Why do Orthodox Jewish Women cover their hair?

Why do Orthodox Jewish Women cover their hair?


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Christine Pence
Christine Pence - 28.09.2023 09:46

In the Christian Bible it says that women should cover their hair because of the Angels which also goes with Genesis 6 some Christian say everyone has their belief on this head covering

nora rios
nora rios - 27.09.2023 07:18

She's covering up her hair, But not covering up the way her body looks. Which I think she looks beautiful . I didn't know she was allowed to wear clothes that's Snug fitting

fida hussain
fida hussain - 16.09.2023 13:05

That what we Muslims do

That one apostolic
That one apostolic - 08.09.2023 23:44

Women don't HAVE to cover their hair but they did it before and during Jesus' time because it was for respect to God, when a Muslim does it they cover ALL of their hair when you can show you hair when wearing the headscarf, also Muslims have to cover all of their hair because of the religion I'm apostolic Christian and I've been thinking of wearing one to show my respect for the Lord, don't come at this lady for wearing a headscarf she isn't the one having an uproar about a Muslim and their rules

Taasch - 01.09.2023 23:28

Same with Orthodox Christian woman. Orthodox = doing it right.

Muslim4life - 01.09.2023 03:07


catsandkittys - 31.08.2023 14:52

I got to be honest. The wigs never made sense to me. If you are covering your hair for modesty reasons and keeping that part of yourself only for your husbands eyes, then what is the point of wearing a wig so realistic that you won’t be able to tell it’s not your own? I mean, do they consider the hair provocative or not? I know some will say it’s because it’s not her ACTUAL hair and that makes all the difference but it feels like some kinda legalistic loop-holy nonsense that misses the point entirely.

Edit: I know the head covering is also for other reasons including symbolizing being married kinda like a wedding ring but the modesty element is always mentioned too, so wearing the wig feels like trying to have your cake and eat it too

Freya - 27.08.2023 23:14

Where to buy these please?

Stephanie T
Stephanie T - 27.08.2023 21:03

Where in the Bible does it say this?

הודיה חצאית גרביון את שלה  שרותי נשיםלק סגולה 2023
הודיה חצאית גרביון את שלה שרותי נשיםלק סגולה 2023 - 26.08.2023 23:53

בואי פרטי

white tiger
white tiger - 20.08.2023 19:18

Same with muslim women

littlechichi🌈🌈 - 17.08.2023 17:16

why can i wear a veil as a christian in wear i live

Carlito2Kool - 14.08.2023 03:08

Not oppression?

Xavier TR
Xavier TR - 26.07.2023 19:06

just wear hijab

Boogs114 - 24.07.2023 23:40

Like that's gonna stop mental Temptation!? I'm Catholic & I've seen some young, PRETTY nuns & yes, my mind became like Quagmire: 😆Giggity!

G=1 - 23.07.2023 14:07

Elbows and knees are ok though 😂

Yami Canada
Yami Canada - 23.07.2023 13:55


NotCinnaRock - 15.07.2023 07:06

Media says Muslim women are oppressed but orthodox Jews are in the clear?? Hmm…..

Leo9 - 02.07.2023 14:39

Poda punda

Tmi Talmidot בת מלך
Tmi Talmidot בת מלך - 28.06.2023 03:06

Being tsinuah is more than just covering the hair: to be modest in speach, actions and thoughts. Also to cover the body (long sleeves up till the wrists and loose clothing, not so tight that everyone can see the shapes of the body, skirt long enough to cover the legs completely). Also not wearing any wig is important.

AnjalE - 26.06.2023 18:07

U cover your head with clothing because u have never read nor understand the simplicity of the word of god

A womans covering is her HAIR



It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own[c] head, because of the angels. 

11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12 For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.

13 Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?

 14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 

15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.

 16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.

Aspie Angel
Aspie Angel - 09.06.2023 23:13

Jew covers hair: oh cool you look beautiful!

