Viva La Vida - Coldplay - Orchestra version - Horst Sohm conducts the Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe / Festival L´Escala 2024 - Live
The Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe was initiated by the music director Horst Sohm and it consists of musicians from the Johann Strauss Chamber Orchestra and the French Chamber Orchestra. International musicians from Spain, France, Poland and Germany who inspire their audiences with passion and high level.
Thanks to / Un agradecimiento especial a:
Associacio Pau Casals, L´Escala Festival 2024
Ajuntament de L´Escala, Esglesia Sant Pere de L´Escala
Video realización, gabacion, edición y postproducció de Maria Negre
#horstsohm #coldplay #vivalavida
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The Festival Chamber Orchestra of Europe
Names of the musicians 2024
Soloists: Bartolomé Fromm, cello & Johanna Roehrig, violin
Maria Ruano– concertino violin 1
Laia Farré, violin 1
Marina Ferridz, violin 1
Joan Bosch, violin 1
Montserrat Seras Zabala, violín 2
Xavi Gràcia, violín 2
Guillem Torné, violin 2
Xavier Olivar i Morente, viola
Laura Jover, viola
Emmeline Planche, cello
Asia Lihe, cello
Xavi Castillo, contrabajo
Maria Jose Ibáñez Lluch, flauta
Blanca Puig i Roure, oboè
Claudia Bosch Canet, clarinet
Christoph Doben, fagot
Carlos Alastrue Vera, trompa
Ricard Felip Majó, trompa
Xandri Montasell Bachs, percussion
Horst Sohm, Director
All rights reserved: MusicArtstrings / Horst Sohm
#Coldplay #Orchestra_version #Viva_La_Vida #cover_version #chamber_Orchestra #festival_Chamber_Orchetsra_of_Europe #Horst_Sohm #Horst_Sohm_(Director) #L´Escala_Festival_(2024) #Associacio_Pau_casals