Dirty Devs Update: 2K and Take Two admit to sending Private Investigators

Dirty Devs Update: 2K and Take Two admit to sending Private Investigators


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@onceuponadime978 - 10.01.2020 10:37

I been talking about throwing money at these shit developers removing their motivation to produce good games for ages now. Glad to hear someone else say it.

@Elyseon - 26.12.2019 21:21

Take Two can go take two in the ass.

@JonJon-wi2dh - 09.10.2019 17:09

OMG. You are my hero.

@nickjones8570 - 04.09.2019 02:45

2k games and take two working new game mafia 4 coming to ps5 yes or no ?

@nickjones8570 - 04.09.2019 02:44

Hangar 13 working new game IP coming soon yes or no ?

@nickjones8570 - 04.09.2019 02:44

Mafia 4 more videos of this game this days please let me know please qustetin 😓 😢

@nickjones8570 - 04.09.2019 02:44

Mafia 4 news and information and Wishlist 😊 please qustetin 😓 😢

@KSofficial141 - 29.08.2019 19:41

It had to be HIS channel!?! why is life so cruel

@FrozenGiraffe - 15.08.2019 04:07

"were trespassing but he talked to them willingly".....? That seems very contradictory

@Irateus - 14.08.2019 23:55

Fun fact, "freely available" copyrighted IP content is still copyrighted. Just because something is readily accessible to the public doesn't give the public the right to access it. "Publicly available" is not "public domain", nor is it (automatically) "fair use". The "Happy Birthday to You" song was a perfect example of this phenomena (prior to 2016, when it officially became "public domain").

Another fun fact, copyrights are only valid if they are enforced; failure to take action against an infringement legally legitimizes future infringements. The copyright for an IP becomes less enforceable every time a non-permissible use goes unchallenged.

@collindouglas8188 - 13.08.2019 13:37

If he allowed them onto his home then they aren't trespassing.

@illuminatedtiger - 12.08.2019 07:55

Tne rank and file developers are the people that enable these dirty devs to stay in business. I know this will be an unpopular opinion but they did have a choice to work for Gearbox/Take 2 et el.

@bwcbiz - 12.08.2019 07:06

I think the "data mining" isn't the thumbnails, it's the act of getting the list of dev accounts that were following each other -- that information isn't available unless you access information about the private account that was inadvertently shared. The key problem here is, as you say, both sides are sensationalizing their side of the story. Plus Take Two may be planning other actions against SupMatto or others, so they are keeping details hidden.

@xRetroCritic - 12.08.2019 05:38

T2 and 2K are disgusting. I could care less about Borderlands 3. Not buying that epic-exclusive trash. That won't stop the shills that somehow defend 2K from buying it, though.

@300IQPrower - 11.08.2019 20:50

Doesnt matter if Supmatto did something that actually did break rules, however wrong he may be it’s clear the company that went nuclear is far more in the wrong

@seiso5180 - 11.08.2019 20:47

i can screw randy over by not buying his games? consider it done!

@FusionGamerElite - 11.08.2019 18:00

You might wanna update this story with the 112 bullshit claims T2 now has on his channel, thus causing it's termination and his life already got ruined over this, which is why we needed somebody to step up and help him to beat THEM in court over this whole bullshit scenario, T2 fucked up, now they should quite literally PAY for it....end of

@chungusboglin3878 - 11.08.2019 10:22

My experience with boycotting the games industry is with not playing Half-Life 2 for many years because DRM is evil and therefore no one should support Steam. We all know how that turned out.

@jasonfinnegan6559 - 11.08.2019 07:07

Sorry I'm not going to boycott borderlands three but I will know how bad to carrie really is this disgusting to look into getting my money but at the same time they should be punished anyway even if you vote with your wallet or not

@frogg1301 - 11.08.2019 02:49

Due to current AAA company policies I will no longer pre-order games. In fact due to some AAA publishers i will now wait 6 months from release, to see what 'Surprise Mechanics' get added after the initial reviews. If the game still looks good, then I'll buy it.

