Maya vs 3DS Max | Which Autodesk 3d Software is Better For You? 2021

Maya vs 3DS Max | Which Autodesk 3d Software is Better For You? 2021


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@danlane9917 - 22.11.2023 18:42

I've found Maya seems to do better with heavy complicated scenes, also complex custom rigs seem to run smoother in Maya.

@andresli3d - 17.10.2023 02:51

Love your style, very well explained the differences of the two apps, thanks for the video!

@markhunter1993 - 28.09.2023 10:13

i actually prefer maya for modelling. i hate the whole right click convert to editable poly thing in 3dsmax.

@3Dgamespot - 22.09.2023 10:46

Blender blender blender

@TheTimeProphet - 06.09.2023 00:36

What you said about the 3ds Max slate compared to compact. Compact isn't just for using pre-made materials. I make all my materials using the compact view because I learned max before it had a slate editor. You can do everything in the compact view, that you can do in slate.

@iamapie13 - 05.08.2023 06:24

Max is sloooooooooooooow.

@pinakgawas3154 - 03.08.2023 06:29

Okay so i have a very different view on this topic, I started my career 5 year ago and was using 3ds max which at the time i thought was great and a beast at modeling but during covid i had to switch to blender and it took me a week to learn all the hotkeys and UI. About a year back i decided to specialize in characters so mostly I used zbrush, blender in my workflow but i wanted to use a good retopo software so i gave maya a shot and it turned out i loved maya from the start. I just use it for its retopo and sometimes for Xgen but given its uv tools and the modeling toolkit and mostly its UI I would prefer Maya over Max now. I recently tried to go back to Max and for me it felt so outdated, the UVs are hell to work without plugins and the UI just seems so frustrating to work around. I still use blender with all custom addons which has made me kinda habitual of using hotkeys while modeling but if i was to choose between Maya and Max today, Maya is so far ahead it's not even a competition.

@WolfgangSchenkel-nb5om - 09.07.2023 11:06

Do you know how to download a cracked version of 3ds max?

@romanoban - 03.06.2023 04:40

now i'm more confused

@ninjanick5769 - 30.05.2023 12:50

Interesting accent, wonder where its from. Oh and cool cap,lol

@MotavisionHD - 13.05.2023 21:13

Great job Robyn!

@MrIamadon - 08.05.2023 23:33

thank you very much

@cg.man_aka_kevin - 11.04.2023 09:41

For those who bought Maya or 3DS Max for thousands of dollars, they always defend how good these two softwares from Autodesk are, Even though they know that blender is better and moreover it's free :D ( not the best, but better... ) So basically, Blender is combines all the features into one FREE software, And all of these features are given updates that are very clear, detailed but easy to understand, everything is good and not just focused on a few areas of tools, and MORE COMMUNITIES than Autodesk I think... :)

@joelflorian1412 - 29.03.2023 03:51

I am going from Blender into Maya

@travisrassel9978 - 13.03.2023 19:14

I have used maya and max but I prefer max.

@multimagical3137 - 10.03.2023 09:24

Both for rich peoples, blender!

@KojiKamori - 02.03.2023 18:43

I work in the industry professionally and as you stated in this video, is exactly how I use both. Max for modeling, and Maya for rigging and animation. I hate Maya for modeling but it does well for animation and rigging too. The reason why there is both Max and Maya is because our Beloved overloads bought out Max when Max was owned by another company called Discreet. Though due to Max being very much the tool that a lot of industrial industry uses, well, it was kept on all these years and mostly unchanged too in its layout and function. Though I do say, I hate the UI since what, 2017? All the slim over simplification of icons makes me really want to barf every time I see it and when they added new features, making them too similar to old ones really grinds my gears. So keep note of that, great programs but the UI "designers" are like the architects of today, they only there to make things "look" in their own eyes, pretty, and care less about function.

@canjb - 01.03.2023 10:12

omg, what a drag. Learning Maya... gosh. I Hate starting over from scratch when I already know max =( but this video said enough and heard it before, Maya is the real deal.
nice upload ty, good info!

@Rain3D2022 - 20.02.2023 23:17

Very love maya😍🤩😎

@anubhav3d - 15.02.2023 15:11

You talk cool

@pipke1191 - 09.02.2023 21:00

tks for a very helpful video also you are very beautiful :D

@Atifhanif412 - 30.01.2023 13:17

can i work with both like if create models in 3ds max and its animation in maya

@oskars_l - 15.01.2023 12:35

Used to use 3DMax long time ago, but it was very expensive for all the bugs and crashes those days. So switched to Blender for modelling. For modelling Blender is really good. Hard surface modelling. But I feel pain when it comes to rigging and animation. It is working, but damn not easy .. So I will give a try to Maya for rigging

@yinon_tal - 30.12.2022 13:07

Thanks for the explanation! I think I go for maya because my passion is dust, fire and etc

@crystalparticle7349 - 27.12.2022 02:27

I hated 3d now i want to learn 2d art and become a photoshop artist in addition of learning python programming, i wasted years on 3d for nothing.

@yoqubsamigdjanov3021 - 29.11.2022 16:32

blender is the best))

@henryhyp6080 - 30.09.2022 02:33

I used maya for 2 years and recently i jumped into the max due its considered by many people as the best hard surface modeling software but its not working atleast for me
And I should say I dont care that maya's work flow in modeling is destructive and it lacks of some useless things such as smart extrude or making hole
The whole process is much faster than max

@razo9473 - 29.09.2022 07:33

Thanks RobynO. I was just so confused between picking one from both these software's. This video definitely help me to me the decision easier.

