No Hard Feelings - Official Trailer - Only In Cinemas Now

No Hard Feelings - Official Trailer - Only In Cinemas Now

Sony Pictures Ireland

1 год назад

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Life, Take 2
Life, Take 2 - 05.09.2023 10:07

I watched as long as I could stand, which was to the part where the lovely Miss Lawrence gets naked on a beach. Not even a fully naked Jennifer could redeem this stinkeroo.

This colossal failure was so bereft of the merest whisper of meaning or humor that I was becoming convinced that I had died, and was witnessing the overture to my own well-deserved Eternal Damnation.

Never before has it been my misfortune to suffer so pseudo-cinematically, and I hereby pledge my undying love to anyone who will drag my festering carcass away from the gates of Hell upon which this travesty was projected.

Scream, oh, please scream into my poisoned ears to flush away the torturous dialogue that cascaded from the gaping maws of the humorless cretins that leered at me from the flaming screen, daring me to doubt them, caring not of the pain they caused, scarcely feigning stagecraft only to earn the very definition of ill-gotten gains.

My enduring faith in the magic of the Silver Screen has been shattered, my love for cinema dashed upon the craggy shores of this Isle of Despair amidst a Sea of Superfluous Digital Mediocrity.

Woe, woe unto those who succeed me into this Theater of Pain, heed my warning cries and run far, far away!

Oh, and yeah, Jennie got some tig ol’ bitties on her!

eddie munster
eddie munster - 13.06.2023 19:57

The movie is a societal IQ test, if you enjoy the movie, you're 95 or lower

Tony Beast
Tony Beast - 12.06.2023 21:07


Tony Beast
Tony Beast - 12.06.2023 21:05

Why does the girl put her bootycheecks on his face and rubs it
