The 10 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make in Oldschool Runescape!

The 10 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make in Oldschool Runescape!


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@Zirapgaming - 29.09.2024 22:17

About trying with lower gear and not waiting for bis, its such a good tip, i did toa on my ironman with like rcb and stuff, while people i talked with said i NEED a bowfa. Sure i did not do super high lvl toa, but i genuinelly had alot of fun doing it 😁

@dubuhuru - 29.09.2024 22:46

Zthe Zdragon HazZ Zslashz Zdefenzzzz

@Stream-g1s - 30.09.2024 22:28

Pretty solid points and actually good production value.

@Mayhemzz - 01.10.2024 04:08

You really can't overstate the importance and benefit of early questing and achievement diaries. I recently came back and decided to follow the 'optimal' quest order in Runelite and on the Wiki, and it's made such a massive improvement to the quality of life of the account.

@TheRealNetworkz - 02.10.2024 01:10

I like how you stated if your enjoying the game inefficient run it. At the end of the day we play the game to enjoy ourselves. Idc if I ever get all these skill capes, diary cape, and quest cape I just wanna have fun... With a full set of torva & tbow

@TheRealNetworkz - 02.10.2024 01:25

Bro Imo you make the absolute best content covering every subject of RuneScape. I'm a big fan!

@bullshifterz - 02.10.2024 14:26

Swear to god if not picking fancy boots isn't in the list I will shake my fist angrily

@StefanSu91 - 07.10.2024 11:09

Mistake #1. Not picking up your D bones to pretend you're rich and cool

@LunaAndSol96 - 07.10.2024 13:37

i use the weight reduction from hunter outfits, which have like no requirements. Combined with the boots of lightness and a few pieces of agile I can do just about everything a full agile set can

@philmoregain - 08.10.2024 09:05

I maxed melee Combat in NMZ and splashed 99 mage when the afk timer was 6 hours, no regrets.

@HashiramaJingo - 11.10.2024 23:17

I used pegasions + anguish + archers ring (i) + masori (f) to get my fire cape then I sold them.

@Fuhkayew98 - 12.10.2024 22:28

I LOVE QUESTING WTH YOU MEAN!!?? The yeti missions 🥹

@ibenofun - 15.10.2024 04:19

One of my GIM mates hates agility i told him just do 5 or 10 laps when you log in the first time that day and then do w/e else.

@rickyrichards1294 - 19.10.2024 18:07

shhhhh dont talk about my dark crabs

@PoorCoyotee - 20.10.2024 12:12

Training str to 80-90 with d-scimmy. 70 attack would give more max hits in just few hours.

@jaredmorein - 23.10.2024 15:06

Just returned a couple days ago back to osrs after about a year break and I didn't realize magic and range defenses were added for monsters! It was one of the few things I did like about RS3!

@ColoradoMk4 - 27.10.2024 09:10

Should we add getting lured for 270m LMAO, I don't wanna talk about it :')

@User_03693 - 30.10.2024 17:50

I really can't f2p bonds anymore huh. I have 3 bonds and a cash stack, eill it be possible to get to high lvl in a month?

@VBM1 - 31.10.2024 19:16

Isnt letting yourself get lured, hacked, or banned the worst?? You're so dramatic.

@EpicWin1337 - 31.10.2024 21:35

I remember when just buying your daily staves would sustain a bond from the final varrock diary

@OGGangstaT - 03.11.2024 11:39

Other mistake I see a lot of runescape players make: saying "MEE-LEE" instead of "MAY-LAY"

@asmf2605 - 11.11.2024 09:23

Hey flipping! How do u see a circle over ur character with the weapon in used?

@musicmanxii - 17.11.2024 21:57

Love NMZ, perfect while i do shit for school

@stealthjuni - 18.11.2024 17:05

Wrong gear means im poor😂

@sldoma - 20.11.2024 05:11

As iron I do the training method that’s most fun lol

@zammyxzant - 20.11.2024 15:42

Some guy gifted me 5M for no reason and i bought a Fury amulet and a Brimstone ring straight away after like 30 hours of playtime. Best purchase!

