Strength ranking for every race in Total war Warhammer 3

Strength ranking for every race in Total war Warhammer 3

Cultist of Khorne

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@We3dCraftLP - 19.06.2024 21:30

seeing this video after thrones of decay was released i rly thought hard and nope this list not representing it any more at all, dwarfs are now completly op empire with elspeth are also a top faction and nurgle got a super heavy faction with tamurkhan

@yiufung7070 - 18.06.2024 03:03

think dark elves snowballs super early with the rush build and generally god teir 3 unit with dark ark

@IamrealX - 03.06.2024 07:28

dark elves should be much higher, especially after the chaos dwarf dlc. that dlc improved their slave mechanic and gave them an option to insta build buildings with slaves. this allows you to recruit shades much sooner then previously possible, and shades can carry you straight into the late game without any issues

@Krethak - 29.05.2024 20:18

The timing of this video was a bit unlucky so shortly before the release of Thrones of Decay ^^'

@lonestar6709 - 29.05.2024 18:30

Don't make me laugh.
High Elves consolidate, like falling off a log. By that point, they'll ransack through Khorne's minions, like a hot knife through butter.

@danieloktovian9523 - 26.05.2024 05:33

3 ogre can beat entire bretonia army

@untyprandom9740 - 22.05.2024 23:02

Not long ago I played Daniel's WH3 Campain and I rarely played a worse LL I was playing on NORMAL difficulty and he was getting hard soloed by Valkia 20 levels behind, terrible experience, also he almost died in the first round of the final battle.

@spiffygonzales5160 - 16.05.2024 21:03

Hard agree on Tzeentch and Bretonnia.
Bretonnia isnt bad, its just that theyre boring.
But Tzeentch kinda sucks. The changing of the ways COULD be good, but it takes forever to get enough grimoirs to break alliance/force war, and you gotta wait forever for take settlement.

I feel like the people saying tzeentch is OP dont actually play tzeentch

@danialalipour7583 - 16.05.2024 19:10

Sht fk up men where ls emper you say bertonnia better than emper

@polyperchon4511 - 13.05.2024 01:02

With the new DLC, do you think the position of the Empire, Dwarfs and Nurgle changed or not ?

@esnezinu_neko8768 - 11.05.2024 10:15

Tomb kings are the best.

@KakavashaForever - 06.05.2024 08:42

Top 3 are all factions with no (or almost no) ranged/artillery. Kinda funny.

@Revan619 - 05.05.2024 03:19

Those dawi and empire changes 👀

@TheDeathby2 - 29.04.2024 05:32

It's a crime how unfun Nurgle is without Champions of Chaos.

@felixdickinson4024 - 24.04.2024 11:24

can you remake this video post ToD I'd by interested to see if the rankings change heaps.

@megatjmega - 24.04.2024 02:24

im not sure if this is shitpost list or legit T.T

@josephjohnson5415 - 23.04.2024 02:39

I agree with most except tzeench. Tzeench is easily the most powerful faction in the game, even more powerful than Khorne. And it's understandable that personal bias likely play well into the ranking but it's very clear that you don't understand how tzeench works.

You can literally force an opponent to LOSE TWO TURNS, STEAL SETTLEMEMTS, FORCE PEACE (useful when some faction is about to attack a weak point), GAIN AN EXTRA MOVE, OPEN EVER GATE IN EVERY SEIGE, AND START EVERY FIGHT AS AN AMBUSH. Your best units can fly and you have flying flamethrowers, FLYING FLAMETHROWERS!!! But magic is the real weapon and you will control YOUR OWN access to it.

I don't have 3000 hours, only 1200 but it's very clear you have not spent real campaign time learning tzeench. His faction is stupidly OP. I know most folks get intimidated by Teclis and Oxy being starter enemies, but they are far easier to manage after this past update.

So Give tzeench another shot and maybe you'll see what I'm talking about.

@FoogleBoogle - 22.04.2024 20:30

Khorne needs ranged units. A bit biased to put khorne as strongest. but its for campaign

@masaheimoi - 16.04.2024 09:06

I am quite sure that Cathay should be above Kislev, and possibly even above high elves. Letsdo comparison to Kislev. Cathay has a lot beater economy, their starting area is more defendable, and their armies are a....bit beater than Kislev. In tier 0 Kislev might be beater, but after that Cathay armies are beater, and they buff their units more meaningfully through red line skills. Like Kislev will buff archers melee defence, or lineholders firepower even if sometimes they don't have ranged attacks.

As for high elves Cathay economy is still superior and I think that it is enough even if their early game armies are possibly a bit weaker.