Muslim covers hair: you’re oppressed

The hypocrisy 🙄 I’m not antisemetic or anything but I have been harassed, bullied and physically assaulted by Jews before so I do have a negative view of them due to my traumatic experiences. 😢 I’m Mormon/LDS and used to live in a Jewish apartment complex and the women used to get in my face every Friday and harass and bully me for working on their sabbath and told me women are second class citizens and shouldn’t be working and told me God punished women who speak in church or speak out of term in front of a man and when I told them I’m Mormon/LDS and my beliefs are different it got WORSE. These were Orthodox Jews. They got in my face saying nobody goes to heaven or hell, that Elijah was the messiah and Jesus was a false prophet and everybody goes into Shelom when they die and I asked what that was and they said Shelom is what Mormons call spirit prison the ghost world on earth or outer darkness. They told me everyone regardless of their sins goes there and those who reject God die an eternal death and there is no salvation. They said both good and bad people go to Shelom and outer darkness and evil people die forever. I said whatever and tried to push past these women and the men just stared and shook their head. Not ONE of the men came to my aide. I had also been informed upon moving in they had a special elevator that was banned on fridays to non Jews because they believed the elevator was magic and moved on its own and apparently they believed there were demons in the basement. I’m a spiritualist so I believe in demons, ghosts and angels but usually I can sense it when demons are around because I feel evil around me as I used to ghost hunt with my friends in college but I did not sense anything and I went to the basement one day and all that was there was an abandoned bathroom and an abandoned hallway and I saw nothing and felt nothing so I called bullshit on their demonic claims. That place was not haunted. Anyway back to my story, so I’m getting harassed at the door and one day my Muslim neighbors whom I had met in the laundry room a few weeks prior saw what was happening. Now for context I was the only Mormon in the building, we had one catholic neighbor who would frequently sneak her cat in and out of the stairwell in a trash bin because the Jews apparently believed cats and dogs were unclean and banned all pets declaring God hated animals and we had multiple Hispanic neighbors and they were kinds nuts because during COVID I kid you not they started drilling bunkers in their apartments because they thought the government was becoming socialist and was going to invade their homes. We all thought they were insane because well, this is America but anyway my Muslim female neighbor saw the commotion and pushed her way through and grabbed by hand and shouted at the Jewish women with me in her arms that they should be ashamed of themselves for bullying an autistic daughter of “Allah” That’s when things hit the fan. The women started screaming in Hebrew as well as English shouting I was an abomination of God and should be stoned to death. My Muslim friend got me to safety in the lobby and one of the Jewish men stood between me and the other women, held his hand up and said “you have condemned her enough she will answer to God for being autistic and following Jesus” my Muslim friend and I were absolutely in shock. She said they don’t follow Jesus either but they do consider him the holy messiah and a prophet of God. I was shaking and crying and she whispers to me that in Islam autistic people are considered special children and gifts from God and we aren’t meant to be cured or prevented and God loves us. I did research that later and although it’s not in the Q’uran it IS in their doctrine that autistic people are blessings from God. Or so I have been told by other Muslims I have met. I don’t know if it’s personal opinion or true or not but I was happy to learn that. In Mormonism they also view all disabilities as gifts from God because God uses it for his glory but unfortunately many members disagree with our doctrine and consider us broken damaged souls. A few days after this, something else happened. My Jewish neighbor across the hall always tried to harass me and convince me to go into her apartment to have coffee knowing I was Mormon. I don’t drink coffee because my grandmother tried to force me to drink it at age 5 and told me it was chocolate as a joke. She was a wonderful woman but loved to pull pranks. I do drink tea (I know I know bad Mormon lol) but not coffee. This woman kept saying she was gonna “save me” from Jesus. One day she cornered me outside my apartment grabbed me by the arm and tried to force me into her apartment and had a fresh coffee cup in her hand and tried to force it down my throat. I didn’t scream because I’m a brave person but I did fight her off. My Hispanic neighbor comes out and pushed her into the wall and starts shouting in Spanish pointing at me to get into my apartment. My Muslim neighbors ran down the hall and the husband starts shouting in Arabic. So we had Spanish, Hebrew and Arabic words exchanged in that hallway. I was scrambling to get my keys and the female Muslim hugged me and said I did nothing wrong. She got me safely inside my apartment and idk what happened to the coffee lady but she never bothered me again. After that I rarely stayed home and hid out at my aunt and uncles house down the street most nights until midnight and went home when everyone was asleep. Thankfully after that I lost my job and had to move back down south as I lived in Maryland when all this went down but yeah that’s why I fear Jews. The Jews at my workplace weren’t orthodox, they were conservative but they didn’t like me because I served Jesus. They would frequently try to discriminate against me and the Muslim receptionist because of our religions. They tried to force state psychiatric evaluations on my muslim friend and I just because we were Muslim/Mormon because they thought I was schizophrenic for believing in personal revelation and spiritual gifts which are part of Mormonism and they thought my Muslim friend was bipolar for believing in angels and they labeled my autistic behaviors and ADD as distracting and labeled by stimming as gang symbols. They tried to lie and say I was throwing things too. My psychiatrist was furious and refused the evaluation and gave them an earful so they tried to have the state do it and my parents threatened a lawsuit for religious discrimination. I now have social phobia disorder and PTSD from all this. So although I don’t hate Jews and I’m not antisemitic I do fear Jews now because of what happened. Anytime I see one, I’m on guard and absolutely terrified. My ex bf is a catholic Jew and my godbrothers wife is a Judeo Christian and they are friendly and I’m friends with an Orthodox Jew on LinkDen so I know not all of them are cruel and mean but yeah that’s my horrible experience. As far as head coverings goes though it’s so sad Muslims face backlash from this. 😢

