stranger than us (full gay film) 2019 O.O.P

stranger than us (full gay film) 2019 O.O.P

The Wade Radford Archive

1 год назад

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Eddie Tucker
Eddie Tucker - 28.10.2023 22:37

How funny… in a just the perfect timing way. Today is the 28th Anniversary of the day me and my husband met. The story of these two characters first meeting and going on a weekend trip for their first date is basically just like ours. We met at a High School Marching Band Competition. After the contest, we went and shared food at a restaurant. Me having learned from life’s experiences, I wanted him to tell me everything about himself and in visa versa.
I let him know that I was an alcoholic and that God and my sobriety will always come before him. I believe in being honest with no hesitations from the very beginning. He told me about his HS Band. It turns out his Band was the most talented organization I had seen in my life, and I didn’t know he graduated from there.
The truth of life is… just be open and honest from the very beginning. If the guy can’t handle it, the worst he can do is say no. And then you go on with your life, as does he. He was cautious and yet trusted me, so I invited him to go the next weekend to the Texas State Marching Band Contest in Austin. So, the next weekend we drove to Austin for the weekend on our real first date. I told him all about my upbringing in Rural Northeast Texas and he told me how he grew up in a well to do family.
The conversation has gone for 28 years today. And the Area (State advancement) Contest is going on today, just like when we met.
And then I run across your film on this very day, and I’m sitting here repeating, “de ja vu”. Life is a circle ⭕️ !

Dudley Diehl
Dudley Diehl - 21.10.2023 07:03

Very well written. The emotions are so real, having lived with them personally. The self hate that rejects others out of fear of rejection. Truly touching and beautifully resolved. Thank you!

F Davis
F Davis - 19.10.2023 19:23

Wow beautiful. They were there for each other. Heartwarming.

Andrew McTaggart
Andrew McTaggart - 16.10.2023 17:28

What a compelling film.

shannon alver
shannon alver - 09.10.2023 12:26

This was lovely. Now they need to go on and live together very happily for the rest of their lives. I may not have that, but i wish it for them.

j groot
j groot - 06.10.2023 20:38

een mooie film en prachtig gespeeld met goede acteurs👍

Roo Potts
Roo Potts - 04.10.2023 23:19

don’t get me wrong this was good but it should have been called “i can fix him” 😂

ouis mais
ouis mais - 04.10.2023 23:05


Thomas Henry
Thomas Henry - 02.10.2023 05:39

A beautiful story of two good people who found love and acceptance in each other’s compassion. I am 72 and can say that touched my heart .

Felicia Guadarrama
Felicia Guadarrama - 30.09.2023 14:11

Que lastima no se otro idioma que el español

F Davis
F Davis - 30.09.2023 05:03

Loved This they had compassion for each other and wanted to be there for each other. Life is so difficult sometimes.

david lange
david lange - 02.09.2023 14:36

Thank you.

John Bell
John Bell - 01.09.2023 06:29

A beautiful film! I fell in love with Wade Radford watching this!

Champalaune patrice
Champalaune patrice - 01.09.2023 00:19

Very moving film . Fantastic performance of the actors ..

Kelly Pond
Kelly Pond - 31.08.2023 10:39

What a beautiful movie

Pedro Rodrigues
Pedro Rodrigues - 03.08.2023 21:56

One of the most beautiful and fulfilling movie I have ever seen. Thank you so very much

fel b
fel b - 10.07.2023 22:36

Wow 👏👏
I have no words!!
Tremendous film making!!!!!! ❤
Thank you for posting!

Levi Jennings
Levi Jennings - 04.05.2023 21:19

UNEXPECTED, story, hadn't a clue where it was going ....two damaged men hadn't a clue the tough one was actually the most damaged and hyper sensitive of the two, i thought. The way it... the protective and strong on a side with insecure and want of protection on the other side, just interesting the way it switches back and forth throughout the film ....i have just never seen anything with these dynamics.....defensive mechanisms intact as they withdraw the sparing and finally realize they are safe...wonderful and do love the black and white, great moody quality....wonderful film..,,

Bill Tomes
Bill Tomes - 30.04.2023 03:09

Amazing! Powerful! Actor that plays JD was incredible. Chemistry amazing. Loved it.
