The BEST Foreskin Restoration Method (and why you should restore)

The BEST Foreskin Restoration Method (and why you should restore)


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Dave Emery
Dave Emery - 20.09.2023 04:57

Great for you! I've been restoring for years, but not consistently... You have motivated me to continue again.

Liam. - 14.09.2023 09:57

How long does it take to regrow? I have a device that ive worn for a few weeks, when should i see results?

john howard
john howard - 31.08.2023 22:39

This is '''Male Genital Mutilation'', ''Permanent Disfigurement''...Plain & Simple, How dare they? What Freedom? WHO-Why would ANYONE even think they could improve Gods perfect creation. Hand over your newborn to '''a STRANGER'' to take (in a back room) & take a knife to his genitals? IN WHOSE SICK PERVERTED MINDS THINK THIS IS RIGHT? What would have it become-NOT being scalped, scared, & never feeling complete/whole? Where is it, in a trash can/landfill? Parents upset you got a tattoo (true-wear that shirt till you die) but allow someone to whittle on their wee-one without permission. =An extra charge,-would you like fries with that?, cheese? Ca-Ching!! How many deaths reported from un-cut penises? & ''YOU HAVE TO LUBE IT FOR LIFE"-Big Oil?

Consumer - 08.08.2023 05:19

how long til you saw sensitivity gains and how much was it? how long would you estimate it takes to get there from ci-1? what ci were you?

Edwin Netto
Edwin Netto - 14.07.2023 16:46

Lucky you are informed & started young, many only found out in their 40 & 50's!

Ballistic - 20.06.2023 20:47

I am writing from Turkey. Because my family is Muslim, he had me cut when I was a baby. I wish all religions disappeared. 98%😑 of men in Turkey take a nap because of cultural and social pressures.

Gummy BEAT
Gummy BEAT - 14.06.2023 13:31

ive always wondered why i moan less than other guys and now i know its because of this, my parents are strict christians so they had to circumcise me and they even said its healthier and that im a brave kid if i circumcise to make me think its a good thing

Tim - 06.06.2023 22:06

How diffrent is the sensation from original pre circumcision once its restored?

How noticeable is the scaring compared to a non mutalated penis?

Hope is it
Hope is it - 29.04.2023 18:32

Destroyed my confidence completely in the bedroom, couldn’t take part in sport cos o showers with intact men after..Ruined me as a male growing uo

gilbert - 12.03.2023 20:16

my thingy already looks like an elephant trunk just its like 2 inches and not grey

Jason under lyne
Jason under lyne - 11.03.2023 16:11


Zevon P
Zevon P - 26.02.2023 09:59

Can you link the photos of this method you mentioned? And do you know of any devices that might be effective, even though you said they weren't your favorite? Asking because I'm trying to convince my husband to restore - and this man can't even remember to take a single pill every day that he needs, and I know with 1,000% certainty that there is no way, literally no way, that he will ever do anything 6-12 times a day, even if it's something that is extremely beneficial. It's just not going to happen. But, something he can just put on and wear? That I can see him keeping up with, because I can just remind him every morning, basically. So, if you know of any devices with a good reputation for effectiveness, I'd be really interested in that. I was looking at the TLC tugger, but I have no idea which to get or anything, and I don't have a penis obviously, so I don't quite know exactly which things will work for who and all that lol. But I really want to help him do this, it was my idea, because of the research I did on circumcision when I was pregnant - so, now I know how horrendously damaging it is and I think there are clear signs that it has affected him and I want to help him fix that to whatever extent is possible.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

TreehouseINC - 08.02.2023 03:53

The lelouch scroll is fitting since this is something lelouch would do

Talât Yûsufoğlu
Talât Yûsufoğlu - 26.01.2023 09:44

Hi bro! I have some questions on this topic. How can I talk to you? Do you have Telegram or Instagram? İt is really important for me.. Thanks.

roadmap tovancouver
roadmap tovancouver - 14.01.2023 12:26

Hi buddy, I have not seen any new stuff from you, are you doing OK ? I think of you from time to time so can you at least let me know how you are doing ? Thank you buddy.

UNITED4FREEDOM - 16.12.2022 10:53

Such an important topic. It makes me sad to know most men have gone through this procedure as infants. I can't imagine there isn't some residual trauma in the nervous system from this torture.

Mornota Fi
Mornota Fi - 29.11.2022 19:03

Lelouch ♥️

Shaun Tatham
Shaun Tatham - 29.11.2022 14:01

So glad I was never circumcised, though i want a longer foreskin to cover the tip. I've been stretching my FS for almost a year and I now have an amazing sensitive gland. I'm aiming for the foreskin to cover the head of my erect penis🤗however it's a long stretch to cover an 8inch shaft, but hay ho we have time im a single, guy so I can play all day 🌹🙏

Dragon Fan
Dragon Fan - 17.11.2022 21:01

I don't see the link in the description. I'm curious about it, but I don't see it.

