SERE Specialist's Pack Loadout | Two Weeks in the Field with Mitch Wiuff

SERE Specialist's Pack Loadout | Two Weeks in the Field with Mitch Wiuff

Dirty Civilian

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Nate O
Nate O - 30.10.2023 13:25

Two Weeks In The Field With Muh Stuff.

John McGrath
John McGrath - 30.10.2023 13:20

5lb axe head???

Norton - 30.10.2023 10:11

needs more socks

Brian Zollo
Brian Zollo - 30.10.2023 09:43

What is his Power bank Solar charging combo??? Like exactly.

Rico Conti
Rico Conti - 30.10.2023 09:36

Bottle of 91% rubbing alcohol, Gorilla glue and caffeine pills.

Norton - 30.10.2023 08:58

Whats with the trend about survival, urban survival, sere, mountain survival.. Something about to happen?

tattooninja - 30.10.2023 08:51

Wow this is terrible ......Just a few minutes in and there's so many things wrong it'd take a whole new video to go over it all. Taking a smaller bag because you can't just pack less? Not using an external frame because it "gets caught on things"? Going to REI woke yuppie communist company for a fitting? Selling gold, one of the worst possible investments? Saying LITERALLY as much as a teenage girl? What a clown show.

Wiser Precision
Wiser Precision - 30.10.2023 08:18

Stumbled onto you guys a couple weeks ago and have been loving it! Western hunting and specifically backpack/backcountry hunting has a ton of overlap with this sort of gear and mountain navigation/dwelling skill sets. Definitely worth the time to dig into something like the hunt backcountry podcast to pick up some useful mountain skill and gear philosophies and recommendations.

Tortoise Whisperer
Tortoise Whisperer - 30.10.2023 07:32

went thru Air Force SERE in 1975, we made our pack/sleeping gear out of the components of a parachute (MC1-1 if my memory is correct) and the only other thing I recall that we were issued was a small flexible plastic water container and some water purification tablets. We were out in the mountains a couple days and had to make some designated checkpoints each day using map and compass. We were divided into three-person teams, all the while we had an 'aggressors' who chased us trying to capture us. Only food available to gather were small strawberries.

Lunderwear - 30.10.2023 07:14

Always use dry bags in your pack. Fun fact: if you water proof your stuff in your pack, your pack will float, and can be used as a floatation device.

ShakaTX - 30.10.2023 07:14

😂 why do I feel like I was someone’s MTI at BMT 🤔

ben1022 - 30.10.2023 05:50

Here's a video idea, how to dummy cord your optics and other valuables, and how to use ranger bands, cable management (not only mlok and picatiny but on round handguards), I think these are basic skills that NOONE talks about

Nsydi0us - 30.10.2023 05:46

Im gonna keep a sail needle in my outdoor hat now 😂

Carolina0311 - 30.10.2023 03:42

Gotta charge the iPhone in the field to text dependapottamus

Ripcord_119 - 30.10.2023 03:19

What pack was Drew carrying at the beginning?

Renaissance MarineTV
Renaissance MarineTV - 30.10.2023 03:03

every pack dump should include the pack weight.

Brother Bro Vet
Brother Bro Vet - 30.10.2023 03:01

I'm totally disabled with a spinal Cord Injury. Right where the ALICE kidney pad hit me for 8yrs... L5S1.

TMAC762 - 30.10.2023 02:28

Did he mean the average person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds. 3 minutes seems like a really long time . Especially as an average!

TMAC762 - 30.10.2023 01:57

Very good video. Hybrid bushcraft and backpacking. All to often people try to put these two separate camps when the skill really do overlap more often than not.

Devdog67 - 30.10.2023 01:12

Keeping a sleeping bag compressed all of the time isn't a great idea. You lose a lot of loft and insulation value if you compress the fibers down over long periods of time. Compression bags also make it a giant lump that is harder to pack around.

I'm sure this guy has a whole lot of experience and certifications. But some of these flashy gear ideas need a little more thought.
