Remove Germs from Gas and Liquid Cleaning Blueprints! Oxygen Not Included Guide

Remove Germs from Gas and Liquid Cleaning Blueprints! Oxygen Not Included Guide


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ryan florian
ryan florian - 01.07.2019 06:49

I don't think storage should work this way in the game
for one you can't store oxalite or slime because it will still give off gas from the container
it should be surface germs only not the actual contents

please fix

Jolly Joel
Jolly Joel - 11.04.2019 07:22

I realized after playing this game that "Simplified" is a relative term, one that cannot be used it's original context.

Alrion1704 - 11.01.2019 01:42

why not use a timer to cycle the first 10kg back into the input again? start of reroute at 49% and close at 51% while the output start at 50% ??

Alrion1704 - 11.01.2019 01:22

wish i could do blueprint from my rooms to copy it it game (without debug and insta build)

OnBr0kenW1ngs - 04.01.2019 00:09

for straight up oxygen production do you think this is better then a hydo bubbler/ turning the polluted gas into liquid oxygen? or just easyer?

Teo Ebratt
Teo Ebratt - 12.11.2018 18:45

For a more compact accumulator solution could you use a gas shut off, a gas pipe sensor and some logic wiring?

Justin White
Justin White - 09.11.2018 04:28

The problem I have is the pipe germ sensor requires plastic and I need a soloution to clean water before I get far enough to be able to use plastic. (I'm usually out of water by cycle 100 if I don't recycle it and I'm nowhere near having the buildings set up to refine oil)

I think I might have to use a buffer and a bridge to a shut off to capture that first germ tile in order to put it back into the tank.

king james488
king james488 - 28.10.2018 10:25

just pump it into an ice biome with a bunch of deoderizers...

Dark Angel Gaming
Dark Angel Gaming - 21.10.2018 16:53

Brothgar, with regards to the liquid in the pipe, could you also cool down the area and use radiant pipes to finish cleaning that polluted water or do you have to just stick with the reroute method?

Tommie Martin
Tommie Martin - 15.10.2018 02:10

Instead of using timers in my chlorine room I use a 'gas pipe germ sensor' directly after the tank. The automation on the sensor runs back to the pump so it will only pump forward at 0 germs. Further down the tree but honestly it's never been an issue.

Psi Q
Psi Q - 01.10.2018 20:47

i just yesterday tested a room/chlorine filled, with 4 liquid tanks (the small standing version). the flow into the first one is throttled down to 3000g/s.
the germ level gets to max ~2500germs. (polluted water already cleaned but with germs)
next tank (direct flow) gets already down to below 200germs (165 if i remember correctly).
Third tank is safety buffer , already no germs.
The 4th tank receives/stores only clean water, which can directly be used. no heating.

+ I really do hope they will go to a tank which can receive chlorine (+uv light) to clean liquids, as for the ore scrubber.
Kind of like a real ozone+uv sterilizer.
+ Also hope for automation output for (gas)tanks and cargo containers as seen on the smart batteries / fridges.
no automation needed.
-I started off with shutoff valves and manually switching to unload tank when all clean but the easy
way is to reduce the new inserted in germs under the halflife rate.

Gonna test with 2x2 tanks in parallel and one security tank to get higher flow rate.

Bit Coin
Bit Coin - 27.09.2018 19:15

hi guys did someone tried to make steam turbine work in the space? i was tryng to use the hot regolith and the vacuum of space to make this "piece of equipament" work any tips?

MrSeagull - 27.09.2018 02:28

I wonder if it's possible to entirely wipe out slimelung germs on a map?

sparky4 insano
sparky4 insano - 26.09.2018 07:28


iain thibideau
iain thibideau - 26.09.2018 03:43

brothgar. fun fact did you know that you can have an foodpoison oxygend air lock that stops other grems like slimelung from going from piont B to A or point A to B. i tested this a cuppel of times in my bases and so far it works.

Daniel McSween
Daniel McSween - 26.09.2018 01:10

Whats your plan for when there are too many comments?

HungryHunter - 25.09.2018 23:43

@Brothgar. The Liquid Container seen to have a "bug" where the water inside dont change temperature making them perfect liquit hydrogen backups.
May you look into it becouse this can be something cool to play with like a liquit glas system.

My hypothesis why this happen is this: The liquit (or even gas) is inside the tank but not "active". Its stoored like a Item and not as normal resulting in chlorine cleaning but not in temperatur exchange!

Stefan W.
Stefan W. - 25.09.2018 21:22

Hey, you can deaktivate (the Output) the tanks by hand or by automation when using a automatic door ;)

Hedning1390 - 25.09.2018 17:27

Since germs multiply in po2 but not o2 why would you disinfect the po2 and not the o2?
Since germs multiply in ph2o but not in h2o why would you disinfect the ph2o and not the h2o?

If you convert it first you have no risk of it multiplying again.

Ryder Collupy
Ryder Collupy - 25.09.2018 17:02

Brothgar, I'm currently stuck at an automation idea that I can't think my way through. I'm trying to come up with a modular liquid or gas distribution system that would work in series. Basically, in the Ultimate Automation base, you built a splitter for chilled petroleum to go through to cool different parts of your base, but I want to have an automation system for this. This is a very simple description of it, but it would be like if valve 1's thermal sensor detected too much heat, it would open valve one and disable say valve 2-4. Once valve 1's thermal sensor was in the green, valve 1 would close and valve 2 would open, and so on. Could you possibly explore this in a debug mode video or make a blueprints video on it? Thank you.

