I rejected a $360k Google job offer | Software Engineer

I rejected a $360k Google job offer | Software Engineer


2 года назад

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Mars Park
Mars Park - 06.11.2023 18:21

Note that this is just upfront pay at the point of signing. His year to year salary would be the base salary + annual bonus (usually you get a bit less than the suggested bonus in my exp)

The rest is just a one time fee and the RSUs are only given if you work for many years.

So his salary would be more or less 200k. Which is certainly good but certainly not amazing for the industry standard

Opurvo Onlineshop
Opurvo Onlineshop - 31.10.2023 16:46

🎉 good luck

indra bayu
indra bayu - 18.09.2023 11:48

wow cool bro

JohnTube2K - 11.09.2023 18:28

Really don’t understand these flex videos on turning jobs down like this and posting about….

PoroNeko - 23.06.2023 07:14

I just got a similar offer for L4 (besides a much lower sign on bonus) and was also working at Microsoft before. I can understand why PK rejected the offer. Google def downleveled him to L4 instead of L5. Hope you are thriving in your new company PK!

RAHUL IS GREAT - 23.05.2023 08:03

You must be skilled
Very skilled

Jesus Morales
Jesus Morales - 11.05.2023 04:54

When you say PK I just think about a Primary Key 😂

Zegichiban - 18.04.2023 12:57

I wonder how many voice assistants he triggered for people watching the video every time he said "Hey Google".

Lex Sanders
Lex Sanders - 28.02.2023 01:49

WFH or bust. Why ever leave the house ? You have failed...

Ashleigh Sayers
Ashleigh Sayers - 08.02.2023 16:47

Bruh, stop saying “Hey Google”, my Google keeps turning on

ckrgksdkrak - 28.12.2022 10:30

If you are gonna be on call, might as well go back to med school 🤷

Andy West
Andy West - 07.12.2022 11:49

This is why I never count anything but base salary as compensation. Anything that is conditional, optional, or inaccessible is NOT REAL. Companies do this to pad salary numbers and deceive candidates, and sadly, it often works. This was really a $172,000 job offer, which is fine if you don't live in Seattle.

tungstencube - 02.12.2022 22:13

this could have been a 10 second video...what a waste of time.

Danielle Blevins
Danielle Blevins - 02.12.2022 10:41

What level was the Google offer for and location?

Daily Wisdom
Daily Wisdom - 30.11.2022 21:11

man moving madd ahh🤣🤣

Zero - 25.11.2022 23:08

you are lying

Leonard - 22.11.2022 06:52

Microsoft > Google

iamserda - 15.11.2022 03:13

Guessing Logic, assuming L5:

He is not insane, so I don't think he would leave MSFT for AMZN.

I am actually not sure he can continue his YT channel at AAPL. They tend to be very "join us but leave everything else..." He seems keen on it so I doubt it is AAPL. To be fair, I saw those warnings about "keep it on the dl... if you know me from online!" So maybe it is the fruity company.

I can only think FB. I doubt it is NFLX. Neither would be a terrible move... So I am will say, E5 maybe E6 at FB. He said tech giants. The other companies, even other tier-1s are big tech, and well funded but I am not calling Spotify or AirBnB or Uber a tech giant.

NFLX does pay more for their seniors, L5 and above. Indeed way more than anyone else for that matter. But he seems to have been offered the L5 at GOOG which is the company he admired... I would argue if you cleared Sr SWE at NFLX you should clear L6 at Google with some effort. I don't know a lot of people that would give up an L6 at Google for say 10-20K to join NFLX. Not if you were already keen on GOOG. So I don't think it is NFLX since I still think he cleared L4-L5 at Google for the 364K. NFLX does not grant stocks. If I am wrong and he is going to NFLX, I feel for you come tax season buddy. Get an accountant ASAP.

But I am going with E5 at FB, final answer...with the option to make E6 in half the normal time... I am guessing 380-400 TC. I am saying this because I am trying to justify not going to GOOG for FB over 20K. There has got to be a good reason besides low-balling and etiquette.

What do you think @PIRATEKING, did I guess it right? Let me know. Actually... don't. Keep it a secret until you leave. But once you leave... remember... "@iamserda was right"!
