Maximizing your Winrate in Trial of the Ancestors 800+ Rank - Strategy Guide - PoE 3.22 League

Maximizing your Winrate in Trial of the Ancestors 800+ Rank - Strategy Guide - PoE 3.22 League


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@neals6348 - 22.09.2023 21:57

Good tip for Tidecaller is grab the accessory that is for a spear character that fires 4 additional projectiles. It's insane how much damage it will do to opposing team when 5 waves fire out every time. I'm at 1800 rank so everything is a one shot and any additional dps for my team helps for times I'm reviving

@KUNAIfever - 12.09.2023 06:21

if you have a free Hinekora's Horn tho , put him in the back lane , faster revive for you and your allies

@WorldWide3133 - 09.09.2023 06:22

Honestly, the first few minutes about who to avoid and who to attack was the most valuable, then the players to go for. Great guide!!

@LossForce - 04.09.2023 05:34

I don’t understand one thing everyone trying to find a way to escape from enemy focus on Totems I’m playing an aura stacker isn’t possible that just crush through enemy with lots of DPS ? Or after certain point, it’s becoming impossible ?

@alcatraz6528 - 01.09.2023 17:14

That season sucks so much i spend so much money on my build run everythink with it no problem, in trials no chance on ranking 250+ perma stunds the enemy totems need to be destroyed 3 or 4 times it makes no fun even with all that strategy shit fuck ggg for that season!

@denisteply7111 - 29.08.2023 05:03

No point to rush, I made it to 2000 rating and it's maximum now, don't see any difference from 600 rating on loot, just more one shots

@31GramsOfProtein - 29.08.2023 04:18

What build is this?

@didasek - 28.08.2023 17:25

I use different tactic, I run to the middle then cast void sphere, run to one of the enemy totems and channel for millisecond, run back to the middle of my base and defend until flankers kill all totems.
I am playing a TRAP build which is the worst you can pick for the mechanic, because of the trap delay I also have only 1mln dps. I am at 650 right now, loosing occasionally to the immortal turtle (because of no dps)

@Zithorius - 28.08.2023 16:27

My go-to is a fieldmaster and ravager on def minimum, sunset sages and camo tuataras on flank preferably with 200% stealth, as many fieldmasters as I can on escort and maybe a hinekora horn, then a quick revive guy in case I get merc'd and then my attackers consist of anything tanky. Ravagers, hinekora horns for anti-respawn, storm conduit, jade hulk (meh tier but not dog), most of miss Nuku's units are nuts on frontline, goliaths are decent, bloodbound, frenzymonger... But yea, a 50/50 sunset/camo on flank is the win condition, some phat tank on frontline is good, at least 1 ravager and fieldy on backline and you're almost guaranteed the win and then all the fieldmasters you can get on escort for pushing or defense, pretty juicy

@nexeus7302 - 28.08.2023 13:37

Really dude? You start this video with only 2 flankers? No matter how many units you have, YOUR flankers wins the match, not you. Fieldmasters + Sages are the best flankers, and at later stages of the tournament those are imperative. You always, ALWAYS start with 4 flankers, even if shit units.

Also there's literally no point of pushing any rank other than 200. 200 is where the good loot is, the rest is for prestige. You can get literally everything from the loot table once you reach this threshold (200) with very few exceptions in the last round IF the reward is good, if its not, then I am gonna lose on purpose. I made EA Champ with Quill Rain specifically for the tournament and it shreds because the attack speed of Quill Rain is crazy on totems. You don't have to attack at all, just run around your totems to interupt with your EA while your flankers wins the match, it's that easy.

P.S. If you see that the enemy has Titanic Shell; start the match, put your totems to distract, take a safe path and rush to Titanic shell totem. That's why Sages are one of the best flankers, because they destroy enemies totems with ranged. Every other unit in this game has to get close to the totem in order to destroy it while your sages will drain the health from distance.

@AnonyMeowr - 28.08.2023 12:10

So you have a build that's made for stalling and wasting enemy time? Because i feel like the build you re playing is like 50% of the mechanic, i'm playing a tanky build but i still get one shot by every single thing and so does my team, and can't just respecc my entire shit or make a new character to go glass cannon to be able to do a bit of dmg to them or into a totem/minion build to try and cheese them. Was using your strategy for a long time now but it just doesn't work the higher you go if you don't have minions or totems. Also it's funny because you're not allowed to play actual minion builds either, you'll just get your AG and spectres instakilled.

I hate the mechanic, we're being forced into playing unfun builds to reap the rewards. My friend leveled a whole new character to cheese the mechanic with knockback and then they patched it, what is even the point. Fix the most efficient but unfun way of reaping the rewards but don't fix the broken mechanic itself.

@Ythiro - 28.08.2023 12:04

There`s some impossible match ups in this that makes me mad...
1 - Speardancers
2 - Storm conduits
3 - Titanic shell in the flank/atk position
4 - Proximity shield dudes (even if you rush against them, you gonna lose your totems)
and all the bad AI for your team, meanwhile NPC AI is godlike

@Peanutfiendsblog - 28.08.2023 10:44

The things I hate the most are the deathspeaker units that seem to take a century to kill and those giant tank turtles that guard all of the totems at once. I can deal with the one shot mechanics usually by cheese kiting around with double movement skills and placing my mage skels and radiant golem dude out while making circles around my totems. So far I haven't lost more than one round in a tournament yet so far and just broke 600 rank. Actually mage skeletons seems really cheesy in general for this league mechanic cuz they pierce everything, cant be killed and interrupt multiple screens at once.

@playtoearngaming4858 - 28.08.2023 09:57

quality is 360 max kind of low and hard to see
