You won’t BELIEVE What SwitchBot Hub 2 Can Do!

You won’t BELIEVE What SwitchBot Hub 2 Can Do!

Stu’s Reviews

1 год назад

12,870 Просмотров

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Den - 28.09.2023 03:17

I have 2 Hub2 and 1 Hub mini at different areas of my house. I use the buttons for curtains, but I also have the remote buttons. The outside temperature/humidity sensor was the best addition. You can switch the diplay on the Hub2 to be its own temps, or you can choose the outside sensor temps no matter how many you have. Wish: switching display would be easier.

Dal - 24.09.2023 22:07

You've extremely long

Chris Umali
Chris Umali - 12.09.2023 17:01

Thanks for the demo and info, have a great day

Anree - 12.09.2023 16:03

Great video Stu. I think you just talked me into getting the hub!
I also contributed to the thumbs up in support of the painting ^^

James Van Roosbroeck
James Van Roosbroeck - 03.09.2023 15:30

@Stu , can you give me the link for the candles please 🙏 Great review 😎

dBaby - 29.08.2023 22:38

I did my part. I cant wait til she gets to see this for the rest of her life

HI-C Cowboy
HI-C Cowboy - 25.07.2023 02:45

Just curious, are they truly IR, or are the 433MHZ? We have a lot of holiday lights with those little remotes and (I think) they use 433.

Smarthome Riggs
Smarthome Riggs - 14.07.2023 05:39

That picture is killing me. I did my part to help you get to 1K likes. Good luck my friend. 👍

joelface - 08.07.2023 00:49

What's the range like?Any chance it could control something through a door? I'd love to have it control the air conditioner in my bedroom, but also the soundbar on my TV in the next room over. Seems like a lot to get two of them just for that purpose.

Dusty Af
Dusty Af - 29.05.2023 03:07

Cmon guys get this 1K likes

Andrei Lavrenov
Andrei Lavrenov - 26.05.2023 18:44

Hey Stu, I have some questions about Homekit/Siri integration for IR:
- How does it integrate IR devices into HomeKit? Each one is separate with multiple contols? Each command is a separate item? ...
- Can you make homekit "buttons" that link together multiple commands? Eg for a TV: turn on + go to input + set volume
- Can you access all of that with Siri?
- Does the Hub 2 itself connect to HomeKit over matter, or something else?

My goal is to control my airco with Siri "turn on/off Airco, rise/lower temperature, change to fan mode, change to cooler mode, ..."

Kind regards,

Jan Gronemann
Jan Gronemann - 23.05.2023 22:57

Clothes matches study. I look forward to having a study when all the kids love out.

Mad Matt
Mad Matt - 10.05.2023 14:27

Oh no Kiera, what have you done?! 😅
Also where can I get a biblical epic Stu portrait from? Asking for a friend... 🍆

Paula K
Paula K - 06.05.2023 23:20

I have an old Switchbot Hub Plus Cloud. Whenever it loses power, it has to be manually reconnected. to wifi. Is the Hub 2 the same way?

★ Bad Ads, Real Shop ★
★ Bad Ads, Real Shop ★ - 03.05.2023 07:14

Handy video. Thank you!

Master - 29.04.2023 05:07

Great review do you know if this has the Sky Q set-top box in the database?

Leona - 14.04.2023 14:00

The fact that you are locked into a particular supplies infrastructure or ecosystem is what is preventing me from taking the plunge with smart homes this needs to be eradicated so that you can pick the best parts from each supply and have them work together. I thought that is what protocols like zigbee and matter were supposed to do, but this is looking unlikely

Tom harding
Tom harding - 13.04.2023 15:42

Stu, love the videos. Just looking for a new desk chair and saw the Hinomi review but note you seem to be using the Titan? I am 6ft 1 and 15 stone which would you recommend for 8hrs plus daily use?? Thanks and keep up the good work 👍🏻

Ian Upton
Ian Upton - 11.04.2023 13:12

A tee shirt? Has to be considered :-)

sundance2005 - 10.04.2023 22:20

FM, F'ing magic that is how IR works. Sorry but for your wife's benefit I hope you don't get 1000 likes but I likes it anyway.

