Heroes (2006-2010): What Happened to this Show?

Heroes (2006-2010): What Happened to this Show?

JoBlo Originals

1 год назад

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Danny Wong
Danny Wong - 25.10.2023 19:04

What bothers me the most about the show is, you have this ultimate villain who goes around stealing powers by killing others, and you have this ultimate hero that goes around mimicking powers by just being around them. They're essentially the same thing, albeit different methods, but the results are the same.

Chromosome Warrior
Chromosome Warrior - 25.10.2023 03:00

I truly loved the show and i thought it was cool until the second season. It was amazing and i got into it so deep but then, it became uncompelling. Heores reborn was not good form the beginning as i felt the show was rushed and the plot was stupid. trying to run the show in multiple parts of the world at the same time, well, at least two. Too stupid to be consider a sequel. They left a some letter as a cliff hanger or something.

You know what show i like and miss now. The gifted. That was very intriguing and different from what we currently watch but then, disney show up, bought part of fox and cancelled the show.

Mythic Legend
Mythic Legend - 25.10.2023 00:08

You're right about everything, the show was HUGE the first season. You forgot about the webisodes tho.

eye🐝trollin - 24.10.2023 23:43

I remember watching the show when I was a teenager but yeah something never sat right with me,,, now I realize that the person producing it was essentially someone who made elevator music trying to make an album for Rammstein,, maybe if it wasn't so vanilla and woke it would have worked

prOGamer - 24.10.2023 22:45

Nope. Firefly has the most tragic story.

RyouNoMegami - 24.10.2023 20:01

Excuse me!? GEORGE TAKEI already was a tv star.... remember star trek....

Orville Blake
Orville Blake - 23.10.2023 21:36

Nicki was a sick character in the first season

Ruth O'Hare
Ruth O'Hare - 23.10.2023 21:21

Good to know WHY Heroes went down the pan after just one season.

Stay away United
Stay away United - 23.10.2023 05:15

Worst ever last line of a TV series

Anthony Perry
Anthony Perry - 20.10.2023 02:36

Heroes was my jawn… Sylar was that dude

Karber - 15.10.2023 08:17

George takei is not much loved by the general public. he's a psychotic angry lunatic who went so far left only other lunatics like him. Hope that clears things up.

DCB Discerns
DCB Discerns - 13.10.2023 15:56

Lindeloff 😂💩

hammer11235 - 11.10.2023 22:24

To this day, every time I see a Nissan Versa, I hear Hiro saying to Ando "Nissan Versa" at the car rental place in season 1.

Scott Lee Clayton
Scott Lee Clayton - 10.10.2023 14:17

Heroes is the classic case of having half of a really great idea.

DEGENERATECONT - 09.10.2023 09:10

i loved heroes

Jay's Online Slotz
Jay's Online Slotz - 06.10.2023 23:23

You're smoking. Heroes was one of the BEST shows i have ever watched in my life. When season 2 was airing my best friend kept telling me how good it was but i was watching Prison Break around the same time Heroes came on. He couldn't stop talking about so finally after Prison Break was off he came over and said season 3 of Heroes was premiering. I watched it and immediately fell in love. I had all these questions right away about all the powers etc. I went back and binged the entire first 2 seasons and then continued watching season 3. I admit the show gradually did lose momentum after the first season, but i did not think the show got boring or that bad that it should have ended. As a whole i still loved the show and all the seasons. I thought Sylar was the best character on the show and if they did keep him dead after season 1 then i just couldn't imagine the show without him. I can go on to say he made the show more interesting, not Hiro. The only thing i thought was bad is how they never showcased Sylar's powers good enough. For someone who was arguably the most powerful one of all, i expected to see him DESTROYING other characters and/or show more battles between them. He could collect all those powers but they never showed him using them anywhere near what he was capable of. Why didn't he take Hiro's power? Imagine Sylar controlling time!! His mind reading abilities could have been so much more, wanted to see him fly more, kirby plaza could have shown him sending like 15 cars flying at all the other characters. How they let weak ass Jessica take him down with a parking meter? They made him seem weak a lot of moments. Heroes Reborn was certified GARBAGE. For such high anticipation i could not believe how corny it was. I had to force myself to watch it just to see what happened at the end. It was insanely cheesy. Seasons 2-4 were nowhere near as bad as i see many making it out to be. I TRULY don't understand the mindset of said people. Heroes needs to come back with the original cast, the same writers but with newer and better ideas. Heroes MUST come back!!!!