@mzegeer - 21.11.2024 03:56

doing daily runs should be added to tbis

@lucaswerner4892 - 26.11.2024 09:42

Got scammed at one of your trade parties for 400m. you said you would help me out but then logged off. If possible please help out HiloArcade in game

@Excal111 - 02.12.2024 22:05

While I really shouldve done more questing awhile ago, Ive been getting into it more recently and actually been having fun even if the rewards (exp wise) havnt been phenomenal for my levels. I do still find that I lean towards more AFK stuff so I can watch a movie or play another game at the same time, usually AFKing combat with either sand crabs or more recently Sulphur Naguas. Not 100% sure what im doing wrong with NMZ, but im getting about the same amount of exp there as I am at Naguas (75-90k/hr ish) when it should be more from what im hearing.

When it comes to AFK stuff, I always define it as having a long enough time between interactions I can get up away from my computer to actually do something like cook food or something else

@a.graham_arts7359 - 10.12.2024 07:50

I know this video is a bit older but a "low level" account unless you have thousands of hours of knowledge from other accs is not making 1mill/hr. As someone who just started playing about 2 weeks ago pre membership i was making maybe 100k/hr with sweaty click heavy grinding usless stuff.

@tomasvantilborg6437 - 11.12.2024 13:14

The way I trained a lot of my combat stats and slayer to max is max prayer bonus afk in katacombs of kourend. Just make sure the prayer bonus last longer than the aggro timer and you're golden. You don't need to worry about clicking every 10 minutes, because the monster aggro will be over before your protection prayer.

@YesIsForMe - 14.12.2024 20:59

Needed this tbh 10/10 video, good work!

@NammiNamm95 - 14.12.2024 21:03

Man, I really agree with the questing part, came back to osrs for the first time since 2007 to a fresh character, I've been following the optimal quest guide on the wiki and damn, almost all the skills level up so much and pretty evenly, really let's you skip the early skill level grind which I remember clearly from the old days

@ScrawnyApe - 22.12.2024 09:22


@hamoudy11 - 26.12.2024 08:23

does bowfa come under light/medium/heavy?

@sambo7375 - 05.01.2025 19:24

man i loved NMZ. afk'd 99 range, def, att, and str there without touching the screen for about 2-3hr at a time. (did range back before the justiciar ava backpack nerf with venny bow)

@derkreuzritter6789 - 11.01.2025 21:44

Would you say to use the GPU plugin or 117HD plugin?

@UnexploredDrone - 15.01.2025 23:48

Got 99 strength in nmz just by doing it driving up to my job in the morning

@why_so_seriousssssss - 17.01.2025 12:37

Ive done 100 zilyana KC with a rune crossbow. lol.

@SilverionX - 30.01.2025 17:28

One thing I think about with OSRS is almost everything you do gives you some sort of permanent progression. Chopping trees without any tricks and chatting with people might be slow compared to other methods, but you are getting xp and having a good time. Who knows, maybe one of those people will be a friend who you have fun with for the rest of the game. That's also progression, just a different kind.

@xc1951 - 05.02.2025 03:41

First mistake is most important lol I tried killing iron dragons with blowpipe then I learned this mistake lol

@zKevinPringle - 08.02.2025 19:00

Imo youre wrong about the graceful set. Get it first so you can run a lot longer during quests which are extremely important.

@someone-ji2zb - 12.02.2025 04:11

Worth noting that NMZ and shooting stars can actually make some good cash as well for doing nothing. Granted NMZ is a daily buy, but still adds up fast, especially pre late game.

@doubleagentgaming5689 - 14.02.2025 12:26

Graceful is always worth getting sooner rather than later because you'll be 70 ish and you'll unlock the blue dragons shortcut which are easy to safespot for easy gp.

@Hxncho_Great - 23.02.2025 14:36

Real good video

@jmike2039 - 03.03.2025 15:01

