CUBASE 12 Render In Place vs. Bounce Selection

CUBASE 12 Render In Place vs. Bounce Selection

Raytown Productions

2 года назад

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Yurii Blazhko
Yurii Blazhko - 16.08.2023 15:36

Hi! Can you help me, If I want to edit copied audio clip without changing of pitch shift original, what I must to do? Render or bounce? Thank you for help. Greetings from Ukraine!

Frank Cervantes
Frank Cervantes - 24.07.2023 10:17

thank you, editing drums right now and this video is super helpful

De Brand Music
De Brand Music - 11.07.2023 22:44

Great Video and perfectly explained. Thumbs up. Liked and subscribed.

David Davis
David Davis - 19.04.2023 21:06

Great Video you explained it well. I do have a question about Rendering tracks with AutoAlign 2 Extension. What is the best way to Render these tracks?

david keller
david keller - 14.04.2023 11:33

Another method of rendering tracks in Cubase is to "record" the individual busses.

Arup Sircar
Arup Sircar - 25.03.2023 21:11

I have created a small tail portion in a gap with the audio I'm going to bounce... but It's not happening..
Pls could u guide me regarding this issue..Sir.

gokhlaym - 19.03.2023 16:55

Great video. Can you explain how I can omit vocal tracks from a project when exporting mixdown so I get a karaoke version of my project? I tried to mute the vocal tracks, but they still are in the exported mixdown file.

cheung sean
cheung sean - 15.01.2023 08:00

Very detailed explaination!

H Hyo
H Hyo - 04.01.2023 04:28

I'm I reading something wrong on the manual? It says something different.

Channel Settings

Renders all effects into the resulting audio files. This includes insert effects, channel
strip settings, group channel settings, and FX send channel settings. Panner settings
are transferred to the new audio tracks. The resulting audio tracks keep the formats of
their source tracks. A mono track results in a mono track, for example.

Mike Zafeiriou
Mike Zafeiriou - 09.12.2022 22:45

Great video

adam searan
adam searan - 30.08.2022 21:17

For bounce does this include extensions like Melodyne via ARA2 ?

Sheko_Yo - 20.05.2022 17:37

Excelente explicacion 🤓 gracias Bobby!!

oldskoolfunkandsoul# - 17.05.2022 10:20

is this the same for midi and audio files??