@michaelhansen5662 - 15.04.2024 23:20

I had to go back to the intro to remind myself of your rating reasoning. I would have to agree with you, the whole min maxing mentality of playing on Legendary difficulty requires you to start fast and start expanding quickly. I do think however that these ratings would change fairly drastically if you were to play on Very Hard or lower.

Primarily I think Legendary ramps up the AI aggression too much, potential allies can become enemies quickly with the minus to diplomacy. The game basically requires you to be self sustaining and good at growing quickly. This is what I think has informed your decisions the most and why people are disagreeing with you.

Empire's strength is actually really good if you focus diplomacy, even on Legendary being able to get trade deals and target enemies of potential allies can get you to side with very strong nations, or at least buffers for your growth. They also pay you for trade goods, which can make you a decent amount of cash and work well as a way to get a faction to like you.

Diplomacy is a good chunk of this game as it can allow you get get breathing room and focus on the targets that aren't going to ally with you.

I also don't think you probably make good use of campaign effects, as you ranked Tzeentch and the Skaven clans so low. Nurgle also benefits largely from spreading plagues, and debuffing enemy settlements and armies while benefiting your own he also is a defensive faction, pushes slowly, needs time to build his poxes. That doesn't mean the faction is bad necessarily you just need to make sure you don't over expand.

I think Legendary can also strip theme from factions, and forces you to shoehorn factions that don't play fast into a fast playstyle. Wood Elves are actually a powerful faction, but they are a themed faction, your goal is to tend to the forests, and you don't have much care of the outside world. When focusing only working on the forests, you can get really strong. But Legendary's AI aggression makes this difficult.

Vampire Coast makes a lot of its money from Pirate Coves, placed well, and sacking the hell out of everything. In fact practically all evil factions make their money from killing things, sacking, raiding, etc. So their economies do suck but they also make stupid money when post loot and sacking is leveled.

A lot of your criticisms of races on the lower tier are that they don't get going fast. This really throttles a lot of other factions as they aren't all built for that. For example, Tomb Kings are slow because they are what inspired the Necrons, the whole slowly waking up. They are good late game but aren't an expansion faction, you keep to the desert until you build up as that's where almost everything you need is at.

Ultimately my point is I think the game shines at lower difficulties, you are able to experiment and try doing things differently from how you are used to. You can allow yourself to immerse in the faction theme and ideas, to roleplay a little or a lot. Striking a balance between difficulty and fun is something I realized as I have gotten older is way more enjoyable than trying to beat the game's hardest level.

@infernostaff7388 - 15.04.2024 05:57

no way youre saying 0 upkeep orion is 15th

@user-mj8rw1mv5m - 14.04.2024 16:34

Why do you have a fake british accent?

@kun_dboy6319 - 14.04.2024 13:18

could of wait for thrones of decay to come out because i have a feeling it will change a lot

@NoOnesBCE - 13.04.2024 23:07

Tomb kings is fair* Arkhan belongs in his own tier with the godly early units and immediate second army. More armies = faster research = more armies.

@colonelstrat - 12.04.2024 21:49

Ranking the filthy rats ahead of my proud dawi huh?? That one's going in the book!

@stonefolk2778 - 12.04.2024 12:24

I think this list changes depending on difficulty it's played on tbh. As well as what you are trying to achieve. I feel like this list is created with paint the map on L/VH in mind which is fine but there are lots of ways to play the game and have a successful campaign doing so.

@dezmas9332 - 12.04.2024 08:44

My only experience with Nurgle is the realms of chaos and by God did I scrape up a win, I wasn't able to get through the gates 2 times, and had to ambush Nakari so he wouldn't win, without the DLC it is challenging, but also quite fun despite it, it was the first time I actually felt challenged since Cathay and Kislev were much easier, Kislev was just hell at the beginning and I had to redo the campaign early though

@saschaganser9671 - 09.04.2024 17:34

Hard to do a ranking, as certain lords can play so different. Snikch for example is super strong for the Skaven. Arkhan is really good for the tomb kings.
Kislev is imo to high.
I don`t agree on Khorne, as somehow you can loose this campaign if you loose a battle or take to much casualties.
VC or Greenskins, that`s pretty hard to loose, even if you try. Also, Archaeon, how do you loose that campaign?
There`s an extrem imbalance to factions that are really good early game, and VC basically has access to late game units, great heros. Same for Greenskins and Whaag, just a crazy meachanic that lets you steamroll everything without your late game armies being weak.

