BBC  Shopping the Supermarkets   Shop Smart

BBC Shopping the Supermarkets Shop Smart

Roel Devinck

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Marc Se7en
Marc Se7en - 18.07.2023 03:43

How's it done? Why do we go back to the supermarket, week after week? ... Simple!

It's to avoid STARVATION! 🤣

Robert Watt
Robert Watt - 15.07.2023 00:26

Stop buying into these adds, to lower inflation, simply stop buying , don't buy houses don't buy cars, don't buy anything at all. Just buy enough to survive, show these governments its time to stop raising prices, there only putting more homeless out there, and you who are spending lots on nothing, its your fault .greed gotta have it., stop this, your killing your next generation of kids.

Gregory Morton
Gregory Morton - 07.07.2023 17:53

Introducing the store cards killed it for me, forcing you to sign up to get the different price, I will never shop at these places, they have now forced me to stop been lazy and now I used markets/butchers 😊

Starbucks Coffee
Starbucks Coffee - 01.07.2023 12:46

So much has changed 😂. Lots of tills over self scans. Free plastic bags, lots of staff, sweets being allowed to be sold on tills

Cricket England
Cricket England - 12.06.2023 22:32

I do all my supermarket shopping online for home delivery so don’t get distracted with what supermarkets call bargains or impulse buying (even before covid lockdown)

Daniel Kitts
Daniel Kitts - 09.06.2023 16:33

£174 for all that amazing value

S B - 23.05.2023 02:59

Is there dental care in England??? Looks like everyone is missing teeth 🙈🙈🙈

michaelibk - 16.04.2023 11:26

HaHa 150 Pounds for a weekly shopping cart wish those days back😂

Hertfordshire247 - 01.03.2023 01:17

Ahhhhh the days when you could smoke in the canteen. How I miss you.
BTW, that scientist is full of his own self-worth and seems to think he is better than everyone else, I have news for him. You could never possibly sus out what Tesco or any of the other big-time players are doing to part us with cash. It changes every minute of the day. He thinks he has the answers, but Tesco just go and change the questions.

Bruce Jenner
Bruce Jenner - 11.02.2023 14:12

The BBC has lost any loyalty from me, a man of 64, come this September. Gone are polite presenters, in place, ignorant people that do not let interviewees answer the question posed. So why should we take anything the BBC has to say as truth? Please, get rid of your TV licence, all we get are repeats anyway.

sona terese
sona terese - 09.08.2022 18:57

BOGOF's don't work on me and neither do the special offer signs as I plan the weekly menu for the coming week and only buy the ingredients I know I family eat well but we don't have unnecessary rubbish in the cupboards and fridge/freezer

Therese Davis
Therese Davis - 28.07.2022 10:17

These big box stores destroy small businesses! They have no character and they're far less personable!

Freddie Medley
Freddie Medley - 03.05.2022 00:32

Shop Mart, shop S-mart

The Movie Lover
The Movie Lover - 19.04.2022 02:32

Buy one get one free? That's a deal that supermarkets here in the U.S. also do!

Nicola McAuley
Nicola McAuley - 04.04.2022 02:59

Just found this I do all my groceries online and it makes so much of a difference and i know what I need etc and fancy….and then just get what I need when I need it and I always compare prices and easy to do when online…definitely think people who buy at supermarkets in store always spend more….so much to look at in store etc have to admit Tesco my favourite supermarket…then Morrisons

Amana Gladys
Amana Gladys - 30.10.2021 05:52

Hello Positive connection miracle s do happen God bless all of us XX. From Lawrence and Anne Marie 🏡💒 God bless all the Children and Grandchildren ✨🎃🎁🎀

Ricimer - 06.10.2021 05:10

What you have with Steven is a person using his brain; we can all do that.

Ricimer - 06.10.2021 04:59

No-one MAKES you go into these places. I am old but I remember when our first Tesco opened in Hornchurch and my mother asked me to take her out of curiosity; she never went to the local shops again exvept for small items she had just run out of.

Kristina R
Kristina R - 23.09.2021 21:42

Make a list and don´t go shopping being hungry.

Just a crocodile
Just a crocodile - 16.09.2021 02:47

Sukwinder is a fantastic manager, very innovative and knows how to run a business profitably. Love customer Steven who knows exactly what he wants and won't be distracted by supposed bargains. I have noticed that using an eftpos card means I am not so concerned with prices as I was when I took a certain amount of cash with me and couldn't go over that amount.

Jeanne Jackson
Jeanne Jackson - 07.09.2021 18:07

Bet the 'Manager' is a laugh a minute. fall orff yer chair with his banter.. NOT

May_Mei - 06.09.2021 19:05

I’m the victim here trying to buy less but always end up with a pile of stuff that I don’t really need mostly snack, all kind of biscuits tho🤦🏻‍♀️ and the deals or seasonal products get me to buy em more😓😂😂

A Cumming
A Cumming - 16.08.2021 02:45

In australia price tickets all display how much it costs per 100g. So its super easy to compare costs. Not that most people do it

Nina Elsbeth Gustavsen
Nina Elsbeth Gustavsen - 15.08.2021 23:38

Club cards are the devil's invention.
Not only do you hand over extreme amounts of personal info to these sharks.
Your reward is being trained to shop with them only.
Tailor made offers are wearing down your common sense.
Also, all the knowledge about your preferences and shopping habits are sold off to other companies.
Market strategy is king....
Are we as consumers gullible and somewhat dim ?
You bet.....