Barát Gábor
Barát Gábor - 25.09.2018 14:31

Can we cool gases which are stored inside a reservoir? Instead of having a cooling chamber like in the video? Because it would be sweet to avoid running that second pump.

Silly Gillie
Silly Gillie - 25.09.2018 13:13

Hey i know this may be asking a lot, but would it be at all possible to put your challenges, and experiments/blueprints on different playlists. Mainly because the former tend to be one watches, and the latter I tend to go back to quite often.

Burnsy - 25.09.2018 09:48

Hey Brothgar just a thought but can the cleaning gas system be reversed? What I mean by this is can you fill a gas reservoir with chlorine then fill the sealed room the reservoir is in with polluted oxygen as this would make cleaning it even easier??

Ben York
Ben York - 25.09.2018 07:37

Liquid reservoirs store around 4500kg of mass. Gas reservoirs store 150kg of mass. Anyone else bothered by the fact that gas reservoirs take up so much more space?

Hamster Jelly
Hamster Jelly - 25.09.2018 07:30

I love how you just looked at my name and instantly gave up on pronouncing it xD
I essentially use a combination of your 2 rooms, only instead of Chlorine (which might get patched) I use hydrogen with weezeworts and some radiant pipes. Cleans the slimelung from Morbs almost instantly, since the Hydrogen stays at -60C always.

Greggles - 25.09.2018 06:10

It's a shame they added easy water cleaning to the game. It outdated my fantastic system for purifying food poisoning. What I did was highly concentrate the germs in my slime room, then use a slime algae distiller, which dumps polluted water with slime lung out of its waste output pipe. The game code actually doesn't allow any coexistence of the two germs, so it overwrites food poisoning tag with slime lung tag. The slime lung dies extremely fast both from overcrowding and from dying on a liquid. It dies in clean water or polluted water way faster than slime lung dies from clean oxygen. And yes I typed this essay instead of uploading a blueprint. I'm lazy.

ƒuck - 25.09.2018 05:41

Cicada is calling...
The game is just a test for the next level

Christopher Dine
Christopher Dine - 25.09.2018 04:27

Why are you converting to oxygen after its been disinfected?

Would it not make sense to convert to oxygen first before disinfecting so that the oxygen element itself would assist in killing the slime lung?

Bob Dick
Bob Dick - 25.09.2018 03:51

Me like em science

Jonathan P
Jonathan P - 25.09.2018 03:12

I don't get why I have the same game version as you but my liquid tank won't kill germs in a chlorine atmosphere...

Darkpony - 25.09.2018 02:59

so my question is why not convert the polluted oxygen into clean oxygen with deoderyzers first then store it in the tank with clorine around it to get the double effect killing the germs. or you could just deoderyze the PO2 and wait for the germs to die off that way and forget this complicated cleaning system.

gandalftheantlion - 25.09.2018 02:18

I have a suggestion, clean the air and water before you chlorinate it to death. it should help with the disinfection process.

Tem - 25.09.2018 01:46

You can use an ore scrubber next to a bottler to remove germs from the water as it is pulled out of the resevoir

Zakura Tech
Zakura Tech - 25.09.2018 01:31

Which is more efficient - a gas tank in chlorine or radiant pipes in a wheezewart chilled rooms that freeze-out the slimelung?

Captain Bagel
Captain Bagel - 25.09.2018 01:16

It would easier using morps for the polluted oxygen production then the infected vent, you also would have more morps than the infected oxygen vents. I wounder how many morps you would need to out pace a infected oxygen vent.

Pesterenan - 25.09.2018 00:49

Brothgar I found an instance where food poisoning in the air can actually infect duplicants.
I was making oxygen with water full of food poisoning germs, when the oxygen was liberated in the air, ok, that wasn't a big deal, UNTIL a gas pump started feeding it into the duplicants environment suits.
They were FORCED to breathe germ full oxygen and got food poisoning from the air!
Take care! I always heat up my polluted water before filtering it, so, no germs. :)

Dragonheng - 25.09.2018 00:47

Combi a Tank in clorien and Oxygen prodution in a Cold area = Clean Air

Samsonite Dove
Samsonite Dove - 25.09.2018 00:40

There is actually another source of food poisoning now: the water cooler.

Justin Blocker
Justin Blocker - 25.09.2018 00:30

water storage is still almost useless the tank takes up more space than tiles would with water. Only other advatange would be the fact you can store water in that spot without worrying about the weight breaking the floor.

Alex Donivan
Alex Donivan - 25.09.2018 00:12

"it's not mine ideas it's our ideas" brothgar you are a communist

repIace aIl
repIace aIl - 24.09.2018 23:49

i have a noob question to ask.

why don't you condense the polluted oxygen?

Lavander K
Lavander K - 24.09.2018 23:34

You could get rid of useless gases by venting it into open space

Lavander K
Lavander K - 24.09.2018 23:30

Does the germ spread out side of the pipe if not can't you use the gas to cool your base (allowing the pipe the be about 100kg)
