The Darkest Theory in Human History...

The Darkest Theory in Human History...


7 месяцев назад

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@SilveryGrayWolf - 09.12.2024 03:33

so like gears of wars emulsion

@username-tv6uw - 09.12.2024 04:17

Its a war for our souls.

@gameclips7665 - 11.12.2024 23:43

Bro It’s a liquid

@noobsandbot - 16.12.2024 04:47

me looking at my dab cart
"Im sorry buddy but i just got outa work"

@twotothehalf3725 - 17.12.2024 15:57

As the saying goes, it is easier to imagine a Lovecraftian substance manipulating humanity to develop societies and economies around it in order to usher the end of the world via a shine-off against the Sun, than an end to capitalism.

@Deputy_Doofus - 19.12.2024 06:20

I guess this means Miles Axelrod from Cars 2 was carrying out Oil’s will by making alternative fuel look bad so that nobody would want to use it and go back to regular oil.

@sorcererberoll4641 - 20.12.2024 04:45

We’re going to need Marcus and Adam fenix for this

@nathanjones8667 - 20.12.2024 19:55

Phyrexians: 👀

@Benjamin__Deutsch - 21.12.2024 11:39

There's a whole realm of information on a substance known as "black goo": which is what the author might be talking about, as the substance is said to have a very strong presence that our species responds to...we haven't been able to find any root material on this research, only others speaking about their understanding of this. Although it sounds like petroleum and this so called 'goo' which is supposedly conscious and self animated to find it's other parts like a magnetic substance or a phenomena similar to magnetism. You should make a part 2 given you have read this book.

@Paumanokcom - 21.12.2024 22:03

Another more plausible theory is that "wheat" is sentient and the most successful species on the planet and that humans service its success. This is further supported by all the crop circles. An attempt by an alien civilization to communicate with the wheat.

@jamesvan2201 - 23.12.2024 00:23

So basically, we live in a world like ff7. Planet gaia. We use oil, they use mako, mako is compaosed of all the once living creatures and humans who have since, died and "returned" to gaia to be reborn. So the mako IS living energy.

@mayajasinski5972 - 23.12.2024 02:28

This is stupid and a waste of my time. This oil theory is fake and it's not at all scary. 🤣

@dclem005 - 23.12.2024 22:55

Cyclonopedia sounds a bit like some kind of modern version of animism (ie. inanimate objects such as water, fire, rocks are believed to be alive) were instead of forces of nature being alive and having God like power it is oil. My best guess is that the author of the book and believers in this religion instead of dealing with the headache/existential dread that comes from being aware of how we are controlled by the processes that surround us as well as the human condition, they just replace that problem with made up demonic entity which is sentient oil. IMHO, it isn't too much different than the theories of reptilian humanoids controlling mankind.

@johnjameson2731 - 24.12.2024 02:18

If oil is controling mankinds short comings and or the good that some do, then wouldnt burning it up in say, automobiles, be a good thing????
This is ridiculous, no one is good except Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Jesus Christ who came to save fallen man from the clutches of satan, the epitome of evil. Oil is not the culprit, its satan, he tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit of good and evil, who in turn gave it to Adam who knew better. Hence the fall of ALL mankind. Our only hope is the Blessed Hope Jesus Christ.
The wars and evil thats happening in the midfle east is spritual, good, God, evil, satan. And will continue, not just in the midfle east, but around the world. satans biggest goal is to take as many of Gods greatest creation, man, to hell as he can. He satan, thinks if he can overcome and destroy Jews and Israel, he will win, but we know from Gods Holy Word the bible, this will never happen. God created oil for mankinds benefit, not a deity of evil. This is the most ridiculous video ive ever saw.
I just unsubscribed.

@knightscroftsquire-muldoon - 25.12.2024 00:25

Oils are used in religion and petrol is used in a plethora of things. Oils are in food and almost everything we use. The theory is interesting and can definitely be expanded upon!

@ijooeyy315 - 29.12.2024 20:26

I know you said there’s a lot of info in the book that you couldn’t fit into this video but I don’t know how on earth you reached the conclusion that oil is intelligent. To me the book was just referring to big oil and how it’s been destroying humanity which is like the oldest “conspiracy” of modern man. Everyone knows how important oil is and the damage it’s caused but you keep acting like it’s some new profound thing😂 also I just realized everything I’ve been critiquing was your section “my interpretation of the book” did u actually interpret it that way or think it would be great clickbait? Yes we go to war in the Middle East because it’s rich in resources I don’t know how you got to oil is alive,intelligent,and is chorusing humans into using it😂 bro took a simple book about oil and put a schizo twist on it😂

@MrBartolbe42 - 31.12.2024 06:13

Whoever wrote this needs to lay off the acid. And their writing style suggests that they probably jerk off to the thesaurus.

Sentient = can react outside stimuli.

Sapient = has higher thought processes.

@julielast5372 - 31.12.2024 06:20

Soooooo. What does THE OIL get out of all of this??

@Kaydin_Godlien-thies - 31.12.2024 13:35

Reminds me for the lambent from Gears of war

@greengomarx1248 - 01.01.2025 00:10

Interesting thought when I think about how black goo is always depicted as evil

@HvalatiKnitika - 01.01.2025 20:15

X-files, Samurai Jack, had black shit. And I forgot some other.......

