Hypertwist: 2-sided Möbius strips and mirror universes

Hypertwist: 2-sided Möbius strips and mirror universes


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@TheStarDreamer - 21.10.2023 13:29

I have a Question, Hope somebody answers this one day....

Imagine a Regular Tube... connect the Two ends we get a Torus...
Now a Torus have 2 sides, the outside one and the inside one... Remember this

Now take Another Identical Tube, and conne.. but wait, how about we twist the Tube in some higher dimension so that the inner surface is the outer one, and outer surface is inner, and then connect the ends?

What shape is this, Torus with 1 side? Does it even have any Volume?

That higher dimensional twist, is it even possible? I mean, it's not the same as Mirroring the tube. It's something different.

@MarcBerger... - 15.07.2023 03:33

a mobius strip without a twist and a chiral which isn't a mirror, I gave up about three minutes in but then I don't understand calculus d's

@S0N1CSP33D - 15.03.2023 19:29

Wut is with mathematicians obsession with cereal?

@legendgames128 - 06.02.2023 01:57

What would happen to a 2d piece of paper if both sets of opposite edges were glued together in a mirrored fashion?


@SuperYoonHo - 11.09.2022 09:50

Thank you sir:)

@tordg1356 - 11.06.2022 18:03

Morbius strip

@dimashus - 21.05.2022 22:59


@charlesrockafellor4200 - 11.10.2021 05:09

It's a cat-huahua!

@tappetmanifolds7024 - 02.08.2021 12:29

Reye's configuration. Protectively equivalent to the figure consisting of the twelve edges of a cube and it's four cube diagonals, in which three points are at infinity.

@louisjsaayman1592 - 01.07.2021 17:07

Enjoying your videos. Just a thought, say we lived in a 2D world then we will only be able to see one-dimensionally. A sphere moving through this 2D space will look like a dot changing into a line that is getting longer and then shorter and then disappears. From the outside, but from the inside, it will seem to surround us grow larger, diminishes, and disappear. What I am trying to do is conceptualize the latest UFO' footage that we are observing and the observation that they actually do not seem to react with the Physical world, which can only happen if what we see is a nonmaterial image, which will explain why they move without making noise and are not affected by drag forces of any kind. I liked your analogy of the cat (or Chihuahua) and wondered whether these UFOs might be images that we see in 3D of objects living in a 4D reality. I know it sounds pretty absurd, but I started writing a book ages ago called the Mobius paradox that explained the disappearance of Atlantis as well as the Bermuda Triangle and UFOs. The manuscript is lost, but the basics are still in my head, and I think it might be very relevant in today's age. Anyway, our opinion will be highly appreciated. It is always refreshing to encounter new perspectives. Kind regards Louis J Saayman

@BettyAlexandriaPride - 31.01.2021 07:15

That's not a cat and it isn't a chihuahua.

That's a demon.

@omarreza420 - 16.11.2020 10:27

Lying to oneself is one of the worst things that you could do to yourself it doesn’t make you smarter to deny the truth same as 1 + 1= 2 is the same with objective truth it is the correct answer to the question of reality. What I’m saying is that fact is based on reality and vise verse it simply is so and cannot truely be disputed it is what it is 3 is 3 , 4 is 4 end of discussion. So never lie to yourself let your conscience be your guide listen to your gut adhere to reality.

@bostos - 28.08.2020 19:33

This phenomenon is exploited in Dark, two parallel universes that emerged from one

@colemanadamson5943 - 21.10.2019 02:45

1John:3:2: "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."
If we born again Christians will see God "as he is"....then we MUST be in the same dimensionality (or outside of the dimensional) as God is. We will have the same characteristics of motion, sight, hearing, touch, everything we sense would be enhanced to God's senses.
That does not make us gods but compared to our present abilities, the improvement would be impossibly enhanced to a degree we cannot comprehend.

@colemanadamson5943 - 21.10.2019 02:33

Fairly well spoken but keep working on getting rid of that accent....to the English ear it is quite thick yet even though you do a very good job speaking. Otherwise, good video and thank you and I gave you a thumbs up too!

@dopefish86 - 17.07.2019 03:19

you spelled CAT wrong.