Nelson - 15.10.2022 10:39

Where can I get the retaining cone??

여유. - 12.09.2022 02:31

Dear sirs, is it sucessful? how many CI?

jpnm81 - 30.08.2022 21:08

If you regrow, do you get the original sensations back?? Is it noticably better?? Is it worth it??

JSmilers - 23.08.2022 12:23

Dude, I though you would simply link some drawings of your technique down below the video. I don't want to join anything or search for stuff.

Gorami - 21.08.2022 03:59

i am sadly circumcized so yes this would be nice to restore pls

Caveman Dude
Caveman Dude - 02.08.2022 05:09

I have a tough question
Right under my scarline is a big vein wich goes horizontally around the whole penis . It moves with the scarline.
This vein keeps me from doing all this stuff because i want the vein right were it ist because it belongs there. How can I find a way to just restore but not moving the vein ?

Haberniscus - 22.07.2022 02:33

Do you get increased feeling?

Omok Ok
Omok Ok - 04.07.2022 13:56

Any faster methods available?

Omok Ok
Omok Ok - 04.07.2022 13:36

Can I have the link to the device

VENI VIDI VICCI🧖🏽 - 24.06.2022 18:20

Still a c1-2 but somehow my dick got bigger

Ian Stewart Orr
Ian Stewart Orr - 12.06.2022 01:00

One skin two skin three skin fore skin

indigo_yes - 04.06.2022 20:07

We had our son at home freebirth style. Dad is circumcised but we both decided we would never cut our son . He is perfect and whole! We think he is beautiful just the way he is and we are so excited to raise him intact and to love himself. It is a relief to know he will be able to better bond with his sexual partners. I am so happy for my son to know he doesn't know this trauma.

Depth Klocke
Depth Klocke - 24.05.2022 01:37

i uhh already get reverberations...

wut yea
wut yea - 19.05.2022 10:18

I'm very lucky I was born to parents, one of which was European. The Jews didn't get me! Woooooo!

TestMyPatienceYoungChicken - 14.05.2022 05:21

This is brilliant, thank you!

Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 08.05.2022 03:54

Pro tip: Peep the Akashic records in your dreams for advance healing.

Snagger M2D Manuel
Snagger M2D Manuel - 26.04.2022 00:31

Wish I didn't have circumcision done on me, I was around the age of 8 - 9 - 10? Had a very bad infection around the head because my skin couldn't be pulled down properly, very tight and painful. But now that I'm older I've realized that the whole fucking thing could've been solved by just stretching it out in my own way and slowly but surely pulling it down past the head. Doctors have done that before...Why didn't they do it again?? Or give some sort of pills to numb the pain? Like Panadol.... Literally couldn't say anything because I was in so much physical pain, and because I didn't have any sort of father figure present in my life nobody could've suggested me....The doctors and my mother are at fault here, they could've helped! But chose not to in a heated situation....NOT ONLY IS IT PAINFUL TO MASTURBATE, BUT ALSO EXTREMELY EXHAUSTING AT THE SAME TIME! Plus everyone said it would make it grow bigger.... Please nothing grew to be 8 inches long here...So why just give me useless excuses at this point...The damage has already been done here.

Marilyn Drawings
Marilyn Drawings - 28.02.2022 10:28

My foreskin is less I want long it is possible to get long foreskin without using any device?

A K - 22.02.2022 13:07

Can I get rid of turkey neck ?

C Radica
C Radica - 18.02.2022 21:53

my mom says not to restore since restoration is unnatural

Infinite Legion
Infinite Legion - 07.02.2022 10:57

Male circumcision is the mother of all male related traumas.

321NanoPharah - 27.01.2022 21:19

U have smegma

Kandisz Nóra
Kandisz Nóra - 28.11.2021 23:02

So TLDR the guy jerks off hourly for 12 hours per day to loosen the skin on his penis and form a new foreskin. WTF dude, don't you have anything else to do in your off time? Seriously.

Alexander Dashit
Alexander Dashit - 28.11.2021 04:59

As somebody that got circumsised because i wanted to, having experiened the before and after, you are blatantly blaming your own problem (a valid one, it was decided for you) With all of your life. And by the way i can debunk you on all points, Just to start: foreskin is not a "sexual part" it is indeed just skin. It is whats underneath you try to explain but you don't know enough.

Cormac Maher
Cormac Maher - 24.11.2021 03:38

Bro, wtf

Longle - 23.11.2021 04:19

Can older guys do it? Do you know if age effects the speed at which you can restore?

LIFE WITH RILLA - 17.11.2021 07:13

Weird, i've been thinking of having mine removed lmao

Fabio B
Fabio B - 14.11.2021 03:58

but if it feels better dont you want to do it more often then?

Matthew Pipes
Matthew Pipes - 13.11.2021 21:53

You need therapy

scooby pippen
scooby pippen - 11.11.2021 08:08

is this sematary