@ElliotEsch - 05.01.2025 03:45

This theory is bullshit

@ElliotEsch - 05.01.2025 03:45

This theory is a big bunch of bullshit, and Negarestani is a bullshitter

@yellowatom - 06.01.2025 04:32

Am I the only one who was hoping for dinosaur cars or something

@Jeuka93 - 07.01.2025 08:33

Darling in the Franxx is real huh..

@etkadu2715 - 07.01.2025 09:13

Diddy oil is the source of all evils 😂😂

@TheSilversepiroth - 08.01.2025 03:50

I think this could be a FASCINATING place to start for an analogue horror series where the horror is in its existence like the Monument Mythos. This world where oil rigs aren't set up to create a flow of oil, but to mitigate it in its raw, uncontrollable state. In this world, it's easy to see how heavily we rely on petroleum-based products (our vehicles running on it, being made of it, and driving on it to an extent, most fluids are stored in it, most of your clothes have some degree of it in it, etc.) being twisted from the availability of our universe into unwitting worship of it instituted by people who are in the know. Perhaps even everything going wrong is instigated by people trying to create a new, highly versatile product that is more renewable rousing anger from this object god being denied its worship. Cars suddenly combusting as a vehicle's gas tank shunts the entirety of itself into the engine to ignite all at once, plastics leaching more poisonous materials into food & water, makeups now causing people's faces to bleed as it aggresses upon its ignorant worshippers, possibly even going so far as to have clothes literally choke people as the plastic within it enacts the Will of Oil upon those who unwittingly defy their god

@jordasaurus_rex - 09.01.2025 06:54

Not me eating popcorn as he said “grab a bucket of popcorn” my GUY

@poopoofuhqueue2389 - 09.01.2025 10:01

"capitalism was here even before human existence, waiting for a host."

This sound a lot like Blood Meridian when the judge soeaks of war. "Before man, war was here. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner."

@Skeletonoffunn - 10.01.2025 03:25

Fungus is the answer to your question by the way. Oil is cool. But fungus is the true answer to this question

@sandundertable1010 - 11.01.2025 08:25

Oil is suicidal it wants to die

@Outlawproductions582 - 14.01.2025 09:31

The second you mentioned the Middle East, i knew we were cooked this Theory definitely holds some Merritt

@ZamirTurner - 15.01.2025 00:57

Darkest theory in human history because oil is dark?

@13Nader7 - 15.01.2025 13:05


@chancellorforrun2330 - 22.01.2025 08:55

Glory to Phyrexia?

@jeepz669 - 23.01.2025 01:56

Im a god and this video is a waste of tizzime, yo

@Keldaj - 23.01.2025 19:30

"black goo" AkA "black mold"

@MattRivera-q8o - 29.01.2025 00:01

It sounds kind of like "Black Goo"

@LTt-cx4dw - 30.01.2025 04:32


@bswihart1 - 01.02.2025 21:52

Oil = dead things, a lot of dead things! Noah’s flood gave the right environment for oil and fossils to be made, namely pressure and lack of oxygen. Dead pre flood people, plants, animals, abominations and nephilim. Crazy possessed material.

@batman8214 - 05.02.2025 07:53

take a shot every time he says lube

@dreadpiratelenny1348 - 06.02.2025 14:10

I have a recurring dream where I kill God, cut him up and throw his corpse in some kind of machine, and fuel comes out. Then I build a car out of his bones and flesh and drive to Hell so I can set the Watchers free.
Love thst dream! I think it kinda relates to this theory, somehow.

@LeakedWall548 - 11.02.2025 04:43

I thought when they said the oil is alive, it was meant to be that there is still innocent life in the oil, that has formed consciousness, and is trapped in its own body, and burned for humans to use for power. Not oil being a major player in socioeconomics.

@L.sPonsel - 11.02.2025 09:54

I watching This While Eating oil in my Salad 3 Table Spoons

@casualgoats - 17.02.2025 22:39

Bruh just described Phyrexia.

@Cold2413 - 18.02.2025 00:56

Sounds like an interesting piece of fiction but that’s about it. The sad fact is that it’s just people wanting power and money. The fact is oil is the object that makes those things happen. This because our societies run on it. For energy, for cars, even for cooking among other things. It does make a point of our obsession for it and how it does have a power of its on in a way….

@Lou-g7n - 20.02.2025 17:18

The whole planet is a living being , Gaea ( Gaia ) .
Geologist will tell you the planet makes its own supply of oil never ending heat pressure and hydrocarbons , sea creatures sediment seabeds bottom of the ocean hundreds of millions of years , what was living even in death provides energy , so Egg Chen in " Big Trouble in Little China " was right ( Black Blood of thee Earth ) .

@Lou-g7n - 20.02.2025 17:34

Life and death support one another , take uranium for instance , radiological energy in nature , when it's dead it becomes lead , the only thing that can shield itself from the rest of the world and concentrate its power .

@Gooser-ch1lb - 27.02.2025 13:18

I don't think that it is a coincidence that the rockerfellers dominant the oil distribution in the west

@vickyramsay9619 - 01.03.2025 07:13

I feel that oil is the blood of the earth.
