Survivors give horrific accounts of 'parade' of sexual abuse at Catholic high school

Survivors give horrific accounts of 'parade' of sexual abuse at Catholic high school


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Icy Wolf
Icy Wolf - 05.10.2023 22:46

We need to start investigating churches and pastors all of them regardless of denomination.

Religion is filled with pedophiles and child abusers and yet nothing is ever done about it. It's seen as edgy to point out the fact that all churches protect, move, hide them or bribe and blame the victims. As far as I'm concerned all pastors are pedophiles until proven otherwise it's safer to assume that based on the thousands of times it's been exposed and personal and friends experiences.

Ответить - 05.10.2023 12:47


gregory john san miguel blas, iii
gregory john san miguel blas, iii - 28.09.2023 14:18

i was ashamed at first but david lujan will tell you i he is an attorney her in gukam his address is lawofficedna dna building hagatna 96932

gregory john san miguel blas, iii
gregory john san miguel blas, iii - 28.09.2023 14:16

myy name is gregory john san miguel blas i will not accept a check less then 3 thousand i want 2.9 million dollars iwas raped man badly and held down there were witneses talk to my lawayers david lujan and delia wolff i am a mental patient please help me i want 2.9 milion dollars could you

Dr. Debbie Williams
Dr. Debbie Williams - 27.09.2023 07:53

I said they set me up. Bow wbich "they did it ? Reprehensible!

Dr. Debbie Williams
Dr. Debbie Williams - 27.09.2023 07:50

I was never employed by the Archdiocese.

Dr. Debbie Williams
Dr. Debbie Williams - 27.09.2023 07:47

Oh, help us Dear God!

Dr. Debbie Williams
Dr. Debbie Williams - 27.09.2023 07:43

Why did they make you go Naked? Magnus said What? Ive never heard of Archbishop Keough. They definitely never did that to me in my primary, secondary or High School. I was a virgin when I went to college. They went to your house? Keeping your secrets?

unkown 34X
unkown 34X - 26.09.2023 02:55

I am a man... even worse! Even but then when I was just a kid scared of them. Gotta say I always follow my instinct

unkown 34X
unkown 34X - 26.09.2023 02:54

People asked me why I don't confess. Well I don't want to be alone in a "canfessional" with them! Maybe cases happen on my city, but no one listened... they were blindly relegious, eou believe anything the father said

Cara Mares
Cara Mares - 17.09.2023 04:23

I’m recovering from sexual abuse. My abuser was a pastor’s wife in a nondenominational church. See Cara’s inner healing horror for my testimony.

pollsfriend - 08.09.2023 23:59

Those priests whose names are redacted need to be doxxed.

Roger Williams
Roger Williams - 04.09.2023 15:42

Behind the obvious horror of these stories , is the religious side of it all , millions of people absolutely convinced of the preposterous notion of an invisible man in the sky who created heaven and earth who must be obeyed and worshipped all their lives.!. Im pretty sure without religion most of these disgusting things wouldnt have happened . Religion, a mental illness for sure.

Ai Cultural Quotes
Ai Cultural Quotes - 31.08.2023 11:05

demolish the churches where these pedo'worked from. public apologies are not enough twenty years later.

Andy Roubik
Andy Roubik - 30.08.2023 16:01

I'm always amazed that people still identify as Catholic. Why would you want to identify with the group as corrupt as the Catholics. From burning people at the steak 2 raping little boys the Catholics have little to be proud of. Their priests are all sexually frustrated! Of course they are, they are men with no outlet for legal sex. This is the way the Catholics have set things up. All of these individual Archdiocese who claimed bankruptcy after being found culpable for rapes Etc should be bailed out by the Vatican which is one of the richest entities in the world. The Catholic Church itself is responsible for all these rapes of children. And we haven't even started talking about the little children that were killed purposely or by neglect in the Catholic schools throughout North America, but particularly in indigenous communities and those institutions for young pregnant mothers. Religion is what we had before we had science.

