Who Is Best In Unicorn Overlord (Tier List)

Who Is Best In Unicorn Overlord (Tier List)


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@mrp1234 - 12.09.2024 18:59

best game of the year! my biggest issue is that the angel classes should have been far more powerful for how late you get them. like consider how early you get Berengaria, who is just so much better than every single angel class. (though I'm typing this before watching so maybe you consider the angel classes busted)

ETA: okay I watched the video. Yunifi was never super great for me but I feel like it was a skill issue on my part, she was certainly very good. and I agree Virginia isn't a god-tier character. way too like self-focused, single-target focused. she's about as good as a unit can get focusing on only those things though. nice to see someone else like the arbalist. also it remains funny that the named griffin knight has nerfed booba

also also the biggest babe is obviously my goth wife Tatiana

@alvercaine8893 - 12.09.2024 19:40

while i'm mostly with you all the way on this tier list, there's 2 unit you missed the potential altogheter. the double blade swordsman (aramis) can be a real god with a simple setup. give him a dancer sword and a spearman to put him in critical all the time, you get a guy that attack 8 times (as touching an ennemy lowers his accuraccy but give him back APs) and crits ignore misses. you can even put a magic sword in his other hand and you got versatility against shields. The other one is the werewolf. in a beast team and a wolf row, you get 3 howls, the gauntlets of beast damage, add some dancer bracelet to random boost on an heler and watch them multi raid any units to death. theyre my 3rd best team behind the cavalier and the dark knight damage wise, and even auch with double blizzard is behind.

@Fleshlight_Reviewer - 12.09.2024 19:49

Rosalinde cus waifu

@ninototo1 - 12.09.2024 20:06

swordmaster is underrated, its an effective dodge Tank + true striker.
Dragon is inferior to Gryphon. Dragoon Spear is okay but you only get one. Gryphon has way higher damage.

In my opinion Druid is the nr1 unit. Too busted, consistently busted from early game on (unlike Alain) and requires no setup at all.

@beleloy808 - 12.09.2024 20:25

what Rosalinde is 4???????? oh my, this is a biased list hahah

@BronxDragon - 12.09.2024 20:38

Vanillaware always giving the good fuckin food because hot damn. But yeah I don't think they playtested Yunifi or realized how utterly powerful the ice element is.

@HardGayMoose - 12.09.2024 20:48

This is one of those games I wish I could erase from my brain and play again

@RaidenKaiser - 12.09.2024 21:03

The problem with a tier list is youll have characters that will be absolutely dogshit an entire chapter like hodrick and lex being horrible in elheim but then they will suddenly kick off around bestaria so long as you build a unit around their weaknesses.

@Fleshlight_Reviewer - 12.09.2024 21:42

"ro-sa-lin-de" i thought it was pronounced rosalin

@caretaker808 - 12.09.2024 22:15

I do laugh that the game gives you the Blue Rose team early and they are some of the best team comp without investment. Rune knight, breaker and gryphon knight is pretty good. Throw in Auch for magical coverage and they tend to wipe the squads quickly. I do wish the game had a NG+ with max level enemies at the start to really test strategies.

@uraninezak - 12.09.2024 22:50

The half second clip of your wife smacking you across the head is the highlight of my day. Thank you ❤

@aurelienellena8138 - 13.09.2024 00:15

the only regrettable thing with unicorn is the difficulty that don't force you to make really op teams even on zenoira mode, also no campaign where all class are avaiable at start or post games map (out of the one you recruit certain bosses ) but the game is still very enjoyable honestly

@calvinmatthews1527 - 13.09.2024 00:36

I was thinking why don't you release videos for games like this faster, but you explained it for me at the start so thanks for that. Plus, with the massive catalogue of RPGs this year, your hands must be tied. And apparently this game's systems are more complicated than Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heros. Lastly, you swooning over the jiggle physics XD

@kainrich6183 - 13.09.2024 00:36

Trails through daybreak pls!!!

@kain1799 - 13.09.2024 01:10

Bro acting like he still doesn't put a looot of personal bias into his choices as to why these can take so long to come out so theirs more data and a stronger consensus he still usually ignores lol.

@derekminna - 13.09.2024 02:01

My list would be waaay different. The big glaring flaw in the video is under selling Sainted Knight. I would place them among the top 10 for sure. Also, Wizard is over valued in this list imo. Super fun to watch, great opinions.

@luancunha2297 - 13.09.2024 03:14

The tier list I was waiting for!

@DeKeofDeKe - 13.09.2024 04:49

For me theres no bad character in this game, I love them all, and I use them all, I rarely if ever use the mercenary system to get copies of a class besides a healer cause I wanted to fill my teams with all kinds of characters, though I agree that Lex is pretty squishy considering his class is called VanGUARD

@TheTateful - 13.09.2024 06:58

Ooh, I hope you do Visions of Mana after some time has passed!

@Damackism - 13.09.2024 10:10

Awww yeaaah another Loclo tier list!

@Cwaytons - 13.09.2024 16:07

Yunifi is #5!?!? Blasphemy!