@fractalboy8125 - 08.07.2019 11:41

I've just come across this video. Its very interesting, but I have one question (well, technically two). In order to create these mirror universes, you clearly have to take torsion of the manifold into account (hence the twist), so what does the metric look like for one of these spaces? And what is the curvature of your example?

@snowman7514 - 09.06.2019 17:04

my brain cells are dying

@timotejbernat462 - 06.06.2019 21:52

Interesting video but some points are a bit hand-wavey, the cat is reversed but what is actually happened along its trip, we see the outcome but not the reason, is it in a 3D "Möbius space" or what's happening?

@joewittawatful - 30.05.2019 20:40

I just understand Avengers end game tell us that no paradox the universe bring the mirror small changed to the large changed mirror again in the large change create another time line.

@dhoyt902 - 17.01.2019 05:38

That cat's food would be anti-matter.

@KarolOfGutovo - 01.11.2018 20:42


@themandel2017 - 27.10.2018 20:33

I'd definitely have mobius flakes for breakfast 😂

@quinnencrawford9707 - 20.10.2018 05:01

haha, 314 g.

@TheSentientCloud - 08.10.2018 08:40

I have a question to ask you.
You are I am sure familiar with the game Portal.

Imagine the following 2D test chamber.
🔲⬛⬛⬛🔲 Walkable area is ⬛
🔳⬛🔳⬛🔳 No portal surface 🔲
🔲⬛⬛⬛🔲 Portal surface 🔳

Imagine this is our guy 🔰 who has a chiral counterpart and can be distinctly oriented.

Now obviously when you play Portal, you always pop out as your same self, not your mirror image. Sometimes the place appears upside down but that's due to the "top" of the portal.

So from left to right I'm going to call the surfaces A, B, C, and D. Now obviously if you walk through a portal on A, a portal placed on B or D will produce the same results.

Obviously you're going to have to extend into 3D space to actually connect the points. Whether you use a strip or bend the universe itself topologically would be the same although the actual universe would probably bend rather than using a strip. For simplicity a strip is better.

Now if a portal is placed on A and another on D, no Mobius strip is needed to connect these points, provided the portals are oriented the same way.

If you walk through A and step out through C, a Mobius strip is needed.

If one portal is flipped upside down the opposite happens.

Also the Chevron can sometimes appear on the opposite side of the test chamber universe.

Now here's where my mind rambles. If we let the strip turn into a tube after the chevron enters the "worrmhole" and then back into a strip as it touches the other portal, such that the Chevron can move in 3D space bounded by the surface of the tube, won't the chevron end up in a different orientation somehow?

I could probably think this out more and figure it out if I draw it out but I have to sleep for work.

Further more how does this extend to the 3D portal universe, the standard game? What sort of Klein bottles, tube, and twists would occur?

What would occur if the Aperture universe was not topologically Cartesian?

There's just so much I'm wondering about its math.

Oh also are there such things as Mobius Strip analogues in noninteger dimensions? Fractal Mobius strips?

@strawberryloli - 03.10.2018 04:22

I don't understand anything that happened in this video but I'm going to keep rewatching until I do lol

@senselocke - 03.08.2018 02:13

I fail to see how the cat "reversed" itself. The plane has zero thickness, but zero thickness doesn't mean nonexistent. Globally, it has only one side, but locally it has two--and each "side" is halfway around that particular Möbius universe. The cat that's "mirrored" isn't actually in the same spot or right next to the original, it's as far distant is it can be on the loop.

@frogstud - 15.07.2018 19:04

are electrons mobius strips?

@christophrcr - 11.07.2018 16:44

The cerals alone are worth a like :-)

@laflaca5391 - 06.04.2018 16:26

Poor cat

@StefanReich - 18.12.2017 23:24

If you come back reversed in a "mirroring universe", would you still be able to breathe? Also, are all digestion processes really chiral like Mathologer claimed? Could that universe really exist? It surely could in a virtual world, couldn't it? Fascinating stuff.

@michalnemecek3575 - 30.07.2017 16:17

314 grams? that's too much for me, I usually eat 271 grams of these for breakfast (2.71828...)

@crazycat3408 - 07.06.2017 21:32

after zooming out of the known universe and returning mirrored, your main concern is food?