Email - 27.08.2023 21:48


RizzLord - 22.08.2023 19:24

It breaks my heart knowing that people that were so great turned out to be the worst people in the entire world. I can’t imagine what they went through, and I hope justice is served

Rowell G
Rowell G - 22.08.2023 16:01

There's a netflix documentary about these particular school. THE KEEPERS is the title.

Jeffrey E
Jeffrey E - 22.08.2023 13:48

My wife was a student at Notre Dame, Catholic girls’ school adjacent to Gonzaga Boys school in Washington DC. A priest names Thomas Pyne worked at Gonzaga and began abusing her when she was 16. She was not the only student Pyne abused.

Michael Misczuk
Michael Misczuk - 14.08.2023 04:13

The church will never pay for the suicides.

bloob - 12.08.2023 01:23

Drag shows are safer than churches

AfroLogical - 10.08.2023 04:55

Huh why didnt sound of freedom expose this stuff happening in their catholic churches 😮 nah they would never do that

Jose M. Romero Romero
Jose M. Romero Romero - 02.08.2023 03:50

Priests made us lose our religion and our Faith.

Phyllis - 01.08.2023 04:13

God's representative on earth?? More like the representative of the devil! How did we. believe such claptrap? I'll NEVER bend my knee to ANY MAN. EVER!

Billy - 01.08.2023 01:53

Okay, now do a public school investigation.

lucia lima
lucia lima - 30.07.2023 05:32

Were is these priest's now, And are they in jail??

Prairielander - 30.07.2023 02:55

I have always just thought it was weird for adults to want to be around other peoples children or devout your life to it. I think this stems from when I went to school I remember certain teachers would give the girls a lot more attention. I'm surprised it was not uncomfortable for them as it made me think something was up. Plus I lived across the street from a foster home and was friends with a girl there and I think they were abusing her.

Gabrielle Jackson
Gabrielle Jackson - 28.07.2023 20:10


DAVID E Peace - 27.07.2023 18:23

Tax the hell out of the Catholic church.

Nick Dyer
Nick Dyer - 27.07.2023 16:45

Uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Adrian Kepler
Adrian Kepler - 27.07.2023 14:49

Sinéad occonor was destroyed by the people that allowed this, now here we are dealing with the real truth.

M Oliveira
M Oliveira - 18.07.2023 03:05

You know what's really messed up? The amount they have to pay for tuition when the hardest part of their job is not molesting children. It must be easy as heck to be a priest if the only thing they fail at is not molesting children. If you look at them they're all fat and look like they've had the easiest life ever. You're life must be pretty easy too because they don't seem to be bothered by your confessions either. No wonder people fought in the crusades and fight religious wars. The hardest part of the job is not molesting kids.

L H - 08.07.2023 13:21

The power of the fake magic sky hippie and the vile humans that exploit the idiots that “believe” 🙄

Liam linson
Liam linson - 03.07.2023 20:04

i wonder where is the "protect our kids" crowd when it comes to the catholic church

Gale Dribble
Gale Dribble - 01.07.2023 18:22

You never hear right wingers fight for the children who are victimized by the church

Brian Emery
Brian Emery - 01.07.2023 11:09

These stories are hard to digest but I admire their bravery and grateful that they are being told. These are just disgusting acts. I remember growing up so many people seem to adore Pope John Paul II. But we know now that he covered up sexual abuse. We now know that he thinks like a child sexual abuser or he is one. There is no middle ground.

Soapboxstomper - 27.06.2023 18:45

Its NOT lgbtqi folks you should be worried about grooming your youth!!!! Its heterosexual men, priests, coaches, teachers, uncles and parents you should be worried about! Just look at sexual abuse statistics!!!!!!!!! White Christian Nationalists call to HATE on lgbtqi community members is a total lie and dangerously misguided!!!!!😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

Lana Kaniuka
Lana Kaniuka - 27.06.2023 15:34

I can assure you that nuns are not virgins as well. I see how young girls groomed into that free labor and sexual harem!!!
Just check them out before saying anything!!!

Lana Kaniuka
Lana Kaniuka - 27.06.2023 15:31

😂 don’t they say god gave them authority lol 😂!!!
They god definitely has horns!!!

