Can the Elder Wand Be RE-CREATED? - Harry Potter Theory

Can the Elder Wand Be RE-CREATED? - Harry Potter Theory

Harry Potter Theory

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@w.c2255 - 21.04.2024 00:50

The Elder Wand isn't the only unique wand. Yes it is powerful but wandlore has proven that can there can be wands created to perform similar feats. Salazar Slytherin wand of Snakewood and Basilisk horn core was able to perform powerful magic which also allowed the user (who can only be of his family line) to put the wand in rest mode. Now its not stated if a user who disarms the wand will earn its ownership or loyalty but if the wand is put to sleep it cannot work until it is undone.
So by that logic the first Peverell brother Antioch Peverell must have found a way to subtract the thestral core within the wand to allow it to fuse with it. Then he magically enchanted it and now its stated to be legendary yet beatable. Its only a matter of time before another brilliant wizard replicates it or creates a wand more stronger.

@DracoSkyGX - 21.04.2024 03:10

I think what happened is that Death from the story was actually just a thestral, the brothers killed it, harvested the materials and used them to make the Hallows

@danielgoodrich264 - 21.04.2024 03:20

What if the elder wand was created by merlin cause no other wand could handle his power.

@baystated - 21.04.2024 03:42

This makes me wonder about Voldemort's prowess that he pursued the most powerful want, but it was something created by someone else, not created by himself.

@baystated - 21.04.2024 03:49

"Clusters of elderberriers" didn't mean anything to me when i was a reader but when i saw the wand on screen, I thought it was supposed to resemble bones and skeletal joints.

@andeeharry - 21.04.2024 03:58

You can do, and it is very tricky, complicated and takes a lot of power and you have to do it during the full moon because of it's power will be at it's strongest and yes, you need to be very skilled a creating wands in the first place. It isn't a thing for anyone can do.
Okay. So you will need Eldertree wood, you will need threstal tail hair (hopefully you seen death to see them). You will need to infuse them together with a binding spell, combine it with rare materials, wizard power, magic, protective elements, powerful charms, unique herbs, zinc, water and gold, that will help make it solid, stable, flexible. Create a unique core with birtch, bronze and tin. Each time you do do these steps will alwas be on the full moon....and somehow, you have to connect it to death and the afterlife (that's another tricky one). Then, you recite some poem.

''By the light of the moon and the ancient tree,
Craft now a wand that shall let magic be.
With elder wood strong and Thestral hair hidden,
Bind them with spells, where secrets are bidden.
Let the wand's power through the ages transcend,
A new Elder Wand, may its magic never end.''

It should be done. I must say, the work that goes on Mugglenet lore is pretty interesting.

@classicmiriam - 21.04.2024 04:19

Would love to get a video about the Resurrection stone.

@teemu367 - 21.04.2024 15:19

If the elder wand has the power to mend other wands why did Dumbledore never mend Rons wand?

@LyleFrancisDelp - 21.04.2024 15:39

Which begs the question......if Voldemort was so very powerful and clever, why couldn't he have made his own elder wand?

@anasomar8136 - 21.04.2024 17:42

In my opinion i feel like the story about the three brothers is fake it just teaches us about them one died from old age one from heartbreak and one from violence

@asutoshmishra2278 - 21.04.2024 19:20

I have question- before the prophecy related to Harry, Dumbeldore had the Elder wand, the resurrection stone, and the invisibility cloak then why he couldn't defeat Voldemort?
The resurrection stone - he gave to Harry as shown in part 8
Cloak- given to Harry in 1st part
Didn't he had the resurrection stone before! If he had all the deathly hallows then no one should have been more powerful than Dumbledore.

@jonathanwilder7438 - 21.04.2024 21:37

Or can they make an even better wand then The Elder Wand?

@jonathanwilder7438 - 21.04.2024 21:37

Or can they make an even better wand then The Elder Wand?

@zokoravonysenlohe1823 - 22.04.2024 01:04

Somehow I wonder if you couldn’t create a wand with multiple wand woods or wand cores. I mean it’s not impossible to use multiple wood types or to put in multiple cores. Of corse they could just not work, but they could also be extraordinarily powerful. The most interesting option could also be that a wand with multiple wood types and/or core types could be somewhat mental. I mean wands do have some sort of own will like choosing their wizard/witch or sometimes doing magic on their own like Harry’s wand did against Voldemort. So a wand with multiple wood types and core types could have split personalities or could otherwise be unstable or psychotic.

