The Nordic Council Explained: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark & Iceland's Union - TLDR News

The Nordic Council Explained: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark & Iceland's Union - TLDR News


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@jonathanstone6249 - 18.07.2023 13:58

If only Scotland could join.

@themcfunnel - 26.04.2023 03:05

Estonia fuming rn

@000Dragon50000 - 06.03.2023 04:51

Finland being included in this is kind of hilarious since they're not nordic.

@liberalegypt - 18.12.2022 19:01

Imagine Scandinavia+Baltic+Benelux

@buhans2160 - 20.11.2022 11:30

Nordisk Ministerråd it has no value at all. Just spending money while drinking coffee

@larstarjeibennitt1479 - 12.09.2022 13:53

Good work

@TheHollandHS - 04.08.2022 00:39

The EU starts to look like a midwit between americans and nordics. Maybe it isnt but it does start to look like that

@kf9346 - 06.03.2022 08:39

As a Canadian I think it's important to have smaller regional international bodies like this in addition to larger one s like the EU. 1) The unique socio-political voice of the Nordics needs amplifying; 2) It gives a stage to consider Arctic- specific issues by Arctic countries; and 3) Greenland and Greenlandic Inuit have more influence and a greater voice on matters in at the Nordic Council rather than if the same issues are discussed at the EU, UN or a larger gathering of nations.

@thomasmortensen4470 - 11.02.2022 17:27

Fun fact Scotland was invitet to the nordic council as a obsever but they chose not to show up...

@spoonkus5893 - 05.12.2021 14:58

The Nordic council is so good that even sturgeon is fabricating that Scotland is Nordic so she can get in!

@astraviil3043 - 15.11.2021 21:36

In my opinion it’s time to let Estonia be a nice small Nordic country. Estonia very deserves to be a Nordic country, because Estonia has done a lot of work, we have many smart people, we are good at digital things, we have northern lights and we are very similar to Finland and other Nordic countries like: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland. We are not similar to Latvia and Lithuania and the other Eastern Europe countries. It’s time to stop calling Estonia Eastern Europe country and Baltic country and forget all this terrible, rude and mean Soviet times. Let’s just stop this Eastern Europe and Soviet stigma thing and let Estonia turn the new page and let them be a normal small Nordic country next to Sweden and Finland!!! Estonians call themselves the Nordic country and many other people and tourists had also said that Estonia should be a Nordic country, because Estonian people are Finnic people not Balts and we are more similar to Scandinavia. Yes many people had agreed with that Estonia must belong to the Nordic group and seperate from Latvia and Lithuania. They don’t even need these countries, because Estonians communicate more with Finns and other Scandinavian countries. Estonia will be a very good partner for the other Nordic countries. We will do a very great work and we will be very strong!!!

@rustyspace900 - 13.10.2021 13:58

As a Finn, I'm all in for Estonia gaining full membership and eventually an indepedent Scotland joining us. Heck why not even Ireland, they are cool too ;)

@gogledhol - 13.09.2021 22:56

I wish the UK became an observer state of the council.

@Arvidowitch - 26.08.2021 08:37

I hope the Nordics leave EU and NATO and make this alliance an official economic and defense pact

@jtrenoweth - 21.08.2021 10:21

I think Gretta Tunburg is getting less and less relevant because she is saying to the world you are irrelevant it's my way or the highway

@emib6599 - 20.08.2021 14:11

As fervent europeist that support a decentralised federation, i find good the existence of smaller groups inside the EU will maybe also external members.
They are only see as a problem when are moved by populist government that don't care about the future and only want to squeeze every single bit of power for themselves from everything.

@guysimtristan6248 - 18.07.2021 10:00

Funny we like to compare our own countries to them

@OutlawToys - 15.07.2021 16:28

Nordic Council is only preparation for EU failure.

@maikotter9945 - 15.07.2021 00:24

The groups build ups are a bit unusual.

Die Fraktionszusammensetzung sind etwas ungewöhnlich.

