Discharge Inks | Deep Dive with Colin

Discharge Inks | Deep Dive with Colin


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@scotlandskysurf8948 - 10.08.2024 02:22

Tremendous information as always! It was sooo long ago I did discharge printing but would love to get back into it. How do you clean out that screen once it’s dried up? Is it just spraying it with water and/or some on-press and wiping it out? Or do you spray with water and then let your squeegee drive it through on a couple of test substrates?

@gregcowan1494 - 10.08.2024 04:20

Just curious why you chose Aquarius for this? I noticed it’s not currently available on the site. Thanks!

@asees42 - 10.08.2024 08:37

What about hazards of Discharge printing? Effect of formaldehyde and VOC's on health?

@gloppo - 10.08.2024 09:53

Non stampo questa tipologia di inchiostri da più di 25 anni. Ricordo il mal di testa e il mal di denti durante la lavorazione (nonostante cappe di aspirazione su forno essicatore e banco da stampa). I clienti (tutti) volevano stampe belle, economiche ed eseguite molto velocemente.
Ma a quel tempo sulla scheda tecnica dell'inchiostro era scritto: "per evitare allergie alla pelle, prima dell'utilizzo lavare il capo stampato".
E dopo il lavaggio si rendeva indispensabile anche la stiratura. Questo rendeva la stampa a scarico anti-economica e rovinava il sonno dei clienti (tutti).
Non ho più stampato questo tipo di inchiostro, ma ricordo lo stupore e la meraviglia nel vedere uscire dal forno a tunnel stampe a 5 colori, "BAGNATO SU BAGNATO", su tessuto nero, belle, brillanti, MORBIDE e resistenti a qualsiasi lavaggio.
Però non ho più avuto mal di denti e mal di testa. E mi va bene così.
Grazie per questo video, mi ha risvegliato bei ricordi.

@HarmSways - 12.08.2024 14:41

Thank you Colin, I love these videos. I work as acreenprinter since almost four years and I made a hobby out of it: at home I print shirts for myself or for friends. I've only used water-based inks so far, I find it easy to clean; as I only make one print the ink doesn't have time to dry in the mesh.

I'm experimenting with discharge red, so it's not a clear like Colin's using. First, I did a single-stroke print with normal water-based, red coloured ink on a blue-dyed shirt which came out too dark. I did a print-let it dry for an hour-print, which came out nice, but lays too thick on the shirt. I did a white ink-let it dry for an hour-red ink, but the red starts to crackle after many wash-cycles and the white shines through. So far, the best I've seen was a double-stroke print with the discharge red after waving a heatgun at it.

Discharge ink and activator really stink up the place, Colin does not exaggerate. If you can, open a window while printing, or use a mask (the one you would use during reclaiming or de-hazing).

About my drying process; I don't have space for a conveyor dryer, so that's simply out of the question. A flash unit might be in my future, but since I only print one-offs how useful would that be? Using a heatgun or flatiron to cure prints might take more time, but works just as well. For me it's purely hobby, hobbies shouldn't be rushed.

@brainstormart - 27.08.2024 20:15

Would be great to get a deep dive on printing across chest of zipper hoodies for manuel printers. Help 😫 lol
