Will She Cheat For A CyberTruck?! | UDY Loyalty Test

Will She Cheat For A CyberTruck?! | UDY Loyalty Test


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@calbertstrong1354 - 04.03.2025 07:13

If u cheat for a trash ass vehicle like a cybertruck then u deserve to get cheated on

@oliverleg8848 - 01.03.2025 16:59

Jeez, the way they smoothly slid that ad in there 💯💯💯

@ayindewoods9285 - 28.02.2025 23:27

She’s trash!! And tried to flip it on him??? 😩😩

@Jsarmy87124 - 28.02.2025 08:49

I mean you was ? You deserve everything go girl he can't take you out and speak a correct English

@zuzannadiakowska6896 - 27.02.2025 09:26

That‘s crazy how every cheater sayed the most nonsense and tried manipulating their Partners to belive that nothing was going on Like wtf

@davidmeza6446 - 27.02.2025 07:29

Are you going to LA from Barstow and you make it back in three hours after you work bro you gotta work harder than that if you’re gonna want to keep that woman

@davidmeza6446 - 27.02.2025 07:26

Why don’t you guys bring up the real shit? She said she needs a future husband and she don’t want her man to get in the way.

@davidmeza6446 - 27.02.2025 07:20

Dude, you cannot blame her for wanting to get out of Barstow and drive a cyber truck

@davidmeza6446 - 27.02.2025 07:18

This dude is walking downstairs and she’s gonna lose out on her future husband with the baby blue cyber truck

@davidmeza6446 - 27.02.2025 07:13

My little Japanese girlfriend sit at the best. There’s 1 million girls like me out there then I’ll find out she had another boyfriend and a husband

@davidmeza6446 - 27.02.2025 07:04

Where I’m at in the show listen you fucked up and do you really wanna lose this woman? I know she wants to get out of Barstow, but this is where the show fucks up a lot of good relationship so you keep that woman you know I have the most beautiful woman in the 80s and she cheated on me a couple timesbut I didn’t put it in the body bag

@davidmeza6446 - 27.02.2025 06:57


@Naty825 - 26.02.2025 16:21

Why she scratching her arm so much 😭 she nervous asf

@Naty825 - 26.02.2025 16:12

It don’t count she just want a free outfit and some food 😫

@greaveslb75 - 25.02.2025 21:48

All these chicks call their guys weird 😅😅😅

@greaveslb75 - 25.02.2025 21:47

All these chicks call their guys weird 😅😅😅

@greaveslb75 - 25.02.2025 21:38

The fact that she's not checking him for doing some sneaky shit behind his boy back says a lot! She has no problem with that type of character because she's sneaky as shit also!

@chillaxin1926 - 25.02.2025 11:22

Guess what? I learned a new word today: whip 😁

First time I've ever heard ppl refer to cars that way

For a moment, I thought that Antonio had met his match for once. That dude, I swear... 🙏

He's smooth even after the revelation -- he just states the facts and don't try to tear anyone down.

@1221doughboy - 25.02.2025 07:38

Just saw Antonio on THE VOICE!!! Just had to double-check the video to make sure it was him lol. John Legends replay button! Good luck to you!!!

@only_loke - 24.02.2025 11:20

have a conversation with me is crazy they not gonna be honest lmao 99% of women are narcissist

@only_loke - 24.02.2025 10:55

@udy can i sit in sometime this is hilarious

@lenstanleymrb - 24.02.2025 08:16

I feel bad for her

@nesyiahtaylor1293 - 24.02.2025 02:48

she was too friendly at that table 😂

@VictoriaEXx - 23.02.2025 11:42

This show is Evil

@kingnpc - 23.02.2025 03:11

bro I like kyle so much, he gotta be my favourite

@kweendee7824 - 23.02.2025 02:58

I think she was hot on his tracks and he pulled this stunt to take the heat off him. This content creator is really foe the bros not really taking into account the unknown factor of what goes on in a relationship behind close doors. Your u yave to have discernment and read bwtween the lines. I like jack tv that he has follow up video to give clarification.

@sharobb6904 - 23.02.2025 02:21

So basically, I keep running into the cheaters, and the women like this keep getting the good guys. Omg 🤨😂

@beprominent7860 - 22.02.2025 09:55

I mean she may have failed but she’s a great daughter 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@marianagamboaguevara5786 - 22.02.2025 00:42

Honestly hers ex boyfriend is actually everything she said…im mean shes not just the problem here

@meishabrown8052 - 21.02.2025 05:50

I honestly don’t see anything wrong, well actually think it was wrong for her to stay with her boyfriend knowing internally that she deserves more than what he was giving her. She was literally thirsty for TLC, attention, gas money just a simple outfit. Her man deprived her from feeling important then someone just said a few words and she was ready to explore. It’s not her fault for wanting more but it is her fault for staying when she realized this.

