The Execution Of The BRUTAL Einsatzgruppe Commander - Erich Naumann

The Execution Of The BRUTAL Einsatzgruppe Commander - Erich Naumann


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Sam Brown
Sam Brown - 24.11.2023 08:07

The French government killed one million civilians in Algeria, yet no justice

VIAGEM AO FUNDO DO MAR MOTA - 24.11.2023 03:20

Nazi vermes ASSASINOS, foram todos eliminados , massacrados

Espen Storm
Espen Storm - 24.11.2023 00:25

The chief prosecutor in the Einsatzgruppen-trial, Ben Ferencz, actually died in april 2023..103 years old

DrivermanO - 23.11.2023 21:30

If you mention that 6,000 Poles were killed, you really ought to balance this by mentioning the slaughter of 15,000 Poles by the Russians in the Katyn Forest in 1939 (or 1940). The Russians even tried to blame the Germans until 1991! The communist party still won't admit it!

SchmidtII - 23.11.2023 20:25

Wehe dem Besiegten. Amerikaner, Briten und Kanadier haben die gleichen Greueltaten in Form von Bombenterror, Gefangenen Mißhandlungen und Erschießungen begangen. Haben unzählige Gefangene an den Rheinwiesen verhungern lassen und sind niemals betraft worden. Die Atombombenabwürfe auf Japan, der Korea und Vietnamkrieg, haben an den Verbrechen der Nationalisten in Deutschland, nicht nachgestanden. Sind immer fein raus.

walenty stankiewicz
walenty stankiewicz - 23.11.2023 18:06

The sad story is that this sort of person with merciless genetics lives in Germany in a dormant bud and is ready to flourish in favorite circumstances.

Gerald56 - 23.11.2023 13:06

Hell is filled with monsters who "obeyed" orders

Ibanga Ndatah
Ibanga Ndatah - 23.11.2023 11:08

That is why people must stop a mad man from assuming power, in the first place. Ditto: the happenings in US against 2024.

Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing - 23.11.2023 09:01


Andrew Newton
Andrew Newton - 23.11.2023 06:35

Every execution is brutal.

new england patriot
new england patriot - 23.11.2023 03:28

I research all the deaths in the camps of Jews that. Died .it came to 2.7 million did these guys kill the 3.3 million with guns?

Renee Catagnus
Renee Catagnus - 23.11.2023 02:43

My heart breaks for The Innocent Victims, Survivors, and Those that Fought for Them. We Must Never Forget!🥀🥀🥀🥀🙏🙏🙏🙏💔💔💔💔🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

Renee Catagnus
Renee Catagnus - 23.11.2023 02:29

Good evening, and again, Thank You. I'm learning so much from your channel! I appreciate that!

Mlreau - 23.11.2023 01:38

They did the work of the Lord. Jesus hated Jews worse than Hitler

bournemouthisshit - 23.11.2023 01:30

These bloody people!

David Gaine
David Gaine - 23.11.2023 01:28

I hadn’t heard of this guy before. Another mundane monster like Eichmann who looked more like an accountant. They live among us secretly wishing our downfall but outwardly normal and friendly. He could have been somebody’s neighbour or work acquaintance and you would never have realised his psychotic potential.

Robert Mawby
Robert Mawby - 23.11.2023 01:04

The American executioner was no where near as professional as the British hangman, Albert Pierrepoint. Pierrepoint used the long drop method with the rope “knot” on the side of the neck, resulting in instant death by breaking the neck. The American used a much shorter drop with the rope knot at the back of the neck, resulting in death by strangulation.

dabbbles - 23.11.2023 00:50

ALL this sort of shit COULD NOT have happened without the co-operation of THE VICTIMS. WHY did they go along with the 'rules', rather than fight to the death? If each of the victims had managed to kill ONE SINGLE PERPETRATOR (in ANY way possible) the German war effort would've been finished asap. (eg. Six million supposed jews of 'the holocaust' would've killed off 6 million German (soldiers/bureaucrats/etcetc). BUT THEY DIDN'T; because they'd been 'socially trained' to obey 'authority'; IN THE SAME WAY ALL 'GOOD CITIZENS' WERE. Nothing has changed. You lot reading this comment bitch about what happened THEN, but DO NOTHING about what's happening now.

Randall Snell
Randall Snell - 23.11.2023 00:50

Today we have those who deny such savagery.

contingency9 - 23.11.2023 00:47

I think you will find that they were actually called "Einsatzgruppen".

lewisner - 22.11.2023 23:59

It's incredible that Germany wasn't punished more severely for it's war crimes. Many of the beasts who staffed the concentration camps were allowed to go free and lead normal lives.

ANTHONY EATON - 22.11.2023 22:36

The ‘ordinary’ Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe troops also took part in those mass shootings.

Wallace Brucker
Wallace Brucker - 22.11.2023 22:11

I would imagine that you are part of an organization that is a part of the legal government you would be expected to obey an order. If you feel you cannot then you should not be a part of that unit. Now how many young men would be able to accept the consequences of refusing to obey an order. . The legal consequences as well as letting you friends down would to to great for it to occur. The Nuremberg revenge tribunal in stating you must just not obey an order is blatantly hypocritical. It was a trial of the (losers) by winners and nothing more than that.

ARMAND MIRALLES - 22.11.2023 22:06

Bon débarras

camelsac - 22.11.2023 21:49

The two American soldiers flanking Naumann appear to be black. The Nazis considered black people to be inferior and placed great emphasis on physical fitness and the idea of the master race. I like to think that it was no mistake to have two black and obviously very fit and statuesque soldiers as his guards to make him look even more pathetic than he already was. He looks like a little shrimp next to the two soldiers.

Newtons 3rd Law
Newtons 3rd Law - 22.11.2023 21:43

Shame Germany lost so early WW2..
There were enough people who were anti white... to get special treatment.
Anti white culture..
anti christianity...
Anti white values...
If u see todaystheir offspring multiplied by 8,
now terrorizing, robbing, dealing drugs in europe's streets, cities, towns...
to white innocent children...

Wendy Mudkins
Wendy Mudkins - 22.11.2023 20:27

I havent heard of him they cant use following orders as an excuse for their brutality just evil as usual a great video with plenty of information thankyou

Jan Lindtner
Jan Lindtner - 22.11.2023 20:24


Bill Ashby
Bill Ashby - 22.11.2023 20:02

I wonder how many people would have the bravery to say "I will not follow these orders, they are illegal" I would hope most, but I fear many would follow orders of their government!

ItsAnnelise - 22.11.2023 19:51

I try and be a good person but I can't help but feel no emotion towards people like him who get the rope, I think I really upset my grandmother a few years ago as she had to flee from the Netherlands during ww2 cause obvs we're Jewish but I tried to explain to her that I also felt sorry for people like him as they we're probably once good men I think it's just cause I'm still young and I do tend to overthink and deep think so lots especially during the night it wasn't till I asked my teacher at my Jewish girls school that they explained everything to me it's really hard to explain and it's difficult for me as I don't like having hatred or anything I guess it's just super confusing for me apologies for the cringe if I have been that just trying to explain my feelings for this type of stuff especially knowing ppl hate me just cause im Jewish so id rather love
