The Retch Train is faster than all the other trains in my Algodoo!

The Retch Train is faster than all the other trains in my Algodoo!

Sis Skitta Shay

1 месяц назад

3,385 Просмотров

(Video 7) I had to delete the video and then make it again because I messed it up--I put the Retch Train sound too far ahead! But now I fixed it!

The Retch Train is a crazy pointy red train that I made up in Algodoo! The straight-up fastest train in the world is a magnet train that once went 603 km/h, but the fastest train on wheels and tracks is a TGV that went 574 km/h! But the Retch Train, which can pick up speed very fast, can go 750 km/h, and one time it broke the record with 828 km/h! This video shows just how much faster a Retch Train is than an ICE! But this is the ICE 4, which can only go up to around 250 km/h! The fastest ICE is the main ICE 3, (the other ICE 3´s are like the ICE 3 Neo!) which can go 330 km/h! But the Retch Train is double as fast as all the ICE´s, and S-Bahns can´t go very fast! But they can still go around 100 km/h! This is around the station Notuppen of my six stations!

S-Bahn BR 483-484 (2021) - This S-Bahn has beeping doors now, like lots of the ICE´s, has a nice sound, and can go about 100 km/h! Like in the BR 481-482 the seats are blue in the inside and they have black doors! The BR 483 is half as long as the BR 484, and there are 21 BR 483´s and 85 BR 484´s running around here! Most S-Bahns here go 100 km/h, but in other parts around here they can go 160 km/h!

ICE 1 (1991) BR 401 - The ICE 1 can go 280 km/h, has two heads at the ends, and makes a blowing sound!

ICE 2 (1996) BR 402 - The ICE 2 looks a lot like the ICE 1! It can also go 280 km/h, but it only has one head, and ICE 2´s can connect with each other!

ICE 3 (2000) BR 403 and BR 406 - The ICE 3 is much diffrent, much rounder, and it also has round door holes like the ICE 1 and the ICE 2! But the ICE 3 is the fastest ICE, going 330 km/h!

ICE 4 (2016) (The Train Here!) BR 412 - The ICE 4 can only go around 250 to 270 km/h, and I like to call it the minghead! It has square door holes and it´s very shiny in the inside! 12:29!

ICE T (1999) BR 411 and BR 415 - The ICE T is the slowest ICE, only going 230 km/h, but it can tilt very good! So it doesn´t have to hit the brakes while going around a curve like other ICE´s do!

ICE Velaro D (2013) BR 407 - The ICE Velaro D, which is another ICE 3, looks much newer! Now the very pretty and fast Velaros are around in the ICE´s! It can go 320 km/h and has a crazy sound...even better than the ICE 3...but it almost stole the sound from the ICE T!

ICE 3 Neo (2022) BR 408 - The ICE 3 Neo, which is everywhere in my Algodoo like the ICE 4, can also go 320 km/h like the ICE (3) Velaro D! It looks a lot like the ICE Velaro D, but it´s newer! The doors have fat black frames around them, and it´s all much better and newer in the inside! It has about the same sound because it´s also a Velaro, but it´s diffrent!

Even when only the ICE 4 shows up in this video, I wrote about all the ICE´s here!

The Retch Train is a train that I made up, and I call it the BR 1601!

Game Name: Algodoo!
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