@donprater1948 - 11.08.2019 02:45


@DemmyDemon - 10.08.2019 20:12

To anyone that brings up the "behind paywall" leaks and "he is selling information", keep in mind that this is the business model that the news media is based on: Selling access to information.
These days there is a lot of ads and all that, but if you want a paper copy of The Washington Times you had better be prepared to pay for it in actual money.

@sloanIrrigation - 10.08.2019 17:26

I won't allow a bunch of Butthurt, bullShit, soapbox hoppers influence me to not buy a game I want. And all of you crusader cootches will be sheepishly duping weapons right along with me, each other and Supmatto, come September. Allow me to say, PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT! lmao. Boycott my ass.

@Zan_Jayna - 10.08.2019 17:19

Boycotting doesn’t work. Corporations have ways of using marketing to sell junk products. One nerd skipping it doesn’t change anything.
If you found out Apple was using slaves to make the phones and beating them would you boycott them and wait around for them to maybe go out of business or would you call the authorities?

@Barkebain - 10.08.2019 15:02

Every dev that joins Epic gets the Epic attitude - gamers are the enemy, gamers are entitled, gamers are not owed anything, etc. Well this gamer won't ever install any Epic software - you are the enemy of gamers, and you are not entitled to my wallet ever.

@TAiiNE - 10.08.2019 12:08

That poor Youtiber now has 63 Claims on his videos! INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS and his channels going to go bye bye in a week due to such. Take two freaking claimed most of the guys videos!

@nemeanlioness - 10.08.2019 07:14

Dam they straight up used mafia tactics.

@inxine - 10.08.2019 06:44

honestly, the whole thing is just a mess. Leaks happen, you cant punish the people finding them.

@LehVoid - 10.08.2019 03:31

Hey Sid, I understand and respect your decision on boycotting 2K, TakeTwo, etc., but that might also mean less information going to the public (or at least, less self verified information and more time you have to spend verifying it), in which at least I would prefer for you to add a quick disclaimer to any possible review you do of the game, reminding people of the companies horrible actions and how it might or might not affect your opinion on the game. And yes, I know it doesn't mean you won't keep uploading new/investigations of their doings.
Either way, I'll respect your decision. Have a good weekend!

@ZeldagigafanMatthew - 10.08.2019 02:51

If a company, such as Gearbox, is not fully familiar with how a platform works, then they shouldn't be testing it in such a public matter.

@95700272 - 10.08.2019 02:16

Rally want to boicot bl3 but i need to get high on this game! I dont like my drugdealer ether, does not mean im not gonna by drugs from him😊😊

@wylabley314 - 10.08.2019 01:32

I can't wait for publishers to send thugs to the front door of people who dared to give their precious god given game a low review score. I'd keep an eye on anyone who gives Borderlands 3 a low score, you never know what could happen now.

@sticstackbattlewhack4790 - 10.08.2019 01:22

I would say this video was probably the most comprehensive and covered all bases. I believe your synopsis to be on point and there is valid culpability on both sides.

@keilafleischbein59 - 10.08.2019 01:03

Take 2 and 2k have so many smurf accounts propagating comments on videos, holy shit...

@videogamerwill - 10.08.2019 00:31

people act like buying bl3 will mean these devs wont be looking for jobs a couple years from now when 2k and take 2 cycle devs when they need to dump their older devs to prevent them from having seniority and having valid reasons for requesting a raise.

@koficoncubus6255 - 09.08.2019 23:59

Watch it Sid, they'll send PI's for you showing the thumbnail!

@RecklessFire29 - 09.08.2019 21:56

@SidAlpha I would heavily, HEAVILY recommend you tone down the rhetoric on this one and go watch the video by Inside Gaming on this.

@dragonslayerornstein387 - 09.08.2019 21:52

ALSO F you Take Two and 2K, HE WASN'T HURTING YOUR CUSTOMERS, HE WAS HYPING US UP EVEN MORE EVEN WITH LEAKS, NO YOU GET NOTHING, NOT EVEN MY MONEY! So F you, I'll keep my money for another Copy of Skyrim, bye bye.

@dragonslayerornstein387 - 09.08.2019 21:46

Ya, why do you think we're not buying the game anymore.

@seanfield1329 - 09.08.2019 21:33

So submato is basically the guy who spoils films on Reddit ?

