2-Minute Neuroscience: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

2-Minute Neuroscience: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

Neuroscientifically Challenged

4 года назад

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Szarvas Szilárd
Szarvas Szilárd - 06.08.2023 21:12

Great video, thanks a lot.

Stella Ančimer
Stella Ančimer - 01.06.2023 00:31

Can it shows where is a problem? Like does it show Activity of amygdala? Ect..

Scientist.Nick.A - 13.02.2023 09:50

fMRI measures blood flow to specific brain areas, but blood concentrations don’t necessarily positively correlate with brain activity because brain activity is based on the presence of properly-shaped neurotransmitter molecules being released into synapses between brain cells and functional receptors being present and also, electricity (action potentials are electric signals that brain cells send down the long extension of a brain cell’s cell body called an axon). Just because blood is flowing to an area, does not mean all of that other stuff is happening and happening properly. Brain activity is in itself independent of blood flow, but sometimes blood flow to an area of the brain does positively correlate with brain activity, but not always because of what I just explained.

George N
George N - 29.11.2022 15:24

higher neural activity when the brain responds to more magnetic fields

Louie - 04.04.2022 18:35

Thx I want to buy one for my garden

Mark Philip
Mark Philip - 19.01.2022 06:11

when is fMRI favoured over other techniques?

Locust Physalis
Locust Physalis - 19.12.2021 00:38

Isn’t that the MRI method with protons? I’m confused. What’s the difference in comparison to fMRI?

Vladyslav - 04.12.2021 19:09


Abdullah - 12.09.2021 17:40

Human 2.0

Chloe BL
Chloe BL - 14.07.2021 14:27

Hi, thanks for this video. I've got to write my masters' thesis for next Monday and got a question on event-related fMRI, can someone help me please ?

Tùng Đoàn Đức
Tùng Đoàn Đức - 25.05.2020 18:11

Can you do a Video on " fMRI image processing steps". I want to do it!

Cal Cal
Cal Cal - 29.12.2019 22:49

I, a researcher in the field, estimate that 95% (possibly all in humans) of all published fMRI studies are worthless. The reason is that subject motion creates signal variance that swamps the BOLD signal. Although motion correction algorithms are applied to the data they simply do not work well enough to reduce the motion variance to an insignificant value. Most researchers know this to be true but carry on regardless because their career depends upon doing so. Other researchers are simply ignorant of the artifacts that make this method junk.

J Ingram
J Ingram - 19.12.2019 23:07

Can you do a video on fMRI biomarkers?

HOW TO MEDICATE - 19.12.2019 19:24

Very useful video! You should also make one on CT-scans! Good job 👍