Will Hartman
Will Hartman - 10.04.2023 20:51

Stu, I tried to hit the the thumbs up multiple times for you get you more likes towards your goal, Unfortunately this was unsuccessful. Hope you get there Sir!

SecretOfMonkeyIsland - 10.04.2023 16:07

Love the sense of humour you have in your videos Stu, its fun but not irritating, it definitely makes you stand out from the crowd .. keep up the good work.

Jonathan Kelly
Jonathan Kelly - 10.04.2023 08:58

Interesting video Stu, love the painting, where can I get one? Now the hub, mine cost £20, it has a button which only controls switchbot products (I already have one of these and it cost £10.50) I can never find anything to do with it though as it can pretty much only control the finger or curtains. I currently have visual temperature and humidity sensors made by switchbot which cost £13. So total of £44 ish. No good reason to upgrade. But I can see that if you are about to enter the switchbot universe it may well be a consideration. Well I would suggest don't bother, wait for the sales or until people with lots of money are selling off their old hubs for tiny amounts of money and get those. When did they put the standard hub price up from £20 to £35? One might think they did this just so that their new hub didn't look quite so expensive??? hmmmmm
Well great video Stu, keep up the good work. I have liked it, I hope you get to 1K likes. 😜

WelshTony1 - 09.04.2023 17:51

Great review, this is a great looking product but sorry I disagree with you on this one. This is to expensive for a hub, yes I know you get more than a hub but it fundamentally is a hub at the end of the day

Keith Schneider
Keith Schneider - 09.04.2023 17:06

That picture is amazing! Great idea, Stu!

Joe Aiello
Joe Aiello - 09.04.2023 16:50

Point your camera at it to see all the IR blasting from it. It's probably bouncing infrared off the walls and ceiling.

Aintcare_PhD - 09.04.2023 15:44

Damn you Stu! Always making me spend money!
Great review.

Paul Hibbert (Hibbert Home Tech)
Paul Hibbert (Hibbert Home Tech) - 09.04.2023 15:20

You forgot to include the affiliate link to the painting. It's the only thing in this video I don't already own, and it's the thing that I need the most! xxx

Monique M
Monique M - 09.04.2023 13:32

Liking to help the picture stay in the living room!

Rosie Hawtrey
Rosie Hawtrey - 09.04.2023 13:23

It can do stuff that other stuff can do with a tenth the compatibility at 4x the price.
If they want to succeed they need to cut their prices because their stuff just doesn't cut it when you can get better zigbee based almost identical devices and can do out a whole flats windows in the cost of one with switchbot. They aren't worth it.

Jonathan McD
Jonathan McD - 09.04.2023 12:43

Nice review.....and what a piece of art - lol.

Leif S
Leif S - 09.04.2023 12:43

I like the cable temp. I always hide away my temp devices to avoid getting hit by sunlight ie wrong temp.
By the way, I had a temp sensor from them where the display stopped working. I contacted them and they sent me a new one without hesitation. Big plus in my book!

Toni Hinton
Toni Hinton - 09.04.2023 12:43

Nice review! I’m just waiting for payday tomorrow to order one of these.

I hadn’t thought about using the IR to replace a fan remote. Now I can pop the original bot off my floor fan and use it somewhere else. Thanks, Stu!

Clu - 09.04.2023 12:40

This is a pretty amazing little hub, it’s basically 3-4 of their pre-existing devices in 1! And Matter is absolutely game changing for future proofing with HomeKit!

- 09.04.2023 12:31

Nice review, keep up the good work 👍🏾

Badonicus - 09.04.2023 12:30

Didn't I see this yesterday with The baldy dude😂
Ill have to swap out my old Switch bot hub now
