Why use a professional lab for printing your favorite photos?

Why use a professional lab for printing your favorite photos?

Visual Education

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Maxime - 12.09.2022 14:22

Just for future reference, a quick correction: c-prints last about 70 years while pigment prints last 400+ years.

Crazy Duck
Crazy Duck - 29.05.2022 13:04

but doesn't this all depend on the very expensive cameras at the front end? Well i know it does but this isn't even mentioned in your video here. for example you can't print an iphone photo up big like your examples.

Hell - 13.06.2019 20:51

Awesome vid!

Stancu Emil
Stancu Emil - 07.10.2017 16:46

Karl, have you ever worked on the Canson Infinity photo paper? If yes, what paper do you recommend for Wedding, Baptism and Civic Wedding photography. Thank you :)

Tim Seward
Tim Seward - 06.10.2017 17:23

This was excellent, really well done.

Big Joe Lucky
Big Joe Lucky - 10.09.2017 19:43

Great information.... well done.

Alex J
Alex J - 18.08.2017 20:41

link in description is broken

Hussain Khalaf
Hussain Khalaf - 06.02.2016 20:42

Hi Karl,
How do store you Photography equipment's?
like flashes, modifiers and stands
do you have dedicated storage area? or is is just kept in your big studio?

maybe you can do a video showing us your way of storing the equipment's


Koray Bektas
Koray Bektas - 01.02.2016 19:44

Karl, is he too big or are you too small ? :)

Mark Harris
Mark Harris - 29.01.2016 22:13

As always a brilliant and informative video, I really appreciate that you neither talk down to nor patronise the viewer. I do have a question though, because of a health condition/disability I have I will never be able to commit myself to going down the usual route of starting off with weddings etc. I have to take my photos as and when I am able. I know you are a massively successful photographer and certainly incredibly talented. But could a newcomer, if the photos are good enough, expect to be able to sell enough prints from a website to make a living allowing for costing in this quality of printing. Obviously I'm intending using SquareSpace and I will be selling prints locally as well and I'm looking at microstock and stock photos as well.

Patrick Zasada - Bildbearbeitung
Patrick Zasada - Bildbearbeitung - 15.01.2016 18:34

Thanks for the information! Do you know if it makes any sense to save pictures in ProPhotoRGB. My question is, if its possible to produce photoprints or inject prints with a larger colour space than Adobe RGB?

Nicholas Fox
Nicholas Fox - 13.01.2016 03:35

Definitely use a professional lab if you want quality results.

Martin D Turner
Martin D Turner - 13.01.2016 03:28

Great video! While I am not quite ready to create large prints, I now know a lot more than I did about the topic before watching this video; thanks, Karl. (BTW Love your theme music! :0) )

Razor2048 - 13.01.2016 02:14

If it is a small photo, then it can be convenient to print at home, though there is value to just requesting a bunch of prints and getting a great image back where you simply don't have to think about much proofing, or tweaking. You essentially pay a price premium to not have the headache. You also don't get the worry about if the ink is looking a little low and if there will be any fading before you complete the print. I just wish the cost of good professionally done prints weren't so expensive, especially for less important prints (e.g., you want a print out of an extremely cute fox that you saw in the woods).

EFD620G - 12.01.2016 21:02

As usual Karl you continue to inspire us to better results.Thank You

Ian Maw
Ian Maw - 12.01.2016 20:29

Excellent thanks.

Elias Ali
Elias Ali - 12.01.2016 20:16

you are my inspiration Karl
your photos are amazing

Chris O'Grady
Chris O'Grady - 12.01.2016 19:22

Hey Karl, I'm big on printing large C type pieces and use the 'Printspace' which is based in London. Do you think it's worth giving Fitzlab a try? Are they better than their competitors?

David Tothill
David Tothill - 12.01.2016 16:07

Riveting ...

علي - 12.01.2016 13:37

