Laravel 8 Auth: 5 "Latest" Things You Need to Know

Laravel 8 Auth: 5 "Latest" Things You Need to Know

Laravel Daily

4 года назад

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@stephenr85 - 06.10.2020 15:58

I love Laravel but don't get the opportunity to work with it much. This is a helpful snapshot even for someone that only sees the versions increment from a distance. Thanks!

@ajithlal1688 - 06.10.2020 15:58

In one of the old video explaining laravel fortify without jetstream i think, you raised your consern about the kind of deperecation of the laravel ui package

@claushellsing - 06.10.2020 16:07

I honestly don't like scaffolding using those libraries, I believe in API standards like JWT and OAuth and using SPA architectures

@ireneocobarjr2960 - 06.10.2020 16:29

I dont use this UI scaffoldings simply because i dont use bootstrap (i dont need jquery) nor do i use tailwind. I use bulma and buefy.

@PunyFlash - 06.10.2020 16:32

For me personally, JetStream looks like a crutch for the whole Laravel ecosystem. I don't see any reason to start my app with jetstream, then remove tailwind over bootstrap, change sanctum configuration, etc., if I can just take what I need on an empty app.

I agree about the fact that customizing an authentication is kinda not comfortable in Laravel, but this is just a reason to rework the way AuthProvider's works, or at least make better documentation for that.

@HoracioDegiorgi - 06.10.2020 16:45

clean information, thanks. I will stay with laravel 7 for a while. It's a big change and I need more testing.

@toomass2668 - 06.10.2020 17:58

I think that (at least some part of it) is that people don't like change. And I cant blame them because laravel UI seemed more convenient way to start. But I actually kind of like JetStream. Took me some time to get comfortable with it tho :(

@latlov - 06.10.2020 18:07

Drama may be a sign you shouldn't be a coder ... or go ahead and make your own framework (that'd be the best!)

@beatnu187 - 06.10.2020 18:57

Thanks for this video's. The best place to get up to date with all the new toys that come out.

@yuliarahma1300 - 06.10.2020 20:40

laravel fortify with livewire admin lte or any templates scaffolding plis, guys vote for this content plis, thnaks

@michalfrantisek - 06.10.2020 22:34

You have helped me a lot. Thank you Povilas.

@markbarton6845 - 07.10.2020 02:23

Another great video, well done 👍🏻.

@dgloria - 07.10.2020 08:06

Hi Povilas, question: If you have a reusable form (dry code), with post method, and you have to trigger it from two different location with different data, how do you determine what will be your exit point (action=url) in blade? Is there a best practice for this, or any hack is accepted, like examining current url? Thank you.

@nishantgupta1854 - 07.10.2020 08:36

I wish for this so badly... Tylor is really listing to the clients

@ibrahimcansarsakal1035 - 07.10.2020 09:23

Can you add subtitle for who know middle-class english. You r videos so useful but its getting harder to understand sometimes

@wandyy.d1235 - 07.10.2020 13:53

Thanks a lot for your sums! Been watching L8 updates here and there, hoping Laravel UI will be back officially. Now, here we are, get the "full update" of what happen!

Really want to said thanks to Laravel creator! Hope it will keeps getting better (along with its community!)

@fadyelias - 07.10.2020 18:03

Thanks man, we need laravel vuejs array validation

@tabimansour - 07.10.2020 22:33

As always thank you for the quick update video regarding Laravel. You make our life much easier.

Best wishes

@Tux0xFF - 09.10.2020 06:59

Laravel Illuminati exposed 😂🤣😆

@alexanderramosalban7944 - 09.10.2020 07:44

Please activate the subtitles

@davyslj - 10.10.2020 01:17

Jetstram doesn't even have a complete documentation and Fiftify doesn't also. (e.g. how to change user eloquent model) unless read the source code. It’s too early to adopt Laravel 8

@johnwesley2090 - 13.10.2020 07:44

People who support Jetstream are speaking from the perspective of a developer. Imagine running a business, client asks for an upgrade and you get jetstream. If Jetstream was a success, numerous tutorials would have come up by now. instead the tutorials start and stop at auth scaffolding. Tailwind is too much bloat

@johnwesley2090 - 13.10.2020 08:05

If jetstream-livewire auth scaffolding is done, will the controllers work

@normanaranez323 - 15.10.2020 13:16

I think laravel should focus on graphql and do the frontend separately using react, vuejs or any frontend framework.

@marlonferreira5081 - 30.10.2020 00:20

Cool! I made my own version of Fortify UI recently, Using React and Bootstrap 5. Cool setup!

@mattskelton7471 - 07.11.2020 06:00

Think I am just going to keep using Laravel <= 7 until the ecosystem has settled down a bit. Too many changes too quickly.

@opalski5417 - 22.11.2020 23:58

can i get enable CC on this video? my listening isn't good :(

@habibjalal9939 - 26.12.2020 05:46

After reading the comments confused to use laravrl ui or jetsteam?

@muhammadsajjad6410 - 24.01.2021 13:55

Hi, Povilas, You made my day and get escaped from confusion "What should adopt in Laravel 8 project" which has got late in doing R&D on Laravel. Hats off...

@abdulbasitsalah2918 - 09.03.2021 08:44

is there is any laravel community that i can join?

@vahidalavi - 12.04.2021 14:14

Povilas, in one of your videos you said you are not fan of ads. I agree with you. But mate, I like your videos and I am willing to spend 30 seconds to watch an ad; so you get paid that way. Just please do not put the ad in middle of your videos.
I am sure many agree with me.

@elkhanhamet2561 - 02.06.2021 09:02

thank you sir

@dharmaindranramasamy3847 - 28.06.2021 20:00

Thanks for the video. It does answer a lot. I have been working on a project with Laravel 8 with Jetstream (Inertia pack), I've noticed that once logged in, the js dependencies are not loaded to the browser until the page is uploaded.

Have you experienced this in your projects? Would love to hear your insights to this. Thank you

@JoaoPereira-ot8ik - 06.08.2021 17:13

I want to add a websocket to my Laravel project. I had installed Laravel/ui but then i only saw videos using fortify and jetstream. Then i installed those 2 and messed up in web.php losing all my routes. Any advice that could help me? Thank you all!

@Eurynomosek - 15.03.2022 22:29

I'm just starting my adventure with Laravel, everything is new to me: D