the user na3ome 2021
the user na3ome 2021 - 08.06.2023 12:39


Pdmc 8604
Pdmc 8604 - 31.05.2023 18:14

God doesn't care about your hair or what you wear. Fundamentaliat religion destroys logic and common sense.

Brittany Carriger
Brittany Carriger - 16.05.2023 20:25

That wig is a SLAY!!!!!

A. D. A.M
A. D. A.M - 09.05.2023 06:45

Did she convert to islam😊?

anas abou
anas abou - 07.05.2023 22:38

if i had a wife like that
you bet i would be hiding

Jared Texter
Jared Texter - 09.04.2023 05:40

Oh she a fine looking gipsy 😂just kidding very pretty

david alfonso
david alfonso - 05.04.2023 07:20

From morocco l love jewish women
Looking for love of my life

Dead Niggas have no value
Dead Niggas have no value - 04.04.2023 02:43

SMH just say men have no self control & it’s easier to control the woman because men don’t like to be told what to do.

T1020 - 27.03.2023 16:51

Observant Muslim women get a lot of flack and hate for wearing hijab/ covering hair. We live in sad times, when being modest is frowned upon.

MP Kropf
MP Kropf - 24.03.2023 00:33

The Jewish law is for all the hair to be covered!

SunKissedGod0888 - 23.03.2023 00:14

You white people have fur not hair🤷🏿‍♂️

LUCINDA - 18.03.2023 01:55

Wot Schmuck rules
No Scarf Freedom Globally Together ✊🏻

Salampakistan - 07.03.2023 14:03

I really do not get feminist complaining about jewish women covering their hair, the jewish men are even more covered. The jewish women just cover their hair with wigs and tiny scarves and were tight clothes revealing legs and arms.

I personally wear a burka, forever going to wear it.

Rose Pereira
Rose Pereira - 03.03.2023 15:34

Tell your men to shave first❤

Rose Pereira
Rose Pereira - 03.03.2023 15:25

Which hair you talking about❤

M.Z. Abbas
M.Z. Abbas - 26.02.2023 07:03

Wow that's good

Dave Beasley
Dave Beasley - 21.02.2023 04:38


black mirror
black mirror - 18.02.2023 08:49

No plastic green alien helmets- noted.

Democrat Liberal
Democrat Liberal - 15.02.2023 22:49

That's a pretty revealing dress. I don't judge her, but this is not Jewish law standards. More than that, the rules of modesty say you don't post videos of yourself for thousands of men to watch.

Inayat Kabu
Inayat Kabu - 08.02.2023 07:49

Islam teacahes same But from the age a girls turns maturity Merry confirmed it again as we always see her covered with Head and Jesus taught the same thing and then Muhammad pbuh taught the same thing it is for their own protection and for the sake of Allah Allaha the one true God the God of Moses Jesus and Muhammad

ShahZad Helal
ShahZad Helal - 20.01.2023 19:52

Yeah and what's the different between Muslims and Jewish in this case if that was a Muslim it probably going to hit people

Cocoa - 18.01.2023 07:07

You guys are so cute :)

King David Reincarnation
King David Reincarnation - 17.01.2023 23:24

Also if your Father is not from 12 tribe then you are not of us !
And Jews mean’s only from tribe of Judah the rest is Israel !
You need to proof that your father is one of the 12 tribe other wise you are fake Israel!

King David Reincarnation
King David Reincarnation - 17.01.2023 23:23

It’s because you again start fallowing Egypt gods

When my Brotyer Moses said to do this ?!

The letter of Mashiach mention to not do this ! And it’s Law of Mashiach and it’s forbidden 🚫

CoffehBear - 15.01.2023 04:27

This is for men to feel safer though, lets get real

Ranah Baramakeh
Ranah Baramakeh - 08.01.2023 15:27

I love the wig thing it’s cool that you can fit into every style you want that includes hairstyles too and be covered at the same time

MOHD UZAIR - 03.01.2023 15:42

It's similar to hijab

Merci moe
Merci moe - 03.01.2023 10:22

That's good