@LycaonsMemories - 22.04.2024 01:45

"death transifigured into a murderous wizard"... that means death killed the eldest brother. so why did the elder wand continue to exist? and who beat death to gain the elder wand again?

@jacegallagher8589 - 22.04.2024 04:18

I believe that all the Hallows can be remade. Like Dumbledore, I believe the Peverells creates these objects. However, I doubt just anyone could recreate these powerful artifacts. I would say, at a minimum, they would need a skill level at least equal to Dumbledore to do so. Possibly even more so.

@Auron1Roxas2 - 22.04.2024 05:58

Considering the first elder wand was made by Death, I'd say no it can't truly be recreated. Another one could be made, but it'll probably never be the same as the original.

@andrewweber9930 - 22.04.2024 06:19

Agree mate

@tamaravince9001 - 22.04.2024 13:04

Maybe the brothers did meat death in a metaphorical sense. They witnessed the death of someone, maybe they also had a near-death experience what they survived but others didn't. So this witnessing of death could have gifted them with the ability to see thesrals so they were able to experiment with the thestral's hair and other parts.

@djhotfood - 22.04.2024 16:46

What happens if the Elder Wand repaired itself after time wouldn't be that Farfetch'd

@Scf337 - 23.04.2024 03:24

Correction, elder wand isn’t the only wand to use thestral hair, Harry’s wand has thestral hair of the same thestral as the elder wand, they are brothers the wands. Olivander said this himself

@JoseRamos-be2jd - 23.04.2024 17:02

Can a worthy duplicate be made sure. At least I think it can be because we know enough about wand lore to do so. But as far as another "one", I don't think because even a worthy duplicate would most likely choose another kind of wizard because that much has always been clear.. The wand chooses the wizard

@timh694 - 23.04.2024 20:11

I still think Harry not fixing his broken wand and then snapping the elder wand at the end of the movie is one of the biggest transgressions compared to the books.

@darryl.spivey - 23.04.2024 21:28

It would be impossible to make another Elder wand for the simple fact that death made it in the first place. In the story, death isnt a metaphor, it's supposed to he a supernatural being that manifested in the flesh and magically gifted the three brothers these items.

Which leads me into this next point: Dumbledore is absolutely wrong here.

Its stated in the storyline itself that no one can bring anyone back from the dead and, although temporary, the resurrection stone is ablr to do this. Which creates a plot hole because WHY would one of the beothers be able to when its stated no other Wizard can?

The devil is in the details.

@Castor586 - 24.04.2024 13:06

There are two coaligning facts that I'd like to put forward. The first is that wands were described as "learning" certain spells from their owners, therefore making it easier for, let's say, the Elder Wand to learn spells related to death and destruction.

Something else that surfaces in the world of Harry Potter is intent. A witch or wizard has to want the spell to succeed, to actually know it will succeed, in order to produce consistent results when casting spells. As we learn later on, the verbal component isn't necessary at all, and successful practitioners can simply think of the appropriate incantation in order to cast a spell, charm, hex or curse. This requires focus, intention, and most of all belief.

That last one, belief, is most important for my argument. If a witch or wizard believes that they possess the most powerful wand in existence, a wand that has already learned how to deliver death and destruction at the hands of previous owners, then that combination will yield an unprecedented level of power. Simply because the weilder believes it will happen. J.K. Rowling has shown us time and time again that doubt is the biggest hinderence in her world, and that complete focus and belief is the true strength of an individual. The fact that someone allegedly has the most powerful wand in existence is simply a mind game, which alters the perceptions of others when they have to stand against it

@mitchm1139 - 25.04.2024 03:55

I don’t think this would even be a question unless they were created by death itself

@adrianorozco3318 - 25.04.2024 05:56

Can elder wand be fixed by death or wand maker?

@orangefur825 - 26.04.2024 02:53

i think the elder wand if is was imbued with ancient and lost magic cannot be recreated, however if it was not imbued with such magics it should be possible to recreate

@lexiburrows8127 - 26.04.2024 09:47

Let us look at this just as logically as Death did. The brother asked for an unbeatable WAND, NOTHING was ever said about the Wizard wielding it. Well, the wand DID remain undefeated so it did exactly what was asked for. The Wizards, not so much.

@PlagueOfGripes - 28.04.2024 03:29

It seems odd to me that no one ever tried to make a thestral core wand except one master wand maker. As with most things in the universe, there's just not enough information on why things are special to guess about it. It's just presented as high magic, and that's that.

