Getting Started with Headshot 2.0 | Headshot 2.0 Plug-in Tutorial

Getting Started with Headshot 2.0 | Headshot 2.0 Plug-in Tutorial


11 месяцев назад

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Neo - 09.09.2023 17:22

Love this! Thanks for keep improving the plugin. The image-based headshot should allow multiple reference images as input.

FPChris - 09.09.2023 02:46

How do I add hair?

FPChris - 07.09.2023 02:36

Should be part of the base application ?

BeauteeSims - 14.08.2023 15:54

Worth the purchase 🔥

sonnen schein
sonnen schein - 13.08.2023 20:44

Most of the stuff is unbelievable hard to find /access due to the unclear and more than confusing menu structure..

Rshiya - 01.08.2023 21:45

ok now i bought a texturing xyz asset , and when i want to apply the diffuse map , the neckof character become green and i have a terrible looking skin! it looks fine in the base color input node , but in viewport its trash

Rshiya - 31.07.2023 20:52

is there any specific video for making partial mesh?

Scott - 22.07.2023 08:51

😝 "promo sm"

pitheque - 21.07.2023 13:17

I've come to better quality results with Headshot 2 than Mesh to Metahuman, as far as resemblance with the original scanned model, so I'm more than satisfied. But I second those who complain about tutorials, there are far too many short tutorials that skip important workflow problems, whereas I'd like to watch consistent tutos that insist on concepts and limitations. The fact that they still offer perpetual licenses is very important for me, I'm grateful for that. By the way, I don't know why CC4 crashes (without any information why) when I import some obj files (head mesh prepared for Headshot 2) generated by Cinema4D, but accepts the same obj file transferred from C4D to Blender and re-exported unchanged by Blender..

Utsab Giri
Utsab Giri - 16.07.2023 09:56

How come you're not using the Normal, Specular, or Utility maps?

xiao lan
xiao lan - 14.07.2023 08:19

How to attach face to curent body? It's always grey.

🌸YouTube Shorts🌸
🌸YouTube Shorts🌸 - 06.07.2023 19:32

Just bought yesterday the headshot didn’t work

嘀嗒嘀嗒 - 30.06.2023 23:32

multiple selection detedted. To use Mesh to Head,please make sure to have only one model selected ...
I used my own model character and prompted an error

Hernan Trost
Hernan Trost - 26.06.2023 09:43

Please also upgrade transformer tool in CC4, we need to import geograft from DAZ3D (antenna, horn, wings, fin, male/female anatomy, tails, etc).

アーモンド - 23.06.2023 18:55

I'd like to buy it during the 50% off, but honestly, it's hard to tell what's good about 2. I'd like to see a better quality generated from facial photos rather than scans.

ЩӨЯƧƬ.GΣПΣЯΛƬIӨП.ΣVΣЯ. - 23.06.2023 17:16

don't take my previous comment as a hater comment. i'm genuinely curious to understand if the mesh workflow is the main difference between HS1 and HS2. If so, help me understand how it helps the workflow. When I saw the HS2 announcement, I was genuinely excited, but after reading the info on the website and watching this vid, I'm simply unsure about the advantages. If anyone with professional experience can explain, I'd appreciate it.

CAD,CAE,TUTORIAL - 23.06.2023 05:23

Very nice

CAD,CAE,TUTORIAL - 23.06.2023 05:23

Weldon sir

Kiwi Hawk
Kiwi Hawk - 23.06.2023 02:16

Would be nice if when you mention you have another video on something you put a link to it below, we can spend hours looking through Reallusions lists to find these two mentioned videos, and not find them because you don't even give the title.

honda5746 - 23.06.2023 02:01

Excuse me, but I have a suggestion, but how about selling a tool software for customizing the update function that summarizes all the content called clone cloth from G2 onwards? The operating environment is a proposal of iclone3 ~ and onboard corei3 ~, but thank you very much.

失礼ながら、提案ですが、G2~のclone clothというコンテンツを全部まとめた更新機能カスタマイズのツールソフトを販売してはどうでしょう。動作環境は、iclone3~とオンボードのcorei3~という提案ですが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

And hard shot 2 is good. I can't wait to see what happens next.


C L.
C L. - 22.06.2023 21:43

As i headshot 1 user i dont expect a free upgrade, but an discounted upgrade would be nice tho

ЩӨЯƧƬ.GΣПΣЯΛƬIӨП.ΣVΣЯ. - 22.06.2023 20:38

I've used HS1 for a while, and I understand its value and use cases. HS2's advantage over HS1 is soley the mesh workflow discussed in this video, right?
Since HS1 generates a head that you then morph into the shape of your reference, I'm not sure I understand the value of HS2's features. Can anyone help me understand?
HS2 mesh workflow begins with a generic head model that you adjust to match your pre-exciting head model. Then, you can skin it with a prexisting diffuse map or an image. That is my understanding of the new feature. Please tell me if my understanding is accurate.
Both HS1 and HS2 require you to morph the generic head model to match your reference head model. Both HS1 and HS2 skin the models from images and allow you to change/add a diffuse map of your choice.
I'm sure I'm not understanding the complexity of HS2. I appreciate any further explanation from a seasoned model creator. Thank you in advance.