@imienazwisko6527 - 09.05.2017 22:26

Our universe is obviously shaped like a regular infinitahedron (I know that it's impossible XD).

@marcushellstrom1157 - 30.04.2017 16:52

Well it has inclinated non plane surfaces whatever that means. In the extreme case an inclinated sphere (which is a self-similar object in every point)! ((suppose there would be a solution in the non-self-similar case, but Ockhams racer would tell you that there is no need for such a thing if you only exist on one side which then isn't "a side" rather just a universe(to live in) which we already knew. Sorry though "an inclinated sphere" hmmph

@insidetrip101 - 31.03.2017 07:16

I'm confused here.

Is there actually a twist in the "special" 3d universe? or is the very act of traversing to the same point the "twist"?

@jdaerthe - 24.02.2017 00:47

I have a question, please. You say that it doesn't make sense to ask how many sides something has without first embedding it in an ambient space. I guess I am confused because I have learned about orientations as local (relative) cohomology classes, which is a setting that is quite independent of embedding. Could you (or someone else) please clarify the relationship between these two concepts?

@serna08 - 22.02.2017 08:59

Great video! reminds me of a book called Shape of Inner Space (authored by Yau & Nadis), maybe Mathologer would like it. It's a geometrical approach to what space is

@eduardocortez476 - 19.02.2017 07:58

Before I even watch the video, I would like to point out that the title is the equivalent of clickbait us nerds.

@MrRyanroberson1 - 30.01.2017 11:37

+Mathologer read this in an angry tone but know these are happy thoughts: I've realized something. Draw two parallel lines along a mobius strip. You have made a two sided mobius strip in two dimensions on that mobius strip. See the flaw? The two sided object is only a mobius strip because you're INSIDE one! This entire premis seems ridiculous to me. (normal tone:) Could you help me understand?

@rickardbarendsen1782 - 25.01.2017 18:25

The last time i did psychedelic mushrooms, I was in that mirror universe that is shown on the end. Though instead of earth/-s there were a bright, colorful - like out of this world color, indescribable and impossible geometric pattern. I'm of course not talking my physical body but it came to me in my mind. I'm not talking something as defuse as imagination, that which you experience when you try to picture something in your mind. It was as vivid as this world, if not more. It was really as alien to me as can be, I have no reference point to anything except this layout mirror pattern which these objects were in and the aspect of bright and dark.

@johankarlsson20 - 24.01.2017 22:52

Thank you for making all these entertaining and interesting videos!

I love to watch them!

@nothaiken2940 - 18.01.2017 02:10

vid about 1/998001 please! btw +1 sub

@0necarlos - 18.01.2017 02:01

Could you make a video on why Euclid and the Pythagoreans did not consider "1" to be a number?

@mikedelmonaco6193 - 14.01.2017 22:45

So rather than an actual euclidean two sided mobius strip, it's really an artifact of a hyper klein bottle surface universe wherein traveling in a direction could result in a mirror image of yourself back at the original position due to the equivalent of zero thickness for higher dimensions right? In other words, this can't exist in a euclidean space, but is a result of a specific "trail" traveling a round trip in a mirror universe. Is there any way this kind of thing can be embedded in a euclidean 3 space? I'm trying to think of this from a 4D (euclidean) person's perspective. A 4D person could imagine a 4D hyper klein bottle surface-like universe (similar to how we imagine a 2D mobius strip universe or a klein bottle's surface 2D universe) and then imagine a 3D person (or perhaps a 3D QED cat) leaving a 2D rectangular trail. Then, just imagine the trail. I think this is like thinking of a klein bottle surface, drawing a line along it treating it as a 2 space, and then trying to embed that in a euclidean 2 space. This would just appear to be a self intersecting line with no mirror properties. Does the act of imagining an n-1 D klein-surface space's trail and embedding it into a euclidean n-1 space delete the mirroring property? I am uncertain because I may have made some error in imagining or in dimensional analogy. Correct any of my mistakes. Thanks

@DennisMathgodpi - 14.01.2017 08:35

New Zealand? I'm envious!

@arund1716 - 13.01.2017 16:55

5 × 0 = 0
as we say.
0= 0÷5
that is again zero.
5×0= 0
that is infinity.
then the statement
This is same for all zero applications like
& of course 0×0