@KaustavMajumder - 11.09.2022 10:22

I'm trying to learn Max after getting comfortable in Maya for quite a few years, My current situation when I open up Max is "Where is everything I need?" 😃

@mousse4493 - 30.07.2022 05:56

Going with 3ds Max after trying both out. I liked both but I think I honestly prefer Max for it's modeling tools and many of it's plugins, namely tyflow. Also, Bifrost is fortunately being integrated into Max sooner or later according to the roadmap. Either way, I will still be using Maya for rigging and animation, not just because it's more intuitive in that aspect, but also because of the plugins available, like animBot and Ziva VFX. As for some of the stuff Max lack behind in, I'll use Ornatrix for the hair management things if I were to do those.

@eudymaverickmentor - 29.07.2022 23:40

A very great video that is pretty much spot on. A few things, both Maya and Max have Bifrost. Though it is implemented better in Maya.
One little picky thing. An app is a software that does one thing. Like Spotify app. It plays music. A software that does multiple things, like model, animate, digital effects, rendering, ect. is an Application. Both Maya and 3DS Max are applications, not apps. Funny how the modeling interface you show in Maya is using the 3DS Max modeling tools that were brought into Maya to improve it's workflow.

@ILLRICARDO - 25.07.2022 12:25

I like Maya, it's the buggy and crashes a lot of the time😖

@erniemey5432 - 30.06.2022 15:01

Crazy prize for 3ds max , i have to pay R125 000 for a 3 year license, it is unafordable for south africans.

@davidpenfound - 24.06.2022 12:04

Ty flow in max!

@MrAmmarTV - 24.06.2022 04:45

great vid thanks,

@orientaxis - 19.06.2022 21:12

A moment for Silence 🤐 For Houdini and Blender

@mayurhedau5930 - 07.06.2022 19:34

3ds max is 10 times better and faster at modelling but studio I work uses Maya for everything. So I have switch Maya which was so hard considering how edit poly and modifiers work in max.

@EthelbertCoyote - 02.06.2022 22:26

You missed the plug in and display pollycount differnces between the 2 is my only comment.

@i_am_a_real_cat1443 - 28.05.2022 19:30

the answer is c. Blender

@trongpx - 24.05.2022 09:10

thanks <3

@bobsteven2363 - 10.05.2022 23:39

Blender beats both. Except blender sucks at all the basic tasks like for example retopo, sculpting, texturing, importing fbx, exporting fbx, simply being stable (I once had a 50 million poly model that would crash every few mins so I had to finish it in 3ds max) . So, I still end up using multiple programs. When it comes to it, the best thing you can do if u have budget constraint is to simply stick with blender. But if u do 3d full time, use more than 1 program. Its a game changer. Once you know 2 programs, swapping between them is like changing shoes. U got ur snow boats for winter, flip flops for summer, running shoes for running, etc. When u learn the fundamentals of 3d, u can transfer those skills to separate programs with ease. and if u are really good at blender or maya and go into a company that uses a separate program, they will take the time to train you. They care about your ability not your knowledge of a specific program. My workflow right now is blender for quick concept, zbrush for sculpt, maya for asset finalization and anim, substance painter for texturing and finally unreal engine strictly for animation renders. But somedays i simply do all of it in blender cause not all projects are big and blender is the fastest (fanboys dont attack me, this is a fact. Blender is the fastest at the cost of being robust)

@AtomLabX - 12.04.2022 06:15

if you want to something half decent, you need 32gb of ram at least with ether or...
I mean i you want to use 8gb. of ram, then mostly you want to open the box (cube) and that is it.

@darien07 - 24.03.2022 21:26

Thank you so much! You fixed my life!!!
Long time ago, I worked first with 3DMax(Love it for Product design and even particles)and then worked a little bit with Maya(Harder), But I'll focus on Maya again only; I'm only going to work on VFX Film, and start learning more about explosions/smoke/hair/fire...
3 questions:
-Where can I learn Maya?
-Do I keep my mac for video_edits/8K/audio, and windows for after effects and recommend Nuke, for a better flow between my Edits(scenes) 2d and 3d elements; Or just stay with AE to finish my scenes?

@creative_xpressions - 24.03.2022 20:08

Is there camera tracking in maya?

@HonestOK2930 - 23.02.2022 17:24

If you're freelancing then neither because they're so expensive. Also, I think they are loosing their grip on being the "Industry" standard, which is such an arbitrary term that says nothing about what the software is capable of.
I've used Lightwave, Maya, Max (very very little), Modo, and recently Blender. I used to hate Blender, but I gotta say its pretty amazing now. I've worked with companies that use Lightwave, Max, and now Blender.

@pascalcreativedesign8790 - 04.02.2022 04:11

I'm even more confused now. How does one choose between 3ds max and maya if you can only have one? I like both and I'm afraid to miss out. I only model, texture and render. Don't animate or do vfx right now. Not there yet but both are full of possibilities. I have 3 days left before I have to pick one. Help. ~ A very lost artist. I want to pick Max but will I have friends?

@daanthijssen1748 - 19.01.2022 14:03

Will defenitely check Maya out for some of the things you just said there!

@imani828 - 17.01.2022 18:47

Thank you for this! nice and swift!
