How To Add Facebook Page Feeds In WordPress Sidebar, Footer And Posts / Pages ? - 2023

How To Add Facebook Page Feeds In WordPress Sidebar, Footer And Posts / Pages ? - 2023

Code Canvas

2 года назад

19,944 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Sagar jadhav
Sagar jadhav - 29.07.2023 22:40

Is it work without creating Facebook I'd? Or will another account I will work?

manoj Sharma
manoj Sharma - 21.07.2023 17:53

What is the limit of the posts we can set? Can we show all posts?

Neharika Rani
Neharika Rani - 22.06.2023 08:00


Samiri Redmoon
Samiri Redmoon - 09.03.2023 17:24

It works in Edge, but not Firefox and Chrome.
Is this plugin outdated?
I see others have had the same problem 5 months ago.

Samintha Perera
Samintha Perera - 05.07.2022 21:42

which theme are you using here cz mine is different :/

Samintha Perera
Samintha Perera - 05.07.2022 21:30

Why do I get this when I tired to activate the plugin ' The theme you are currently using is not widget-aware, meaning that it has no sidebars that you are able to change. For information on making your theme widget-aware, please follow these instructions.?' :(

J - 11.05.2022 15:03

Hey cool widget. When I add facebook it just spins and doesn't load the posts from the facebook timelime. How can I fix? The cover and likes show but not the feed

Finn Jensen
Finn Jensen - 28.04.2022 12:43

Fine video and plugin. But at this moment i do not work in Chrome ?

Jouvy Lee
Jouvy Lee - 13.12.2021 10:27

Live video can show in fb feed

Mike Polhemus
Mike Polhemus - 28.09.2021 19:52

I am struggling to get the widget to work with a Facebook Group. It works fine for the Facebook pages I have tried. Any suggestions?

Humberto Junior
Humberto Junior - 22.09.2021 05:35

thanks friend, for shared knowlege

Ahmedabad Food Trend
Ahmedabad Food Trend - 26.08.2021 11:38

nice plugin - using it since long, thanks

ultimate twitter feeds
ultimate twitter feeds - 22.08.2021 17:54

We always struggled while using direct code from Facebook itself, thank you for creating such an amazing plugin for WordPress!

Milap Patel
Milap Patel - 22.08.2021 17:48

Useful 👍
