Trump Psychic Predictions: Felon or Victim? | Coffee with Craig

Trump Psychic Predictions: Felon or Victim? | Coffee with Craig

Craig Hamilton-Parker

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@saralakushwaha1180 - 01.07.2024 14:02

Thank you dear craig, you make me happy to know that Trump is going to win.

@dannythatcher8263 - 30.06.2024 13:47

If you think Trump is so great go on tube and watch Project 25 and see how it will destroy our country dismantling the Department of Education FBI and many other government agencies giving him the power to be a dictator I voted for him but several will again I lost my respect for him he I turned into an immoral sexual person who criticizes everyone he is not the same person he was when he was in office he is no longer the roll model for my children so sad he did so much for us

@user-dl4lr2qp8x - 27.06.2024 05:11

Trump’s personal life has nothing to do with how he runs the country. I disagree with him supporting Israel’s genocide as well as not pardoning or supporting Julian Assange.However, there’s a reason people are after him.

@user-jd7pj7yx8r - 25.06.2024 17:37

Biden is a senile idiot

@NBilling - 25.06.2024 13:01

Kamala Harris will become the President of the United States. She will be a good president, prioritizing the needs of the average American people, not those of the wealthy +++

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:32

Yes because he claims to be a Christian how many of those laws has he broken?

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:28

What's been happening is it's his time of karma, is is working overtime

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:23


@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:20

Nothing is set in stone, not even in the Stars

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:19

Why not they have nowhere else to go

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:18

He will not win women will carry this election

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:17

Appeals are nothing more than stonewalling

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:16

Systems are not working in many countries including Europe

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:14

If there is he cooked it up himself

@AlmaMercer - 24.06.2024 18:12

And I think you're wrong

@debbieb5673 - 23.06.2024 11:34

Trump stands behind dictators and he’s nuts.

@carrief4371 - 21.06.2024 09:12

Thank you.

@mlcarter6281 - 21.06.2024 02:06

Trump makes PT Barnum look like mother Theresa. Being from NYC and a boomer, I've heard a lot about this guy. literally thousands of lawsuits from tradesmen he did not pay as agreed. He knew these men and women (plumbers, carpenters, electricians etc) could not afford to take him on in court. He just wouldn't pay his bills. A total thief. Educate yourselves and stop pulling crap outta thin air.

@Ana-yy1mw - 18.06.2024 22:09

I like the insightful topic.

@HaulingPros1 - 18.06.2024 19:18

I've been seeing so many physics reporting that Frozen Man will win the next round,,
Its good to hear another viewpoint on this, I really hope your right & it comes to pass!!!

@wiegel79 - 16.06.2024 01:37

You have to wonder why they hate him so much 🤔

@AlmaMercer - 15.06.2024 16:11

So you as a physic say lawlessness, over justoce ?

@AlmaMercer - 15.06.2024 15:57

What you is his chart , and the. Stars are. Not always right .

@AlmaMercer - 15.06.2024 15:53

He will loose. Twisted justice . Our country is in a bad state .

@jeffreymiller6343 - 15.06.2024 01:23

Craig any thoughts on who Donald Trump is going to pick for his Vice President I am hoping so much it is going to be Tulsi Gabbard

@amydungan6134 - 14.06.2024 10:18

Sounds like you're for Trump

@roxanajordan9507 - 14.06.2024 06:58

Trump is a morally bankrupt, racist malignant narcissist interested only in enriching himself. He would choose staff based only their loyalty to him with no thought to qualifications. He is a vengeful fascist, deserves to be in jail. He is no victim, he has been a lifelong criminal.

@mariacabezas - 14.06.2024 03:50

Hi Craig. Wonderful predictions. We would like to see a video on why are there Russian ships in the Bay of Havana??🧐 It seems strange....

@Redd2973 - 13.06.2024 13:58

I have made predictions about Trump myself and have been right this far. I can't say my predicted outcome on here but I think you know what I'm talking about. All in all I think you and I probably have about the same vision word for word.

@user-yq9lt8jn6r - 12.06.2024 20:55

May God blessed President Trump and his family!

@polesiren8516 - 12.06.2024 08:46

Definitely voting for Trump ❤

@user-oq3et5kc6v - 11.06.2024 17:59

Chichester Biden ?!
I knew he was English!
Why os he lying

@hjordis6817 - 11.06.2024 16:05

Please,Listen to what Trump is actually very clearly says about what he want to do! Remember history! I can undertand the anger, the frustration but please, do everything to defend Democracy and law....Be aware of autocratic tendencies of men i power both political and big money. Take the fight with Big Money not with Democratic forces.

@FrancesGoff-gf2jt - 10.06.2024 22:40

It's the ONE WORLD ORDER AND THE ECONOMIC FORUM the want to control the people of the world .

@FrancesGoff-gf2jt - 10.06.2024 22:38

It's the ONE WORLD ORDER AND THE ECONOMIC FORUM the want to control the people of the world .

@FrancesGoff-gf2jt - 10.06.2024 22:29

The crock is Joe Biden!! The only thing that Trump is guilty Loving America and the American people .
We the people know who the Criminals Are from the White House the FBI,AND JUSTICE SYSTEM,

@user-jd4wk2lk7m - 10.06.2024 08:08

Trump 2024!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@carolyncorrell5626 - 09.06.2024 21:48

I live in a free country and I intend to continue to. I will do everything I can to see Trump defeated if he wants to be a dictator for life he can move to Russia and see how fast Putin let's him live.

@sandraw6499 - 09.06.2024 10:05

Now the question is a mistrial?

