Will an AWS Certification get me a Job in 2023?

Will an AWS Certification get me a Job in 2023?

Tech With Lucy

2 года назад

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jax napper
jax napper - 27.11.2023 07:53

this chick looks 12. amazing how well asians age

Erika Miller
Erika Miller - 26.11.2023 20:30

let’s get certified!

Creator - 17.10.2023 15:49

Hi.. Will AWS data analytics certification is enough to get a job?

Ahmad Ali
Ahmad Ali - 23.08.2023 19:36

Having worked in environments with cloud technology and VMs (CNN and Turner Broadcasting) getting certs is simply an added bonus. i have a college degree and I am learning python Dont let anyone tell you that certs even the practitioner wont land you a job.. Keep getting educated and keep working for the job you want. Even if it means going to anyone country ..

Tariq Khanzada
Tariq Khanzada - 20.08.2023 07:47

Thanks for showing the right picture

Sravani Reddy
Sravani Reddy - 18.08.2023 18:43

I am a fresher,and my passion is to become cloud architecture,to crack these can you provide some suggestions and certification courses related to it

Stackupmac - 15.08.2023 00:02


Phillip Tamez
Phillip Tamez - 29.07.2023 07:33

would it be helpful to get a degree as well? I have a BA in Business which wouldn't help at all but if I had some kind of Computer Science degree plus certifications (but no actual experience)?

Sam Wilson
Sam Wilson - 30.06.2023 19:37

Can you please post a video about companies that offer freelance work that will best benefit someones experience

jan turla
jan turla - 28.06.2023 06:18

Thank you, Lucy..
I tried joining Cloudbite slack community but the link is not working anymore...
Can you share a new one please? 🙏😊

Sevastion Aaron
Sevastion Aaron - 22.06.2023 02:33

what are a list of tech certs to get that could land a job

David Field
David Field - 14.06.2023 11:52

Is the issue that you need soft skills as well as certification, or is the issue that the certifications are worth like without prior real world experience?

Vincent On
Vincent On - 15.05.2023 19:52

Other than the AWS certification, would you still need to be knowledgable in IT for example the Grow with Google IT courses?

Alan Roy
Alan Roy - 08.05.2023 14:33

Hi, the Cloud Community link says it is not active 😕, can you please share us a new link to join your community.

Cai Yu
Cai Yu - 21.04.2023 21:49

thumb up your channel.

Devin Rahul
Devin Rahul - 23.02.2023 03:47

Hi how did you a get a job at AWS? Like how did you apply ?

Collin Brown
Collin Brown - 02.02.2023 00:49

Also do workers for AMS have in person meetings?

Collin Brown
Collin Brown - 02.02.2023 00:48

It says online you don’t need a degree for the job.

Collin Brown
Collin Brown - 02.02.2023 00:47

What if you already got a job with AWS without a degree?Would you have to go back to school?

Davalian Scents
Davalian Scents - 31.01.2023 03:45

Sounds like so many other things are more important than the certification. Can you rank them in terms of highest importance to least?

teamlovepanda - 14.01.2023 06:46

what is best!?

Veronika Stupar
Veronika Stupar - 11.01.2023 11:29

I am actually empolyed by amazon as a lvl3 trainer in a customer fullfilment site in Germany.
I have been thinking about branch out to cloud computing for a long time now.
Do you think being employed by amazon would give me an advantage when branching out after I get my certificates? In means of landing an internship or getting to do a project?
I have no teck background but am quite skilled with excel since i need it for work. However for most of my life i have given big importance to psychology and understanding how people think/act so i am confident that my soft skills are highly developed.

TheRoyal_Saiyan - 11.01.2023 00:38

Got a new slack link?

Canda1800 - 08.01.2023 22:35

Yes, it will get you a job if you know someone in the company 😂. Otherwise, keep dreaming 😴

Amir Baloch
Amir Baloch - 26.12.2022 10:22

I am doing my bachelor's degree in Information technology can any expert guide me can this cloud industry best path for my career. I am thinking of getting certified and start cloud computing journey. Is it a wise choice considering I am IT student?

