ASP.NET Core Web Apps with EF Core [3 of 5] | Entity Framework Core for Beginners

ASP.NET Core Web Apps with EF Core [3 of 5] | Entity Framework Core for Beginners


2 года назад

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Essam Binzghayo Alamri
Essam Binzghayo Alamri - 19.07.2023 16:04

So simple , so perfect presenter

Athelstan - 18.05.2023 10:36

How would Blazor fit with this series? Would you still use the EF Core principles and approach. Trying to determine what to learn to compliment Blazor development. Thanks

Shagbark Outdoors
Shagbark Outdoors - 09.02.2023 19:01

I would never use the CRUD generated code in a production environment. From a code structure perspective, there's a lot left to be desired.

Jacob - 29.01.2023 02:29

Please, you must use graphical tools for this jobs, not manually create.

Martin Páiz Pérez
Martin Páiz Pérez - 20.12.2022 02:39

Hi @Cam how do I create an Ntier app with EF core with best practices? is there some serie to do this? thks in advance

Tobias Svensson
Tobias Svensson - 03.12.2022 09:58

I don't get the proper prices on the Products page.
Mine are with commas 9,99, 13,99, 4,99... and I can't set a price with decimals.
If I input 11.99 I get the error message "The value '11.99' is not valid for Price."
If I input 11,99 I get the error message "The field Price must be a number."
If I just leave the input at 11, then it sets the price set to 11,00.
In ContosoPizzaContext the Price HasColumnType("decimal(6, 2)").

Stark Fury
Stark Fury - 27.10.2022 12:07

Thank you so much. It was a huge help. The document was so confusing. Thank you for your time, help and consideration

Erwan NSM
Erwan NSM - 22.10.2022 09:27

Thank you and thanks for the secrets.json file. It's never late to learn

chris lamb
chris lamb - 04.10.2022 22:09

For VSCode... I needed to install ConfigurationManager in the terminal with...
dotnet add package System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager --version 6.0.1

Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes - 16.07.2022 01:09

This is really helpfull & appreciated😀

Muhammad Shahid Rafique
Muhammad Shahid Rafique - 07.07.2022 20:54

Thank you Sir, Finally I found what I was looking for.
