"Wolf! Wolf!" is a 1944 animated short film produced by Terrytoons. The story revolves around Little Bo Peep's lost sheep, leaving one lamb vulnerable to a pack of hillbilly wolves. Mighty Mouse comes to the rescue, thwarting the wolves' attempts to eat the lamb. The plot is simple, with the wolves wanting to feast on the lamb, and Mighty Mouse showing up just in time to save the day. The cartoon features music that alludes to the famous Mighty Mouse theme song and showcases the early character design of Mighty Mouse.
Directed by: Mannie Davis
Voice Actor: Tom Morrison (Mighty Mouse, uncredited)
Writers: John Foster, Donald McKee (uncredited), Tom Morrison (uncredited)
Production Company: Terrytoons
Distributed by: United States
Release Date: June 22, 1944
Runtime: 6 minutes
Language: English
#WolfWolf #1944Cartoon #MightyMouse #Terrytoons #HillbillyWolves #LittleBoPeep #LostSheep #AnimatedShort #ClassicCartoon #KidsCartoon #ChildrensMovie #FamilyFriendly #FunAnimation #WhimsicalStorytelling #VintageCartoon #ClassicAnimation #MovieMagic #CartoonFun #ChildrensEntertainment #KidsJoy #FunnyCreatures #FamilyFilm #CreativeStorytelling #FunForAllAges #MovieTreasure #AnimationArtistry #CartoonAdventures #AnimatedShort #MusicalCartoon #ChildrensClassic #TimelessTale #CartoonLaughter #FunnyVideo #KidsVideoMagic #FunnyVideoClassics #CartoonVideoTreasures #RescueAdventure #LambAndWolves #MightyHero #CartoonChaos #WolvesFeast #MightyMouseTheme #EarlyCharacterDesign #TerrytoonsClassic #UnitedStatesRelease