Max Don
Max Don - 06.10.2023 06:10

Great video!

Any Potato
Any Potato - 04.10.2023 12:05

"jumpstarted the career of george takei"? I probably misunderstood what you meant seeing as he was already world renowned way before heroes even existed.

Stigma - 01.10.2023 21:01

The Writers' strike happened.

L p
L p - 30.09.2023 21:42

Only season one was ok.

Smith - 28.09.2023 21:50

Should have stopped after one season..that was enough. It was gold.

J - 25.09.2023 07:41

I saw this thumbnail after rewatching the whole show again

I’m wishing they bring it back
I loved all 4 seasons and I was very happy when they did Reborn back in 2015
I had a reason to watch NBC next to Blindspot

I understand the criticisms people had after season 1
But I didn’t actively hate the later seasons
We really should give Tim Kring credit for having the show last as long as it did since 2006; most showed would’ve ended so quickly
But I was one of the most loyal fans to the end
Heroes was a pop cultural phenomenon back in the day; I’m happy my sisters got me all the DVDs for my birthday each September along with visual guide books etc.
This will always been one of my favorite shows ever….

1XM_MX1 - 24.09.2023 22:28

I think it still has potential for a revival or remake, but would require better writers.

Javaman - 24.09.2023 17:31

My feeling was that it collapsed under its own complexity.

SuperSnowMoon Twitch VODs
SuperSnowMoon Twitch VODs - 19.09.2023 20:30

The writers strike back then killed this show basically

Jack E
Jack E - 11.09.2023 00:32

Thank you for not even referencing Ali Larter. She was the reason D.L. was written off the show at the start of season 2, and in a throwaway flashback, no less. I was excited to see such an interesting character with a super cool power (who looked like me), only for him to be so unceremoniously discarded. And then also Larter's piss-poor acting in the remaining series was proof they axed the wrong character. Plus, I see it as a missed opportunity. It would have been super interesting to see how Micah developed under the care of his father, as opposed to the crappy job Niki did. Plus, maybe it would have influenced the kid's future, where he went from a scared child with a loose understanding of the world, to a grittier character who was willing to tread the lines between legality and criminality, a bit of an antihero, like when he used his power to hack and drain an ATM to help his mom with money. Heart in the right place, but with a lack of understanding of the consequences of doing such things.

Anyway, great video! Definitely love watching your content, brother.

Edit: Yeah, I know you cover the controversy, but I was still watching the Sylar section when writing this comment.

Johnny Wallace
Johnny Wallace - 03.09.2023 22:56

No this show had really horrible writing and bad pacing. They had great chararter concepts a good core of actors and that is where it ended. They had a great thing and litterally had 0 idea what to do with it by the time the 1st season ended you could tell they started to wobble. As they went into the second season the strike happened but by that time happened it was already on it;s downhill run.

Mario R.
Mario R. - 02.09.2023 02:28

5 month ago. I woke up in the middle of the night with memories of a tv show which I saw over 10 years ago. Lingering with good memories of this show, I ordered all seasons. Although I can't remember the plot of the seasons, but I know one thing "Save the cheerleader, save the world!". Until now I had no time to rewatch the show.
It's crazy that after such a long time someone recalls this series beside me.

バンジョベンジ - 30.08.2023 18:11

The web of different auxilliary characters was way too tangled in season 3. I liked the My Hero Academia-like idea of everyone's parents being part of an organization centered around making superpowered people but the number of new characters they added was excessive.

Having watched Monster and Breaking Bad since then, it would've been nice to orbit around the main core cast from season 1 and auxilliary characters inform a connected subplot that the characters are navigating through. Sylar's return as a Johann sorta character could've been interesting.

m3vm3 - 28.08.2023 06:43

It was great. I nice fantasy.

Castel The Ghetto Monk
Castel The Ghetto Monk - 24.08.2023 18:12

First 2 seasons amazing, third was very good after that nah

Mind on E
Mind on E - 23.08.2023 15:32

This show had great material, great directors, great vision. But horrible studio to work with, bad timing (writers strike), and poor follow ups

Green Brown77
Green Brown77 - 23.08.2023 07:46

Oh good Lord. I gave up after 9 minutes.

