Why Jordan Peterson Hates Twitter

Why Jordan Peterson Hates Twitter


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@CImum - 22.08.2023 22:12

Oh my God, this was 4 yrs ago, and how he was precise!

@sheadiggs9355 - 06.05.2023 01:05

Only reason I’m not on Twitter is bc it won’t allow me to run ads

@bettyhermsmeyer796 - 12.03.2023 22:33

Twitter sucks. But Jordan used twitter to regularly insult and attack people with an occasional quip to 'be nice' - which was always hilarious. Having zero understanding of the impact of his words he identified heavy women as never being beautiful regardless of political correctness (as if that is the ONLY reason they would ever be regarded as attractive) - was shocked at the backlash, - quit Twitter - had staff change his twitter password and not tell him so he wouldn't be tempted to read hurtful comments - kept responding even though he quit twitter - came back on through another twitter user's account and restated his offensive remarks breaking the rules because it was his "truth". What a pitiful excuse for an actual real man. A real man would know the consequences of his words. A real man wouldn't need staff to hide their own passwords from them. A real man wouldn't go through a back door to repeat offending remarks. Jordon is teaching young men that they can insult others, never take responsibility for actions, break rules, and hide behind a rock while continuing to toss insults and telling people to 'be nice'. Women who have strong responsible men in their lives know you're just a butt-hurt whiny drama-queen narcissist touting a bunch of bs YOU can't live by.

@pitsburg91 - 08.01.2023 12:32

jp hates twitter because it is not a echo chamber of his beliefs and ideologies. Also, he is the last person you should ask for an assessment on "feelings", the man literally broke down crying because Olivia Wilde based the antagonist of "Don't Worry Darling" on him.

@terencescully284 - 04.01.2023 20:44

I am 70 years old. No-one I know in my circle of friends uses Twitter.

@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 - 05.12.2022 02:01

Immature people putting their lives in public

@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 - 05.12.2022 01:58


@cursedimageseveryday5559 - 22.10.2022 23:05

Please Elon buy Twitter and charge money for every stupid tweet people make. People will reconsider posting edgy shit and haters will stop writting hateful comments. Deep down everybody knows it's all a waste of time...

@lyrankzinti1711 - 24.08.2022 00:52

I hate twitter now.

@brezbrez7845 - 26.05.2022 14:56

As someone who tries to exert a controlling ego over the narrative, JP is going to hate.

@willoweable - 20.05.2022 18:02

I love the fact that Peterson was forced to quit Twitter because he himself posted an opinion on the internet and he couldn't handle the backlash. How stupid are right wingers? Do you really think that you could just say whatever you want on the internet and people aren't supposed to get upset? Yeah fat Chance.

@samerantar3338 - 06.05.2022 18:03

Social media is controlled by the people running the show

@militarypolice360 - 29.04.2022 01:20


@badboyinjordanz - 28.04.2022 22:25

I don’t hate Twitter I hate the people on Twitter

@scallywag1716 - 18.03.2022 01:53

He’s 100% right. Social media has been the downfall of society, even with the “benefits” it has brought.

@TheDonUrbas - 10.03.2022 20:18

Bold statement from a terminaly online r€t@rd unable to log off his twitter

@crashburn3292 - 14.01.2022 21:00

I just quit Twitter after 5 year on it. It's waste of time. I tried to express that thought on Twitter, which all the Twitter addicts REALLY hated. lol

@deepeyton - 13.01.2022 01:46

Social media in general isn’t just bad for the young it’s bad for the elders too. The elders are starting to use social media as if they aren’t elders.

@FaheemProductions - 04.01.2022 22:36

Both Twitter and Facebook are same. Full of SJWs, Trolls, Cringe and even false information left for garbage!

@OscarMaris - 04.01.2022 22:00

He sure spends a lot of time on Twitter for someone who hates Twitter

@EdgyNumber1 - 11.10.2021 06:11

"F××K TWITTER!!!!" - Dave Chappelle.

@Murdocke89 - 26.08.2021 05:58

Twitter needs shutting down or majorly regulated to stop left winging and cherry picking people they want in their echo chamber

@AstralLaVista - 19.08.2021 19:14

The awkward laugh from the audience when he suggested bombing silicone valley was genuinely priceless

@an-hs7tx - 12.08.2021 19:09

Twitter is so flawed in so many other ways than its content and userbase. The character limits, likes, qrts, are all limiters to honest expression.