@robertmorris2395 - 09.08.2019 20:35

They not only went off the deep end here but they are going down in a sinking ship, I get the feeling that Randy Pitchford is behind this and is going to destroy his own company cause he is utterly unhinged.

@MJSGamingSanctuary - 09.08.2019 18:06

Has no one taken notice of Submatto's claim the PI's tresspassed when simply talking completely nullifies that claim. You gave them permission to be there and talk to you by talking to them. Its like with the police or FBI, if they dont have a warrent they legally cannot talk to you without a representative. However any talking you do with them still falls under your willingness to any potiential harm. Its best like with any journalist, negotiate before you go out and speak with anyone of federal or state or even county jurisdiction. Ultimately when police come to your door armed to the teeth or seem to be bearing teeth. You point them away and call your lawyer immedately. PI's and police are carnivores when it comes to interactions. If they got beef with you expect it to be tough and intimidating.

I mean if I see people tresspassing why would you not like CALL THE POLICE. FACEPALM I get that Submatto never wanted any of this. But its undeniable that he never EVER thought of the cost that could happen leaking stuff without permission? The simple fact that Submatto never had even the backing directly from the dev to me screams that. Despite being a fan he was cognitively ignorant tot he fact he could get heat over this. And the fact he did not think that this could happen B4 he started leaking. Just makes me think either he's a bad at leaking or he has completely missed the whole point of leaking.

As most gaming leakers NEVER try to A. Profit, and B. Try to get famous off of it cause anyone with half a brain knows this is the type of stuff that will go down. Anonymity is the only way to go if you leak pretty much anything. If 2K wanted Submatto talking on their behalf he would have gotten sponsored. And, well was he?

I'll admit I dont agree with the sending PI goons a cease and stop order would have been better but. Sometimes court orders with this type of stuff don't always work. Especially after seeing what Snowden did running with US trade secrets. As a gamer as much as I can see the light and why I should support Submatto I see the glaring issue with what he did. He set himself up to get the ban hammer at the end of the day. Cause to me the last thing I would like to point out is. If Submatto was really that important or big of a Borderlands fan with 130K subs. Its like why isn't he sponsored? That with the fact that he never confirmed which leaks were okay to leak with either 2k or Take 2 Interactive. Honestly just rubs me the wrong way cause I'd never risk my reputation to leak what could get me heat. As there is no win if I end up banned. If your going to leak then get immunity before going public or do it anonymously . Every easter egg b4 somethings release should be treated with the highest level of secracy till the chance of getting goon squaded has ended.

Leaks are suppose to be cool and interesting and not a source to fame.

@00Beowulf00 - 09.08.2019 17:36

Nobody should feel sorry for the publisher or even the developer, they already have their money (guaranteed sales) from epic so they don't really need more money from the consumers. By buying BL3, you as a buyer condone these actions and even encourage them. That is also true for any other company or corporation with a noticable and reported despicable business strategy and unfriendly consumer behaviour. Like Sid said, they only really care about their bottomline. In the end we consumers are their bottomline and if we don't say "no", they will never change and stop these strategies and practices. Just think about it......

@MidnightPausch - 09.08.2019 16:45

they're both assholes, but one is clearly overdoing it in terms of being assholes.

@shadowstep1375 - 09.08.2019 15:58

I hate this. I want to buy bl3 because it looks amazing so far but I've been getting more and more annoyed with this company's actions. This sucks...

@blunthonesty8633 - 09.08.2019 15:32

If they contacted him and requested he cease the actions, then if he refused to, THEN sent the private investigators then there would be no problem. But sending a couple of hired thugs? I would not have been so polite or courteous. Plus I'd recomend people boycott all products from Take Two and 2K.

@judsongaiden9878 - 09.08.2019 15:14

If violent trespassers pull that sort of thing in my neck of the woods, they'll either get sh0t dead or they'll be dragging themselves back where they came from minus their kneecaps.

@Ilbram_Harker - 09.08.2019 15:03

I’ve been boycotting all triple A games for quite a while, this is only one of the countless reasons why.

@phalanx3803 - 09.08.2019 11:59

don't know if its true but i heard that they DMCA a whole bunch more of his videos.