@itsthekidkc - 21.02.2025 05:19

My question is how can’t she hear them talking upstairs ? 🤔

@deerhunter5305 - 20.02.2025 22:03

My girl better cheat for a cyber truck. 50/50

@jrollins14 - 20.02.2025 20:59

Great Content!!!

@adhyanayak3062 - 20.02.2025 19:56

I am still gonna benefit the doubt. I mean I feel like communication was the problem still. I feel like she has a point. I am not telling this cause I want my gut feeling to be true, even they are always true .They both didn't trust each other, other would get suspicious on other and think he or she are cheating . I still like they should have continued and take it to a phase 3 . Idk honestly. What Yall think ? 😅

@claramyboo0817 - 20.02.2025 19:54

She passed idc

@brittanyanderson1295 - 19.02.2025 11:34

Her boyfriend "brokey". Nothing of value was lost here.

@xlya92 - 18.02.2025 23:32

idgaf i’m on the girls side. the girl insecure and the guy dgaf really if she did fail guessing he probably cheated too

@mr.chandler9177 - 18.02.2025 10:22

Boston Market in dayton ohio

@AnasheMufandaedza - 17.02.2025 19:19

ldk man l just feel like the boy got some dirty too

@Vibewithchocolate5131 - 17.02.2025 07:10

Men like these doesn't deserve a woman to be loyal to them he's a manipulator

@makeitgetit - 16.02.2025 09:53

With Antonio you gonna fail

@shaniakissoon3803 - 15.02.2025 23:15

Kinda sorta not really🤣

@jossylopes - 14.02.2025 09:57

Usually girls that accuse you of something, it's because they are doing exactly that to you.

@user-cq9hb1pg3u - 14.02.2025 05:43

The guy gave off a vibe that he has been emotionally or/and physically cheating on her for a while and just wants an excuse to pretend to be mad at her. He doesn’t take her on dates, makes her do laborious activities like driving for 4 hours for his wallet unsupported, doesn’t listen when she explains her truth, takes no accountability and just tries to make her look like a bad guy. This couple seemed to be dissatisfied before and after. The girl just agreed to eat food and get cute clothes from a persistent stranger with little strings attached. I don’t think this video proves cheating but it definitely brings to light a lot of insecurities in their relationship. The lack of care. The guy kept making excuses for not treating her well, and not cherishing her. Her agreeing to hang out without breaking up with her boyfriend wasn’t right but at the same time she could have genuinely just wanted to eat and get a new outfit after her long drive and the decoy gave off a vibe that it would have been great. This whole set up felt strange. But entertaining non the less

@riawally5627 - 13.02.2025 05:21

I've been binge watching & maaam I wish we cld see their faces under those emojis 😅

@justinc803 - 12.02.2025 23:10

it’s crazy to me when they try to gaslight when they on caught on camera

@DMTInfinity - 12.02.2025 11:51

Bro, why do so many of these People act like just lookin' at a MF's Hat is Cheating?

How Insecure of a little boy are you?

Like come on now.

You don't Fail a Loyalty Test by Breathing in someone's Direction. You Fail a Loyalty Test by BEING UNLOYAL, like Kissing a MF, Going out in a Date with a MF, Flirting with a MF, Haven't $3x with a MF....

Not by Indulging yourself in Expensive 💩 they wanna Show off, or Laughing at a Joke, or taking a Ride in a 40 Trillion Dollar Car, or Accepting some Food.

Like, Seriously dude.

If your Standard for Cheating is just Walking out the house and Breathing the same Air as another MF, then maybe YOU'RE the Problem.

I've been Cheated on.

ACTUALLY Cheated on and got an STD and Emotionally and Psychological Trauma as a Result.

Don't TELL ME what beinf Unloyal is.

I Hate It when People act like someone can't even accept a Drink Of Water, or Laugh at a Joke someone says without it being Considered Cheating.

Like, no, mf, YOU WILL KNOW when THAT LINE has been Crossed.

Not just when your Little Boy Insecurities get Hurt because your Partner Smiles in another Person's Direction or says, "Hey, I Like your Hat."

Grow TF Up. 💯

@Noname-tw4wp - 10.02.2025 23:39

The decoy cringe asl lane asl with no game