Nina Elsbeth Gustavsen
Nina Elsbeth Gustavsen - 15.08.2021 22:37

I hate retail theme parks ! 🤪
Growing up in a small town, with little shops dotted on both sides of the main street, shopping was fun.
You brought a list.
Got meat from the butcher. Milk, cheese and butter from the dairy shop.
Potatoes and carrots from the greengrocer.
Fish from the fishmonger.
And bread from the baker...
Shopping nowadays is a nightmare....😳
Love from Norway 🇳🇴

TFW's Meme Dumpster
TFW's Meme Dumpster - 14.08.2021 15:33

Going shopping with young kids is the worst mistake you can ever make. Either you or your wallet are gonna come out of there utterly devastated.

Ramon - 10.08.2021 21:39

Shopping with a list makes you far less keen into tricks of having you buy stuff you never wanted when walking in the store .

Mitchell Hulston
Mitchell Hulston - 08.08.2021 12:58

this must be old as those plastic white carrier bags are LONG GONE

Amy - 05.08.2021 01:18

If you actually want real bargains head around 7pm for the yellow stickers. I’ve saved hundreds. Be mindful and respectful of staff and don’t be a grabby vulture

Heidi Good
Heidi Good - 04.08.2021 04:06

The well paid scientist, crawling around with a calculator and binging on processed meat was nauseating.
What’s the point? Life’s too short. His kids will party well on his frugality when he goes 😂

loanna xxx
loanna xxx - 02.08.2021 13:59

Always do it go in shop for a couple items walk out with a 100 lol

Louis Hill
Louis Hill - 02.08.2021 00:49

You can tell this is from 15 years ago as they’re smoking indoors

RazzelDazzel - 30.07.2021 01:09

Wow a Jewish guy can really spot a bargain. Who would have seen that coming.

betty graham
betty graham - 10.07.2021 01:32

Try finding dried pulses in Tesco.Not easy ,and why are baked beans in a completely different aisle than other canned beans.? A specific marmalade means a route march through two thirds of the supermarket. Not a supermarket fan asyou can tell!

Tavian Townsend
Tavian Townsend - 19.05.2021 13:31

Jesus Stew hiding your bacon from the Jewish brethren ain’t a good look

Tavian Townsend
Tavian Townsend - 19.05.2021 13:22

I’ve been stealing my weekly shopping, or at least a large portion of it, for almost 3 years. Saves way more money than trying to find good deals.

P.S: Asda’s the easiest one to scam with the scan as you go tech ;)

Jake Howie
Jake Howie - 30.04.2021 02:46

False. Customers are more focused on price and value than ever before. Well they like to think so. Why do you think Aldi, Lidl and B&M have grown so much, gained market share, whereas M&S have suffered. Price. Tesco is very smart when it comes to Clubcard, they now charge lower prices for Clubcard holders. Though perception is the greatest tool for modern day shoppers and consumers. Appearance is just as important as taste nowadays, which actually makes a product more viable before first-time purchase. Repeat purchases are more linked to loyalty, card points and repeat customers. Promotions help with repeat customers.
Though with most supermarkets it is location and value. I would put those down as 1 and 2 important factors. If a person has a Sainsbury’s nearby they will choose that over Tesco. Likewise Aldi over Lidl or Morrison’s. The only people shopping at M&S are wealthy pensioners.

Frank Servant
Frank Servant - 08.03.2021 19:09

Best thing is to write a shopping list and just KEEP Your head down! Edit: Not everything that is "On Offer" is actually on bargain they fix prices so it looks like they added a discount

London Power
London Power - 28.01.2021 03:10

super markets look like casinos funny! no windows no clocks artificial light to many offers to win money and the privilege and excitement you feel spending the money there something like you going a day trip to Disneyland

nox 333
nox 333 - 19.01.2021 17:08

Worked in a factory once putting cream on cakes. They were packaged in different boxes to be sold in different shops at different prices. Just go to aldi, simples.

Sharon Ports
Sharon Ports - 05.01.2021 06:29

They also like to sell your information from those club cards. Ever wonder why you get your email and/or mailbox filled with junk? They make money off you existing! You should at least get a piece of the pie on that...

Google Account12
Google Account12 - 22.12.2020 10:11

What are you feeding your Children, are you ashamed? How much sugar is in tomatoe sauce?

Google Account12
Google Account12 - 22.12.2020 10:10

These supermarkets are destroying society. They tell you it's okay to consume Sugary foods on a daily basis.

Parents are to blame, they use sugary food to sedate their kids which results in tooth decay and obesity.

What are you feeding your child

Google Account12
Google Account12 - 22.12.2020 10:05

£157.50 imagine how much shopping that would get you...
Would you pay that much for a tv license when you can watch Tv on demand

Netflix, ITV on demand, 4 on demand.... None of them require a tv license

Fudge 2014
Fudge 2014 - 18.12.2020 14:53

Can't beat lidl

Steely666 - 16.12.2020 23:21

I miss bogof.