@strawberryjpeg6000 - 02.07.2021 14:26

I’m low-key getting bored of twitter and idk why, I’ve had so many viral tweets but now it’s so boring seeing so many tweets all at once.

@bishopbrathwaitee1734 - 07.06.2021 16:48

If you're influenced by Twitter accounts, you need to get out in the world. Twitter is nothing but a social argument, where "lost" souls are looking for moral support, engaging in silly chatter trying to outdo each other. I started an account, then discovered what a complete waste of time it was, closed the account, then started another one only to vent on particular topics. Now I've quit again, this time for good.
Sheep, trolls, socially toxic discussion rule the media platform. Now I am happier, play and practise my guitar regularly, again

@el_benny_ - 27.05.2021 15:41

Man, I think that Mark Zuckerberg is the most dangerous man in the world

@ohyeahyeah544 - 05.05.2021 19:36

Twitter is so left leaning I opened it on my computer and it fell over sideways.

@ohyeahyeah544 - 05.05.2021 19:35

Ah yes twitter where you can speak shit against humanity provided you are Muslim, black, LGBT or hate trump.

@ViktorScberg - 03.05.2021 10:26

corrections : why Normal human being hate twatter

@LavaCreeperPeople - 25.04.2021 00:56


@bigfishtd7792 - 05.04.2021 17:43

The world doesn't need social media. We did fine, if not better before hand.

@ironmouse4152 - 17.02.2021 05:55

Just another type of brainwashing. Most of the accounts are run by big corporations like Disney to spread their own trans and leftist ideas and defame employees. Gina Carano being fired is a great example of how big corporations using social media to justify their bad acts. Transphobic if you don't use certain pronouns on your Twitter account ? Says who? Even transgender don't even use those pronouns. Twitter is a weapon against free speech and independent thinking.

@petersutton523 - 12.02.2021 03:45

90% of people on Twitter hide their identities, that alone should tell intelligent people to give it a miss.
It's a childish platform for people with zero communication skills and even less common sense, that's why politicians are so fond of spouting their bullshit there.
After all who can make a decent argument about anything in 280 characters?

By the way Facebook is no better it just has prettier pictures 😉

@focusfire5306 - 10.02.2021 02:57

As soon as someone has a Twitter account I avoid them

@kadensalle3966 - 05.02.2021 07:36

Me: see’s Twitter

Also me: Visibly Puking

@desertsandfly2277 - 20.01.2021 13:18

I really don't like twitter or any social media. I mean I would use one like WhatsApp for important stuff like sending documents or pictures of something. But I don't see what you can get from sending viral videos or photos and the more popular you grow the more people you'll attract. Everyday, literally everyday I hear someone being cancelled because they did something bad or because of some of the most stupidest reasons to exist.

@mellyalex9087 - 25.12.2020 17:20

Never doubts @Hex_Hacker09 via !G helped me restore back my account

@marywilkerson2255 - 11.12.2020 17:45

I hate all social twitter. Twitter
Squatter words are open
Ended ( a web and a net)
Traps the web and the net
Can’t be found . It’s discord
Destroys our soul

@1991-present - 22.11.2020 23:45

Twitter leaves me overwhelmed.

@atticusmcfly - 10.11.2020 06:00

If Twitter disappeared, this country would INFINETLY improve. What social media has done to civil discourse and our overall approach to life is impossible to comprehend.

@salempoor834 - 23.12.2019 02:54

I left all social media last year. I’ve felt so much better ever since.

@jmas2593 - 11.12.2019 14:09

this makes me feel better after using twitter and being attacked by a bunch of angry vegans. its full of crazy miserable people that want to ruin your day. ive cut back from it too, not just twitter but discord and all social media.

@ElGo10x - 02.12.2019 02:11

you opened my mind, Jordan is my internet father

@rickdavenport9538 - 15.10.2019 08:37

All "so-called" media is shit. Subversives,cowards,contrarians and narcissists.

@thereallegend4lyfe - 16.09.2019 01:20

Even people on Twitter hate Twitter.

@ThanosBandRI - 12.09.2019 15:55

Fake communication is VERY dangerous... I know many people who use Twitter and Facebook on a regular basis, and the effects on them are not good... And because of that I never started using either - both are a complete waste of time!
I feel sorry for them and their false lives.

@cbalan777 - 02.09.2019 07:08

No wonder he's never watched my video on Industriousness. I thought he read his comments. Oh well I guess.