@goodpickx3644 - 09.06.2024 02:28

Not Biden no trump I want true change

@sarahs5340 - 08.06.2024 21:21

It’s so true Craig, as a sensitive, I believe the future is kind of jelly-like. Short-term is easier perhaps, but free will plays a huge role.

@user-kj6kf8mt3v - 08.06.2024 19:51

Ho craig something just happened in the Trump trial a cousin one of the jurours sent an email. To the courts Facebook page and he said he knew that trump would be convicted. And the jury people have discussed the case to other people. Bad news

@michaelclayton3900 - 08.06.2024 14:08

The evil doers are not going to stop Trump! Trump will win in November 2024! My prediction is that Bragg and his crew , including Biden, will get into a scheme of vengeful behavior, and this will lead to Biden resignation from office. It will be similar to Nixon case, Watergate. However, I also see Hunter Biden being convicted and given probation, and he will also be banned from holding any future political office in any capacity. Basically, it's barred for life! Trump will be our 47th President of the United States of America! In addition, his safety is in jeopardy as far as someone trying to do harm to him. I see bad things happening in the streets this October 2024. This is when we need to be vigilant in public places! I went to a psychic in Houston, Texas. She told me to be careful this coming October. I don't normally volunteer my information until it happens. However, the nation is in chaos and turmoil right now, and people are desperate when it comes to their finances and future. Craig, I believe, is right on this prediction! The warning signs are real, and something will happen. Keep a close watch on your surroundings. In military terms, use your 360 situational awareness 24/7. I'm not inciting fear. I'm seeing an American Revolution as this upcoming election takes place. As a concerned citizen and disabled military veteran . I know all about how crazy people can become when it comes to their political views. Military taught me to be vigilant at all times. Domestic violence and terrorism are always a concern during an election year! Be safe wherever you go. However, don't be scared. God is in control always. The devil will always try to destroy good people. Never lose faith. God will help us make America Great Again! 🙏 🇺🇸

@hmth86 - 07.06.2024 17:25

Trump was never presidential material, and his behaviour before, during and after his presidency have shown this. He will continue destroying America and evading the law as long as he is allowed to. The people more determined to vote for Trump are just foolish, his self serving agenda has always been on full display.

@LordWalsallian - 07.06.2024 02:37

I don’t like Trump, he’s arrogant with an ego the size of Brazil who acts with the same level of emotion as a toddler throwing a tantrum, he’s not professional, doesn’t think before he speaks and does purely say things he KNOWS his MAGA Cult will lap up (he has no plans on doing most of it, the wall never did get built)…however at the same time, if this was Democrat Politician who’d paid off a Prostitute in the same way Trump did…it would NEVER have made it to Court. The very fact it made it to a Court of Law is purely political. All of these charges appear politically motivated which sets a precedent that every ex President or politician could now be charged with crimes. Would i be sad to see Hilary Clinton in the dock over her finances? Not in the slightest. The Clintons have so many skeletons in their closets…stuff we don’t even know about.

@brahmeshvaram2862 - 06.06.2024 22:02

Thanks Craig. a) As of a few days ago, the first poll after the conviction the first poll (a UK paper) had DT up 6 % points from before the conviction, b) DT's fund-raising broke all records by raising $80 million in 10 hours by only small donation amounts (less than $100). I haven't see DT as happy and buoyant as his first full-length interview after the conviction
Your view of the energy causing world events is not opposed to the fact there is a conspiracy. They are responding to energy also. You and we can change them also. There is no fundamental difference between the cabal / illuminati and visible politics. The spiritual background is the background for both visible and unseen politics, including ETs. These are "the forces that control the world." So you speak about the illuminati all the time, you just don't use that word. Collective consciousness is still mixed in its nature, causing both the conspiracy, the rising spirituality, the media, you, and everything else, and we in turn change it. It is a mutual causation. That is the nature of duality, both sides influence each other. You say "unelected hidden forces" - what does this mean other than a conspiracy? Why deny it?
You're right about favoring and entertaining positive thoughts and feelings and attention.
not dangerous, no need to worry. Heavenn on earth is assured. I have a list of 103 spiritual visionaries who foresee heaven on earth beginning to manifest widely in the global mainstream soon, with 43 of them saying 2025-2030. My pendulum says this year, nothing unprecedented. 2025-2030 a combination of dawning heaven on earth and the storm. 2085 - heaven on earth established (no significant problems on earth. There is no 'maybe' about finding our ways through, for the majority who will make it through.

@carolyncorrell5626 - 06.06.2024 10:05

He thinks Adolph Hitler, Mousslini, and Putin are his heroes... Anyone of them would have already eliminated him as a weak link. He is the one that says I'm going to be a dictator... and we should listen to him. trump is telling us what he's going to do. I fir one will not vote for him .

@maryaomalley4306 - 06.06.2024 04:38

Tulsa Gabbard, a possible Trump VP candidate's father is from American Samoa, her mother is of European descent. I wonder if she is the woman you have been seeing in your psychic impressions as VP with Trump.

@donnasherwood283 - 06.06.2024 01:50

what is so obnoxious about this is that in the morass he entered in '16 he was quickly able to start to make a substantial difference the reality is how EASY IT IS TO CORRECT THINGS" i am certain mr. parker is not really aware but this has gone far enough over here that even people of decency who are not his supporters are speaking out in his defense. Lets hope the overreach by the far left has trapped them into a place where they cannot retreat from. I think this is a trend the perfectly wonderful Mr. farage is hoping to ride in britain