@mr_yoru5834 - 28.04.2024 06:36

I think the Wand is man-made and could be recreated, but it may be that there was something special involved with its making that makes it so powerful beyond just the materials and nobody knows exactly what that is and it could take a long time to stumble on it again. We don't really know the specifics about how normal wands are made, and there's clearly more to it than just the materials, otherwise all things being equal a simple repair spell should be able to fix a broken wand.

@bencecseppento3749 - 30.04.2024 20:31

You left out an important aspect. Ollivander told Harry that the wand chooses the wizard, and the wizard and the wand go on a journey together, they learn from each other. So even if a talented wandmaker created a replica of the Elder Wand, this new wand wouldn't have the "experience" or "memory" of centuries of great magic performed with it that the Elder Wand has.

@Menagerie_OS - 30.04.2024 22:24

I wonder if a wand could be repaired if the resin native to that specific tree/material were applied, because the resin in nature is the essence of that said tree/material so shouldn't it in theory still hold magical properties and through its own adhesive properties act as a binding agent for the wand itself and by extension an insulator for the core? because like take hagrids wand being turned into the umbrella for example, I mean sure, it's still not as good as a standard wand, but I mean it still holds magical properties and can even perform some minor spells, but that's just as an umbrella, if you took the essence of the wand itself and used that to repair it, I don't see how it couldn't in theory restore it at least close to its original state.

@Menagerie_OS - 30.04.2024 22:44

I mean given that it was Death who made the wand, why would that make it exclusive to himself? Like what about it would make it only able to created by him?

@iamspringtrap223 - 01.05.2024 15:04

"Given that the Hallows exist..."

And that Harry is related to the Peverals by blood

@LetholdusKaspyr - 02.05.2024 09:39

It's not just the wand, but the Deathly Hallows. Their associated themes are incredibly mythic. I feel like something greater had to have some influence in their creation, circumstances that can't be replicated by just a powerful and talented wandmaker.

I feel like the next truly epic wand to emerge in that setting would not be death themed, no elder wood or thestral hair.

@cabudagavin3896 - 03.05.2024 04:33

"with that we would be invincible'

@MasterofNoobs69 - 03.05.2024 18:14

Using time turners, someone could permanently repair the elder wand by repairing it first with a normal wand for one spell, then go back in time and use the elder wand to cast reparo on itself.

@111smd - 09.05.2024 12:31

it is quite possible that death in this story was some maniac doing something wrong at some location and that this person created them because the brothers where going to end it by turning them in to the authorities so to save there hide they gave the three objects to the brothers

@_Eltoto93 - 10.05.2024 22:42

JK Rowling we need a movie entirely based on the deathly hallows the creation of all of them and the full backstory, please

@hexmaster23 - 12.05.2024 12:09

Even if it could be recreated, it would be extremely difficult.
A renowned wand maker such as Gregorovitch had it for many years yet couldn’t duplicate its abilities.

@timmorin4545 - 13.05.2024 21:30

The wand and wizard learn from each other. You couldn't recreate what the original wand had been through.

@rgittens22 - 15.05.2024 17:19

Could you say that the cloak of invisibility is made of thestral hairs? And that people who’s witnessed death can actually see it?

@BioHunter1990 - 16.05.2024 10:27

That scene in the film was so stupid.

@DanielDittmer-tp3kz - 16.05.2024 17:46

I think the wand Maker could make it, but with a lot of difficulty.

@fangslore9988 - 18.05.2024 14:56

JK. rowling has confirmed that the deathly hallows were made by the 3 brothers and the death thing was simply a spin on the tale to give it a fantisaful spin to the story as bards usually do back in the middle ages

@Tyrg135 - 21.05.2024 22:41

I personally think all the hallows were made by the brothers, all can be remade with relative easy, but albeit, powerful magic. The one I'm most interested in is the stone. We know alot about the wand and cloak, but almost nothing about the stone other than what it does. The wand and cloak appear frequently in the books and movies, but the stone on the other hand, hardly at all. What kind of stone, what kind of enchantments may have been on it, etc

@RayAkuma - 22.05.2024 10:50

Sleezebaggano(from star wars attack of the clones):
,,you wanna buy some death sticks?"

,,Only 1 Death Stick for me please "

@HighPhilosophy - 24.05.2024 12:40

What if a wandmaker soaked the wood for a wand in a mix of his own blood and unicorn blood then bathed the thestral tailhair in felix felices and his own blood before making the wand?