Til Karain Ness
Til Karain Ness - 27.06.2023 12:40

I find it interesting how the police and inside services blame the church to scare themselves. It is very obvious that the gentlemen "criminologists" in his day had a lot more dirt than the church. Of course, it is difficult to hold the actual sex criminals in the USA accountable, because that would lead to irreparable damage to the infrastructure of the USA.

tia - 27.06.2023 01:01

anyone scapegoating gay and trans people as "groomers" are giving cover to these breathing masses of puss and slime, and i'm pretty convinced most of them know it.

peterFGoa - 26.06.2023 18:23

It is surprising CNN did not report these sex abuse cases 1980 , when it was just launched .the ratings would have been off the roof then Did CNN and the legislatures in Baltimore and the Law enforcement engaged in a cover up by not reporting on this explosive CHurch abuse cases , Were CNN journos cavorting with the hippies then. and free love and turned a blind eye to this menace . IS CNN free of its own sexaul abuses ? who can investigate CNN. WE all know Media and Hollywood are not free from their own sexuall depravity.
according to Justice dept, only 20% among females ages 18-24, and 32% among others report the sex abuse to the authorities but the fact is those who were seriously impaired pursued the cases, as and when it occurred, fear of reprisal or being ignored are mere excuses or perhaps it can be construed as consensual.
Most of these abuse cases were based on "repressed childhood memories".which have suddenly come alive at the prodding of the psychologists and attorneys who corner major chunks of settlements, leaving few pennies for their victims
Similar to grand jury reports (Penn state, years ago) in the Baltimore report out of 156 clergy cases only 10 are alive .Why are not all alive . is it easy to prosecute dead priests and claim settlements. These are priests long dead who obviously cannot defend themselves. Is the time honored innocent until proven guilty does not apply to clergy?.
What about the parents, don't they have custodial rights over kids? Can we charge their parents for criminal neglect for not paying close attention to little Tammy and follow up it with law enforcement right then? It is for parents who are bound by legal custodial rights to bring the cases to Law enforcement as and when it occurs.
"On August 16, 2010 the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals in a case reversed the conviction that relied on claimed victim memories of childhood abuse stating that "The record here suggests a "reasonable likelihood" that Jesse Friedman was wrongfully convicted. The "new and material evidence” in this case is the post-conviction consensus within the social science community that suggestive memory recovery tactics can create false memories"
The ruling goes on to order all previous convictions and plea bargains relying on repressed memories using common memory recovered techniques be reviewed".
Besides, hundreds of felons, some even on death rows have been exonerated in USA through Innocence project based in NY and other countries due to advances in technology pertaining field of forensic science, which only proves beyond reasonable doubt that eyewitness/victims testimony should not be the key determining factor in convicting anyone for sex crimes which are prominent in the cases which have been exonerated.
The CHurch should fight each and every case to its bitter end . If a priest is found guilty through due process of law. He should be facing the full consequences of law.

Brandon Wayne
Brandon Wayne - 26.06.2023 09:44

The Catholic Church Christianity is like a continuous R. Kelly song with no one getting prosecuted

johnny nephrite
johnny nephrite - 25.06.2023 19:59

End religion. Its 100% evil.

Old Shark By The Sea
Old Shark By The Sea - 25.06.2023 16:38

Now do a story on underage “Marriage” of Muslim women sold to older men. - some of whom the U.S. allowed in from Afghanistan

VideoRocketzMillar007 Millar
VideoRocketzMillar007 Millar - 25.06.2023 01:02

Burning in hell is a LIE. Spirits dont burn.

VideoRocketzMillar007 Millar
VideoRocketzMillar007 Millar - 25.06.2023 00:59

Hope u get paid for this abuse. Horrific.

Kevin Billingsley
Kevin Billingsley - 24.06.2023 21:26

Organized religion is evil, period. Spirituality is a mental disorder but you're allowed to be dumb if you want to be. But organized religion needs to be outlawed once and for all for the health and safety of the people.

CC0405 - 24.06.2023 14:08

This has always been the devil’s church.

God was NEVER in it!