@Yuri-fs3es - 13.09.2024 17:38

Because i am a subscriber, i waited for the True ranking at the End of the video.

@mrk1395 - 13.09.2024 20:56

Waited so long for this list of yours <3

@Boneidolfitness - 13.09.2024 23:41

it's actually awful how bad Lex is

@jacobpaces9800 - 14.09.2024 07:43

Selvie??!? Really? Solid list. My werefox/werewolf group slaughtered with the wolfpack gauntlets, but otherwise generally agree. I’d put Melisandre or Virginia as top girl, though. For cuteness.

@gideonantonissen6275 - 14.09.2024 16:23

I was honestly expecting an tier list of all the playable characters and not the classes of the characters but this is an nice list aswell

@michaelpitter9193 - 14.09.2024 20:43

The elven classes are a unique mix of physical and magical damage. The wereowl is more effective in units that rely heavily on passive skills.

@kog_txt - 15.09.2024 23:08

god bless vanillaware and their artist's....assets.

@Realag666 - 16.09.2024 11:27

Can you share you favorite Squads/Setups maybe in the community Tab or so.
I took a long break after finishing Drakenhold and am looking for some footholds to get back into the game

@MrDarksol - 19.09.2024 20:16

I still find it impressive that you basically had us like all Go to a cute little girl War Over the Girls of this particular game and all I can say is while there are Clearly some Girls that are way Better than others, I think we can all agree that the girls in this game are pretty much certified bangers. So God bless this awesome fantastic artist for still being a part of vanilla Ware's payroll for the past several years!

@Jedtime - 29.09.2024 03:42

i use yuiffie as a dodge tank and only use triple counter with wear owl and a TANK on the back row to intercept true hits 3 man team that just wipes the floor with units end game has about 150 evasion 93 crit shes a monster as an evade tank and u could toss gilbert in for more buffs

@Hotsaucedeluxe - 29.09.2024 22:35

Regarding your bonus list. I just recruited Celeste and let me tell you. Daddy likey.

@quickpawmaud - 14.10.2024 04:07

It is tome not tomb 😂 a tome is a book, a tomb is where you put dead people. It is an "oh" sound in tome and an "oo" sound in tomb.

@UrBigFan - 16.10.2024 04:44

Selvie was My first ring bearer wife choice

@svenseike4496 - 01.11.2024 11:44

Sword master, shaman, witch, viking, horse Alain, Rosalinde, some flier with evade. Thats about 2 decent squats

@Jason-lw2nw - 13.11.2024 05:26

Fodoquia recharges my PP!

@SnowWhiteTheU2 - 16.11.2024 21:09

Will we get a Trails Through Daybreak or Metaphor Refantazio Tier List ?

@tanukisan72 - 15.12.2024 01:00

Many thanks. This was probably the most concise, to the point and useful video on UC, I’ve watched so far.

@Acccelerate - 22.12.2024 16:10

this is the real GOTY

@oblivionnexus4390 - 13.01.2025 17:28

This game was my first game to actually grind to 100% trophy. And i still play it 😂 all in all amazing video. May have to try out Yun. I didnt really give her much chance to shine in my prev playthroughs. Already had most of my teams by that point. The only true issue i had was the underselling of Rogue, but like you said, thats controversial, so thats fair. All in all 10/10 tier list.

@kevindangelo1091 - 17.01.2025 15:31

I typed something rude when u said vikings can be replaced by items but when selvie got #1 in the bonus round i deleted it humbly

@JamSpaceCloud - 20.01.2025 23:13

I just finished UO, and I even though I may have some biases here and there... this is pretty much true.
I would really like to replay the game and use the knowledge I gained.

@kaminasego - 07.02.2025 00:28

Top Tier: Landsknecht, Griffon Knight, Wyvern Master with Dragoon Spear, Dark Knight, Great Knight, Prince, Valkyrie, Wizard/Warlock, Eltolinde God Tier: Druid, Witch/Sorceress, Barengaria, Rosalinde, Alain, Yunifi.

@kaminasego - 07.02.2025 01:43

Upper Midtier: Priestess, Wereowl, Arbalist, Featherbow, Legionaire, Sainted Knight, Breaker

@myollinir - 14.02.2025 07:12

i screwed around with gilbert + selvie + wyvern master dive build and it's pretty stupid lmao

@DadsYoutubeAccount - 26.02.2025 01:29

Appreciate your content sir. 🤝

Are you in the business of suggesting any teams at all? Your tier list was pretty well thought out, with who is complimentary etc.

Just finished myself and am about to jump into True Zenoiran. Towards the end of the game, while i tried to balance all 10 teams, i ended up really only playing with two of them. An Alain team and a Hoplite/Landknecht team. No one from Albion even ended up making it in my final team.

Really curious to see what you'd come up with.

@RiriSion - 10.03.2025 12:19

After saying "with the right setup" so many times, we need to know what the right setup is for each class 😂😂

@Klav1eR - 10.03.2025 14:04

This game is positively overwhelming, I played Dota 2 for 5k hours and still confused (recently found this gem accidentally in my local game shop). This gem is absolutely must play for those who like to tinker and fans of SRPG!
