T Bone
T Bone - 17.10.2022 00:25

I play discipline and often people will kick me from the group because of it.

Danail Dimitrov
Danail Dimitrov - 16.10.2022 20:15

stupid list

Gabrielfury - 15.10.2022 18:44

When you talk it's like you're yelling. My god you talk loud.

Soulwax - 14.10.2022 01:40

Destro is the idiot specc, easyier then Bm or Dh to play

Gerard Minor
Gerard Minor - 28.09.2022 03:37

im glad you don't make company decisions that healer part you did is just wrong in pve dude period i kinda agree on the tank thing pallies are squishy but still ok blood is a good tank though also agree that dps wise they all have something they bring

Michał Grygas
Michał Grygas - 24.09.2022 00:52

wow dude u rly have no idea about AF lock

Ben Rice
Ben Rice - 16.09.2022 21:49

Arcane has a slow.

DutyofCall - 15.09.2022 01:10

retribution paladins are indeed dead half of the key, I play one and it sucks :D

Jefry Slide
Jefry Slide - 12.09.2022 13:01

This guy , he just play minecraft not world of warcraft

Flupser - 11.09.2022 11:19

Assasination is a raid spec, you just dont play it in m+. Never. Period.

Lich King
Lich King - 10.09.2022 06:20

Assassination belongs to D Tier

The Jungle Steward
The Jungle Steward - 10.09.2022 01:01

What healer class has high burst aoe and dot heals. So something that can just keep popping heal overtime aoes. I'd also like to be able to shield my allies or mitigate damage somehow from them at least a little. But my main priority is to make sure there's a heal overtime going around on everyone so I don't have to be constantly worrying about others and I can just use a simple loadout and pop moves when I need too. I'm a very caring person and I want more than anything for others to feel encouraged, positive and comfortable and I'll do anything I can to help others with that. Helping, and giving to others is what I enjoy the most. But it would also be nice to find a healer that fits my playstyle so I can better help others. The only reason why I want to get strong in video and find a class that fits my playstyle is so I can help and project others in any way I can. So I'd appreciate any help.

Dustin Daniels
Dustin Daniels - 09.09.2022 17:52

Bear mains unit in tears ): im proud of my 2650 io on bear

Monkey King
Monkey King - 09.09.2022 10:55

When a spec's only weakness is its other specs

michael whatley
michael whatley - 07.09.2022 20:01

Just wanna throw this out there…. I had a feral in my group that pulled 38k overall. Haven’t seen anything close to it and haven’t seen another feral.

Norseman Ulfenn
Norseman Ulfenn - 07.09.2022 16:30

Haven't watched the video yet, haven't played since BFA and I'm gonna predict that: Prot Warr is D tier.

Tony S
Tony S - 07.09.2022 13:36

I’ve outdpsed most specs with the exception of fire mage, survival, and outlaw as boomy and feral. Not sure why they’re ranked so low

Midway - 07.09.2022 05:08

Cries in hpal

Mattiedamacdaddy - 06.09.2022 03:33

Seriously think you’re on the spectrum after hearing you talk here

Afterhours101 - 05.09.2022 23:26

lol i play veng, yaaaaa i dont die. ever. spirit bomb with fel dev leggo is op. theres been plenty of times in pugs where the entire team died and i have to solo the last 20% in 20s

Goku Black
Goku Black - 05.09.2022 22:37

Being a Hunter is a negative for me you're all stupid (except survival) so it often isn't worth the dps you might contribute

mitebg - 03.09.2022 18:26

Everybody saying destro is OP has no idea how badly pug tanks route lmao.
The times Ive had to either send my Infernal on a 3 mob pull or HOLD it for 2 minutes is insane...

N0VA_30M3 - 02.09.2022 01:45

Everytime he says I THINK you have to take a drink

Tom Morland
Tom Morland - 01.09.2022 20:53

TIL that in America beans means bad, total opposite here.

BrandonNowOnline - 01.09.2022 12:45

I hope they make Bear op as shit in Dragonflight, it's been too fucking long. Being a bear is hella fucking cool, let it also be gooood.

Joey Oswald
Joey Oswald - 30.08.2022 01:40

Sub rogue :(

Martin Rudek
Martin Rudek - 29.08.2022 20:36

My Guardian Druid is stil S for me. I go M+ 20, 21, 23. It´s easy. My Dps mates are bit to low, so we can´t push higher :-)

Justin Erickson
Justin Erickson - 28.08.2022 22:20

Ret is Easy A tier. Our damage is top notch, we can off heal someone to full hp in 1 global, bop, bubble, sac keep people alive.
You bring a hunter for misdirect so we dont rip threat, or the Ret is smart and waitd 1 or 2 seconds to let tank establish threat. Im almost 2500io and still pushing

I actually hate it whem streamers or some stupid twitch player makes these lists. Peopls then take it to heart and exclude these classes because they simp so hard for you all.

Joe Wagner
Joe Wagner - 28.08.2022 17:33

Waiting with bated breath for Growl to mention my spec

Joe Wagner
Joe Wagner - 28.08.2022 17:32

"Bong cloud takes" 😂

Amogus - 28.08.2022 16:59

Lol in the leaderboards only outlaw appear of the "S" tier dps. Also it's annoying when you tubers keep trying to push "just play what you want" in the tippy top of content. That works sub 21+is. After that the gap between specs grows more and more. For most players this works but this video is clearly the top 1% meta and that shit don't fly.

Dave Lee
Dave Lee - 28.08.2022 10:37

Assassination = Z tier

Dave Lee
Dave Lee - 28.08.2022 10:29

S tier dps = survival hunter.

BatmanRZ - 27.08.2022 17:51

My bear is a god in mythic plus, so much healing and mitigation, nobody out dpses me if i do a pull with incarn

Ribcut - 26.08.2022 16:49

Survival hunters are literally in literally every top M+ group, and out of the 6 top dps rankings survival takes 3 of those ranks

Swift Eiz
Swift Eiz - 26.08.2022 05:46

Ret is S Tier noob

Phantom Anthem
Phantom Anthem - 26.08.2022 02:19

Guardian Druid makes me sad, started leveling one and it’s super fun, blood dk was kinda boring to me tbh

Mortifer713 - 25.08.2022 23:48

Outlaw should've been in A tier, Windjammer in S tier. Feral Druid and Assasin Rogue should've been in F tier, Afcane mage in C tier.

Mortifer713 - 25.08.2022 23:47

Prot Paladin should be in S tier just behind Blood DK. Prot Warrior and Brewmaster should've been in B tier, Vengeance in C, and Guardian Druid in A tier. Druid does most damage as tank as well as being nigh unkillable in AoE pulls

Mortifer713 - 25.08.2022 23:41

Forgot to mention holy nova; it's still good in tense situations if you have serenity mastery proc running even on high keys lmao

Agustin saag
Agustin saag - 25.08.2022 21:23

this lists sucks...because 80% of wow players only run keys under 20's...and there all specs are =

The 98th Maple
The 98th Maple - 25.08.2022 20:49

Ret is definitely strong ATM, with their tier set they double dip scale off haste

beaklon4life - 25.08.2022 19:39

Ret in Lower Kara specifically is amazing. Everything is undead and wake of ashes becomes an aoe stun from start to finish.

Serra Demers
Serra Demers - 25.08.2022 14:06

Shadow aoe damage is actually super good now. I think they are bottom of A tier now.