The Nout
The Nout - 22.06.2023 17:06

As always, all we're getting is a "getting started" tutorial. I bet my ass there's never gonna be a thorough walkthrough of all the quirks and features, like a real comprehensive in-depth tutorial. I've run into so many issues and shortcomings with Headshot 1 (plus the entire Suite really) that I don't trust Reallusion at all anymore - which is a bummer, since i'm initially hyped enough for updates to finally make the experience worthwhile.
I've stated this a gazillion times, both on YT, on FB, in their forums etc, but the fact there's literally no customer interaction shows me how much user quarrels are valued over there. Now, the support did help me out in some projects, but the "errors" were mostly due to program limitations (and quirks, loads of them!) that I wasn't aware of - albeit watching all the tutorials and going through the manual (which is helplessly outdated to boot!).
Long story short, I'd happily buy this update, but I'm too tired of Reallusion leaving their customers hanging out to dry.

Yarnhub - 22.06.2023 13:57

This is going to save so much time and improve our process!

Betapuru Digital Studio
Betapuru Digital Studio - 22.06.2023 12:14

Thank you for this major update! The added features have significantly expanded my creative possibilities!

Jurre Brienne
Jurre Brienne - 22.06.2023 12:08

Those wrinkle maps are such a great addition!

Berend Lange
Berend Lange - 21.06.2023 17:24

All that work and still no option to input a side reference!!!!!?????? WTF!?

We Got Guns
We Got Guns - 21.06.2023 14:56

When can we use this? Paid $199 for it yesterday and cant even use it, just doesnt show up in cc4. (No upgrade discount btw)

johnb4467 - 21.06.2023 00:25

I had written this in response to a Headshot 1 user who was upset at not getting a free upgrade to v2, but thought I'd post separately here too...since I think they're pretty valid points to keep in mind:
"They've added a LOT of very complex technology to the plugin, to where it is more than justified to ask an upgrade cost. Wrap (by R3DS) is a program that does some of the things this new plugin does, and is $670 for a node-locked license -- and $970 for a floating one...with only 1 year of maintenance (upgrades). Comparatively...this is ULTRA-affordable, can be installed on more machines, has much longer support, and doesn't require round-tripping between packages. :)"

As one last point, I am very thankful that Reallusion is a 'buy to own' software provider, and not doing subscriptions like [seemingly] everyone else. I'd rather spend the money up-front and know I'll always have access to the features I purchased.

Jasper Hesseling
Jasper Hesseling - 20.06.2023 17:03

Can't wait to get my hands on the goodies!

Coloré STUDIO - 20.06.2023 14:46

Thank you for this new release, if I already have headshot, should I buy the headshot 2 version or with an update it's good. So clearly how to have headshot 2?

Bad Monk
Bad Monk - 20.06.2023 11:25

Tbh for what I need (making a quick digi double that’s gonna be mid to long distance from camera) this doesn’t have anything that improves the process over HS1, unless I am missing something.

jumpieva - 20.06.2023 08:44

so where is this initial .obj coming from?

END TIMEs Video Library
END TIMEs Video Library - 20.06.2023 06:20

Points are SO OLD!! Why would I pay to go back to Setting Points!! I can't even get IClone 8.21 and CC 4.21 to stop Crashing every 10 minutes along with many other users.. My Trust has been Tainted for Reallusion and it's THEIR fault.. Fix your Base Programs before Moving On to the Plugins please!!

Andre Gama
Andre Gama - 19.06.2023 23:55

How much is this going to cost us?

hopeful undertone -
hopeful undertone - - 19.06.2023 22:00

Is there a Reallusion app for mobile scanning or are you just relying on third party apps and then import as partial model?

Kieron Estrada
Kieron Estrada - 19.06.2023 21:31

NICE!! Kai please do a webinar on this so we can really take advantage of these tools!!! Good stuff!!!

taehy lee
taehy lee - 19.06.2023 20:04

Rather, just like Keentool, let me edit multiple sheets in various angles. This is not competitive as an r3d wrap already exists in the current pipeline.

I M Visuals
I M Visuals - 19.06.2023 19:54

So, I have to purchase this plug-in again after I have already paid for it. Each update has to be purchased again? That sucks!

Tenfis Productions
Tenfis Productions - 19.06.2023 19:22

Does it work on CC 3.44 ?

Shawn Darling
Shawn Darling - 19.06.2023 18:56

without giving upgrades to previous owners without charging them yet again, all you are doing is ensuring the piracy of your product. How disappointing.

Rick Duff
Rick Duff - 19.06.2023 17:16

When @reallusion will update a better "engine render"???? (Not omniverse please) We could pay you a better rendering (ALL IN ONE PLACE) Thanks

Ernie Mey
Ernie Mey - 19.06.2023 17:15

is there any improvement to the image feature?

Tronik XR
Tronik XR - 19.06.2023 17:02

Now all Reallusion needs is an iClone version of Metahuman Animator that lets you animate CC3+ characters as easily.

Ins - 19.06.2023 16:38

Best update ever!

ilias iosifidis
ilias iosifidis - 19.06.2023 15:35

That one seems useful! I found the previous version useless

Zaskia Rafa Studios
Zaskia Rafa Studios - 19.06.2023 14:45

It must be nice

SkyHandOneTen - 19.06.2023 14:22

I would like to see the full body wrap and adjustments.

3DSMax_Metronomus - 19.06.2023 13:53

Great update, reallusion! Just a sidenote, but guys, please stop bashing reallusion for wanting you to purchase this update. It is a major update and it is common practice to ask for your money, if a new version is released. Do you think you get free updates the whole lifetime?? Do you get a the newer version of your car when you’ve bought the older one? Jeez..
