brings a tear to my every time its so damn scrumptious
ОтветитьThere are SO many moments in this series that seriously bring emotion to me. That is so rare for anything, let alone a cartoon. <3 Home Movies and will show it to my kids.
ОтветитьI peed....wait let me be sure....yep i did
ОтветитьThe best improvisation of anything I can remember
ОтветитьYes sir.
ОтветитьSo...everyone in this show wore footy PJ's.
Ответитьgeese home movies was my first best show I watched as a kid. sucks its not still going...
ОтветитьI got chills & goosebumps the1st time i heard this
ОтветитьAnd Dwayne lost HOW!? That was epic!
ОтветитьLimmy Monet's solo was nothing but fast. Fast guitar is not always good guitar. Dwayne proves this perfectly.
Ответитьlmfao love that one guy whos about to throw a beer bottle but then realizes the just looked into the tits of god
Ответитьthis needs to be longer. like a month long. its like candy for my ears
Ответитьknow a longer version of this, bc it is pretty nice...?
ОтветитьStill, my favorite guitar riff of all time.
ОтветитьIf a guitar could sing for world peace.
Ответитьthis solo seriously hits pitches that just gives you chills
Ответитьiv been watching this video since it was posted
ОтветитьDwayne is awesome. I would've totally watched a spinoff about him and his band.
Ответитьand this was Nathan before Dethklok
ОтветитьMelts my fucking face, every time.
ОтветитьThis song always brought a tear to my eye. It's so good!!!!
ОтветитьStill the most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard
ОтветитьStill amazing
ОтветитьHe was the best. The other guy sucked
ОтветитьWhat type of music do I have to listen to for that type of solo I need more
ОтветитьThis is what world peace sounds like.
Ответитьjoe satriani would be proud.
ОтветитьI swear this solo could cure cancer.
ОтветитьThis brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard it.
ОтветитьRemember that Brendon's rental guitar was untuned and damaged so Dwayne had to play the entire piece after figuring out the key the guitar was in by ear live on stage. He also found out he was failing some classes and his Dad grounded him and took away his guitar earlier in the episode. He was also getting taunted by Jimmy Monet all episode. Despite all of those hurdles he was able to do this. And the look on Jimmy's face is absolutely priceless.
ОтветитьYou know you're special when you get a mullet to reconsider throwing a bottle.
ОтветитьWhy the crowds holding their lighter up?
ОтветитьI had a boyfriend that looked really close to that in real life. Yes, I'm that dumb, but I'm 60' so give me a break..😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьDamn, Brendon Small can play. Holy shit.
ОтветитьThat was the most Epic sound in History of Guitar freestyling.
ОтветитьThank you Brendon.
ОтветитьDwayne should’ve at least been one of the top 3 winners
Ответитьit's in the same key as "goodbye goodbye" by ų-ziq -- both good songs
ОтветитьBro nailed it
ОтветитьThe OG guitar
ОтветитьIts video was popular in the future. I say that
ОтветитьRebuilding a Planet on Brendon Small's second Galaktikon album is somewhat similar.
ОтветитьI've been waiting for years man, but someone absolutely MUST make this into a 2 hour loop video. I could listen to it for longer.