Social Democratic Group: 26 members
° Sweden (6): SAP 5; ? 1
° Norway: AP 6
° Denmark (5): SD 3; ? 2
° Finland: SDP 4
° Iceland: SDA 1
° Aland: "ASD" 1

Centre Group: 24 members
° Finland (6): KESK 3; VIHR 2; SFP 1
° Sweden (5): C 2; M 1; ? 2
° Norway (4): Sp 2; V 1; KrF 1
° Denmark (3): V 2; ? 1
° Iceland (3): FF 1; FSF 1; ? 1
° Faroes (2): SF 1; ? 1
° Aland: ? 1

Conservative Group: 15 members
° Norway (6): H 5; ? 1
° Sweden (4): M 1; ? 3
° Finland: KOK 3
° Denmark: C 1
° Iceland: ? 1

Green Left Group: 10 members
° Sweden: ? 2
° Denmark (2): EL 1; ? 1
° Iceland: VG 2
° Norway: SF 1
° Finland: "VML" 1
° Greenland: ? 1
° Faroes: "TV" 1

Freedom Group: 9 members
° Finland: PS 4
° Sweden: SD 3
° Denmark: DF 2

without group: 4 members
° Norway: FrP 3
° Denmark: "NB" 1

@davidiand7 - 09.07.2021 17:35

How is The EU is “every expanding,” didn’t Britain just leave an more countries may follow?

@Gokaes - 08.07.2021 16:31

swedish: Åland
Finnish: Ahvenanmaa

@Blue138UEF - 08.07.2021 13:39

I'm Swedish and I've never heard of this council? Like what the hell?

@-themarwickshow6247 - 05.07.2021 20:50

I need to seek a position in this pakt. To stop the stupidity.

@asdf3568 - 05.07.2021 12:56

Never heard about this completely irrelevant body before even though I'm Swedish. And boy was it boring to learn.

@null090909 - 04.07.2021 09:48

For Norway, the Council is a comfortable alternative to EU membership. No need to talk to strangers. No need to take real actions. It's like talking about the weather with your neighbors.

@johnguslen9315 - 03.07.2021 17:23

As a mantra throughout watching this video, I´m internally hearing "BUREAUCRACY AND NO ACTION"
John, Sweden, identifying as a member of the committee for the intercommunion of committees

@VATJON - 03.07.2021 16:51

IM norwegian

@SA-et7zo - 03.07.2021 14:19

Is there any change to one day see a united norc countries

@Jsdo1980 - 03.07.2021 12:50

Just a note on the flags: you have given Denmark a thick cross and Sweden a thin cross, while it should be the other way around.

@bootysmellslikepoopoo3289 - 03.07.2021 11:52

nordic council are the biggest fans of prophet Muhammad

@arnljot9030 - 03.07.2021 11:03

I think we should leave the EU and make a stronger NU.

@niallmcintyre4542 - 03.07.2021 10:41

When Scotland is an independent country again it should apply to join!

@vodktruffel - 02.07.2021 14:06

Kalmar union is way older.

@stokiedave7771 - 02.07.2021 09:03

As a Brit, the Nordic council, + Estonia, are the relations we should have always been strengthening.

@magnvss - 02.07.2021 08:21

Nordic Council: "Aren't we great?" "Yes we are" "What can we do to look greater?" "Saying how great and common our policies are" "APROVED".

@theoneandonlydetraebean8286 - 02.07.2021 07:31

Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

@TFAric - 02.07.2021 07:25

I support the Nordic Council. I would rather see more of it and allot less of the EU.

@mcgeorge - 02.07.2021 01:21

hopefully soon there will be a new member of the council as they have said Scotland would be a welcome member

@kevinconrad6156 - 01.07.2021 20:23

Check your history, Nordic Unions go back hundreds of years.

@xaoz2362 - 01.07.2021 19:15

Man, i really dislike Greta thunberg

@KelticStingray - 01.07.2021 16:24

As a recent convert the scottish independence Nd with family links to Norway it would be nice to see scotlamd one day be a member or observer state.

@dandeduck - 01.07.2021 15:12

You should publish wallpapers with your diagrams, I LOVE them. (e.g. world's major alliences and eu alliances)

@mattw9764 - 01.07.2021 14:45

Point is: we can have internationalism and localism that work well together, if we structure democracy to achieve it. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

@plushiie_ - 30.06.2021 16:12

It's just like a good old family dinner :p

@ez9566 - 30.06.2021 00:22

I actually think the flag of greenland looks very good

@ez9566 - 30.06.2021 00:19

Question: How were flags invented? Did the people just randomly invent the concept and everyone copied it or something?

@Robert_H. - 29.06.2021 21:03

I love the Nordic countries so much that as a German I am considering moving there. Denmark and Sweden still have to fight for me where I want to go. Who likes gravitational waves and lasers? Then I am your guy :D

@mr.afrikaans1747 - 29.06.2021 18:05

Ban Finland from the Nordic council. They’re fakeeeeeeeee.