@dogperson432 - 08.04.2024 22:12

I heard that if you spam plagues, nergal is very strong

@alisson4505 - 08.04.2024 14:33

Lol, everything wrong man

@tokugamer9930 - 08.04.2024 12:09

How can you be so confident yet so wrong in almost everything

@middleagepeasant2291 - 08.04.2024 01:52

Ogres are great. I only play ogre campaigns and have over 900 hours of only ogres. Yeah their economy is bad but you gotta play ogres like a never ending terrorist attack. You gotta be the traumatic event. Throw down a million camps and walk the maw path. Born to eat cookem all meat pot is a fuck 19474921 dead cathayans. World war Gut

@steelcladCompliant - 07.04.2024 21:04

The most boring to play has to be bretonnia tho. For all practial purposes they only have four units (infantry, archers, cavalry and trabuchets) and of those, you have to rely on the cavalry the most. Hope you like having to hammer and anvil cycle charge every battle with every lord the entire campaign, because all your armies are gonna look pretty much the same. Add to that the fact their only lord and hero options are "generic fighter dude" and "generic mage lady". If they were a flavor of ice cream it would be water

@Lusor_Elges - 07.04.2024 20:19

I persoanly just play for fun so it dont really matter to me what i play. I love playing Skarbrand though. Took over the entire Realm of Chaos map destroying every single faction. Also i love play nkari and valkia.

@lalaninja006 - 07.04.2024 15:01

its hard to make a ranking for these. there are so many things to consider, so its normal for people to disagree. however! the changeling literraly can not lose his campaign unless on purpose, will teleport ambush every time and can become the most powerful character as he can change into anyone and can get the chainsword. put on top of that his changing of ways mechanic and how his cult buildings work, i see nothing else topping him. the only way i can see him lose is via snikch kill faction mechanic, but im not even sure that can happen? must be hell to fight him in a pvp campaign

@koren7783 - 07.04.2024 11:28

Nurgle has no place being on 24, if you dont know how to play him cant say hes bad.

@CapybaraConnoisseur89 - 07.04.2024 01:38

I agree I'd put Vampire Coast even lower god I rage quit their campaign more than I can count. I hope The Empire will get some love, also despite Vamps being high on the list their gameplay feels outdated and bland.

@squalala9 - 06.04.2024 19:01

I am agree with you a for lot of choices but wood elves ? hell no, good video anyways

@spanner5940 - 06.04.2024 18:14

for once i actually agree with this top 10 (style) list. i thought id never be able to escape colonel damnders bullshit, ty for this

@Miki-hk6vy - 06.04.2024 14:05

thank you for this, got the game on sale and been playing only chaos dwarfs so wanted to try out some other fun races

@angryspearmen3614 - 06.04.2024 11:52

As a dwarf main, I agree. Like it’s make scene to make their building high because dwarf want to build high, not wide. But the buildings just gives no output for that cost(
Also due to the weaker garrisons and new sieges the defensive capabilities of short kings is really low now.
This is sad. I want to lore-friendly defend my impenetrable keeps from swarms of greenskins, not sitting there trying to afford tier 3 gold mine with no income while no one is trying to attack me, because AI :<

@lordwacho4205 - 06.04.2024 07:59

for me chaos dwarf its more strong faction in late literally have units strong for air,land,beast,distance.

@discobiscuits4891 - 05.04.2024 21:24

I liked the vid, definitely agreed with most of your takes. I personally would move Vampire Counts and Norsca down a bit and move Skaven, Lizardmen, and Tzeench up a bit after playing them all pretty recently. The Changing of Ways can be really strong imo, especially halt army and force peace which can essentially let you fight as few or as many wars once unlocked and upgraded, plus barriers and good magic are pretty strong after awhile. A lot of things are subjective though for sure, keep up the vids!

@Dante-sm4vs - 05.04.2024 07:33

Having Skaven at 13 is thematic, but is also crazy. Bro is not cooking on this one

@raaaaaagh4263 - 05.04.2024 04:31

Ok, A Cultist of Khorne think Khorne is the rank 1 of all. making sense to me😂, a true devotee to say the least.

@RhyeToast - 05.04.2024 03:49

Saw this and i will say i think personally skaven should be higher. All you really need to do is get 4 or 5 units of firewarp throwers, a bunch of skaven slave and you have a relatively cheap army that punches way above its weight class in auto resolve.

@newindika - 04.04.2024 18:26

I agree with your list. The order doesn't matter too much. I think everyone agree that nurgle, ogres, empire and dwarfs are in a very bad spot. But IMO, Daniel should be the worst faction in the game. At least with nurgle you can spam heroes and steamroll the AI with impunity.

@x0lopossum - 04.04.2024 07:21

Another great video.

@davidesacco7511 - 04.04.2024 00:01

Helman Ghost enjoyer here. But i gotta say i love the Dwarfs, and Nurgle. I hope Thrones of Decay will buff them..

@KraytonNHG - 03.04.2024 23:00

Although Settra is incredibly angry at this, I'd be more afraid of pissing off Gor'Rok or Kroq Gar.
