How to Disable Push Notifications in Opera Browser | Definite Solutions

How to Disable Push Notifications in Opera Browser | Definite Solutions

Definite Solutions

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Learn how to Disable Push Notifications in Opera Browser

Push notifications are very much useful if you use it for specific blogs for gathering information, this can be very useful by helping you stay on top of all the incoming messages and news, without having to leave the page you are on. But today every blog / website is asking for allowing the push notifications and somehow accidental you allow a lot of blogs to send you push notifications on your PC.
But we are living in the times of notification overload, and as simple as opting in for these promotional notifications may be, opting out may not always be as straightforward. In case you are feeling tired of seeing these notifications overload, then this video is for you, follow the steps shown in the video in order avoid un-necessary notifications.

Watch the video here:

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@bezman4299 - 04.07.2020 19:40

Finally! Nice tutorial, strict and clear.

@privateintentions7025 - 28.12.2019 20:07

Thank you.

@AqsaJaved_ - 08.11.2019 21:31

thank you so much for uploading this info, this helped me alot, bcz some inapprpriate notifications keeps on appearing on my little siblings PC... Keep uloading. best wieshes for millions of subscribers.

@AnixoEdits - 21.10.2019 20:09

Thanks a lot i thoung the pc got hacked ♥️♥️♥️

@sasukeunchina1984 - 29.08.2019 16:24

Freak opera

@oraybey2960 - 09.07.2019 02:09

oh my god it took my 30 minutes to find a damn accurate guide thank you !

@eryk4445 - 07.07.2019 14:01

Thank you so much!

@leostromberg1184 - 28.06.2019 01:36

It says origin must be secure when i add a site?

@iljavanduyfhuys9988 - 28.04.2019 21:29

thank you!