Zeeshan Habib
Zeeshan Habib - 24.12.2022 09:39

Hi, if i am web developer which aws certification i should focus to stay in the web field

Munna Vijayan
Munna Vijayan - 15.12.2022 21:54

I'm just dropped out of my degree...Will that be a problem in AWS jobs??

Ammar Alawneh
Ammar Alawneh - 28.11.2022 20:15

omg!! your videos are what Im thinking for and answering my all question in cloud ,thank you a lot lucy :)

Zaskar - 21.11.2022 21:08

Hi, I'm looking for a new career and stumbled upon AWS. I have a BBA and MBA, but my resume has such scattered experience, I'm looking for certifications to kind of narrow down and specialize my career. I have zero computer training but I'm not completely tech illiterate either. Is AWS a waste of energy for my situation? I'm 41 with a family so I can't just start completely at the bottom for financial reasons. Which certification should I aim for in my scenario?

Gabriel Fono
Gabriel Fono - 10.11.2022 20:47

Hi great
I am currently working as backend engineer and I would love to learn aws but it is intensively use by my company.
which course have you taken that got you to pass or where should I start?
if you have any videos on those resources, please link it here

kcash - 09.11.2022 23:45

Learn Full Stack and python so you can make sites

back kwek
back kwek - 05.11.2022 19:56

Cloud practitioner employment possibility thoughts?

brou didier konan
brou didier konan - 04.11.2022 18:30

Hello @Tech With Lucy, please for the SAA 03 exam once you have paid for the composition. How many chances do you have to pass, that is if you did not pass the first attempt. Are you given other chances to take the same exam without paying or is it a chance alone. Thank you in advance.

Squareb0wls - 01.11.2022 07:49

hi. the link above for your cloudbites community is expired. could u send me a new link to join. thank you

Đạt Nguyễn Hoàng
Đạt Nguyễn Hoàng - 27.10.2022 16:28

I'm a 3D graphic who changing career to IT field and i've found your channel is really useful. Thanks ! :)

Kary Gable
Kary Gable - 21.10.2022 09:46

Hi Lucy, I always follow your contents. Just wanted to ask if you also use programming language as SAA?

ABZY - 13.10.2022 17:24

Say i have multiple AWS certifications ranging from foundation to professional could my chances of getting a job/standing out increase? Thanks in advance

Homeschool Journey
Homeschool Journey - 12.10.2022 10:36

Thanks for this video... Btw pls keep the ring light on the side coz it reflects in your eye glass☺️

Joe - 04.10.2022 16:22

One of my relatives got a infra ops trainee job at aws center. It is a management job after 6 months of training. How to be prepared before joining job. Any tips pls

Sangeeta Kale
Sangeeta Kale - 01.10.2022 23:04

Will the Aws cloud architect associate certification enough to land a job

Alejandro Chang
Alejandro Chang - 25.09.2022 18:56

Let’s get certified !!! Thanks for taking the time in making this amazing video!!👍

Ron Jones
Ron Jones - 19.09.2022 23:00

I have over 7 years in telecom and 5 of that being sales. What would be the best AWS path for me?

Virtual Bible
Virtual Bible - 18.09.2022 17:19

In the preferred qualifications of that sample job description, it said certified as solutions architect or professional. Why didn’t you point that out!?!?!

Abhishek Dey
Abhishek Dey - 17.09.2022 15:56

I have cloud practitioner coupan of 50% off in minimum price if u want pls let me know

ZiZi - 16.09.2022 10:55

Essentially speaking, having no academic background means you have little to no credibility. Multiple choice certifications aren't going to get you that job and Amazon will always choose someone with some sort of degree or diploma level qualification over someone who has nothing but a bunch of AWS certs.

Thumper Torque
Thumper Torque - 14.09.2022 02:15

What are some good certs or skills to learn after getting AWS to maximize hiring potential? Not talking about the soft skills.

Mike Meets Tec
Mike Meets Tec - 01.09.2022 08:06

Cool mic

Apata Adeoluwa
Apata Adeoluwa - 26.08.2022 02:37