Firefly 122
Firefly 122 - 23.08.2023 06:48

Still wish a streaming service would pick up the right and either re do re imagine or just have a place to watch the original it’s don’t seem to be on any on the bigger streaming services

xRaiD3r - 22.08.2023 15:40

Literally one of my fav shows ever, I actually just got all the seasons on blue ray for $30!

Kid100music - 22.08.2023 15:39

First season of Heroes is some of the best superhero storytelling you will ever see. Incredible. It's a shame the show gradually got worse.

Greenhood 3000
Greenhood 3000 - 16.08.2023 05:29

Did bro forget about season 4?

Sir SyncAlot
Sir SyncAlot - 12.08.2023 00:02

No I want another season

Chad Bryson
Chad Bryson - 05.08.2023 19:38

Loved this show. Zachary Quinto played the best villain I can remember in a long while on a tv show. It was frustrating as the show went that it didn't capitalize on its premise but even with the drops in quality, we still enjoyed all four seasons. Never saw the reboot though. With no returning characters, it didn't hold the same interest for my Fam.

Ragabash Moon
Ragabash Moon - 05.08.2023 07:13

Their marketing for this show was so amazing. Even if you didn't watch the show, you knew "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World"

Christopher Roberts
Christopher Roberts - 24.07.2023 17:58

Heros was utter Garbage! As I watched the first seasons promise, spiral into chaotic nonsensical drivel, I said to myself; "The script wasn't finished before filming started!"
Tha Writter/creator subsequently confirmed this in an interview !! So how anyone can give this show any accolades is beyond me ! The first half of season 1 had promise ! And that's where it ended !! GARBAGE !

Jamie - 24.07.2023 08:25

you have subscribers? thats awesome

Libby Brodsky
Libby Brodsky - 16.07.2023 01:49

The first season was fantastic .. right up until the final episode, which really didn't pay off everything that was built up. Big focus on the eclipse, right down to it being the series logo? Nope, sorry, the eclipse had nothing to do with anything and the powers had been around decades before that. DNA strand shapes showing up all over the place? Nope, that didn't actually mean anything. Save the Cheerleader / Save the World? Never paid off, saving Claire had no effect on the outcome in the final episode. I expected them all to work together to save the world in the final episode, but it was just a bunch of random, unrelated things in that episode. I had a lot of science fiction fan friends who were hooked on the series and used to get together and talk about apparent clues in each episode, but they all turned out to be just random things with no meaning, just thrown in there for coolness. The Company actually turned out to be run by a bunch of people with powers, people who were not particularly bad guys or good guys, so what was the point of all this? We never quite found out what they were doing or why. After the final episode, my friends and I agreed that the series name should be changed from Heroes to Red Herrings.

As for the second season... not sure where you're getting your information from, but I remember Tim Kring talking about it at the time and belatedly understanding where he went wrong: Part of what made Season 1 work so well is that the first episode showed a nuclear disaster in NYC and there was a driving need to stop that throughout the season. Tim Kring realized pretty early on that Season 2 wasn't working because there weren't obvious stakes floating out there as there were in Season 1, and he assured fans that the stakes would become apparent... eventually. Did they? Meh. Season 2 also diverted Hiro and Ando, who were fan favorites and characters that fans related to. I heard that they didn't know what to do with Hiro because his time travelling/teleporting power was too easy a solution to any problem, but we had already seen limitations on that power: he can't do anything if somebody knocks him out and it's not so easy for him to change the past because everything is intertwined. Then we find out that Sylar is a Petrelli, but that also turns out to be a red herring. It was all just a mess.

A comic book fan friend of mine pointed out that a big problem was that Kring didn't actually know anything about comic books, so he didn't see obvious problems and cliches in his ideas.

Southern Fried Media
Southern Fried Media - 15.07.2023 19:35

So wait....the cheerleader wasn't Brie Larson? So where TF did Brie Larson come from?

blahblahgdp - 14.07.2023 05:39

I remember binging S1 cause it was so damn good. then S2.. i tried man
