If you don’t, do you did something
ОтветитьI'm a huge fan and I have liked and subscribed.Also I don't have enough money to buy bubble.
ОтветитьI love bubble I subscribed to bubble a while ago and I subscribed to you a while ago too I think ur so funny the way you act as ur daughter
ОтветитьI decided that deserve the bubble vault because I have good grade respect people, and listen to my parents.
ОтветитьPlease me I did it all and I think I deserve it because I love bubble and I'm a big fan it's my dream
ОтветитьI deserve the bubble because my skin is not good
ОтветитьI will subscribe to every video you have and I’ve been doing it and please I really want a bubble I don’t even have one but we think it’s because you’re a very expensive please I love your videos and I want to have the best of everyone if I don’t win I won’t be a sour loser I’ll be happy for the person that wins❤😊
ОтветитьI did it! I think I should have it because I am a skincare beginer and I enjoy it very much bubble is my favorite skincare product and I would share some w my friends🩵🧡
ОтветитьI should deserve it bc I have never tried bubble
ОтветитьI want it because I think I deserve it because I have straight A’s. I never got an F I never got in trouble and I really deserve this because I don’t really ask for stuff like this. I don’t really have toys no skin care I have slick bumps on my skin and I don’t want to have any more bumps beg you please😢 a❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьYou are the best
ОтветитьI Love bubble I live in Philippines and it would be an honor for you to send me bubble it Will maki my parents proud🇵🇭
ОтветитьHi Laura, I think I deserve the entire vault because I own some of the products but I would like to give them to some kids who don’t have a lot if you would heart this comment, I would appreciate it thank you if I don’t win I’ll do the next giveaway. You’re the best person ever for doing these giveaways
ОтветитьBecause i have a little bit of skin care and i want to be famous one day
ОтветитьI love bubble it is my fav
ОтветитьI followed and liked and shared to 30 of my friends can I have it
ОтветитьI do not own any bubble and really want to try it I watch a ton of your posts and so many people love bubble it looks awesome please give it to me also if I do not get it I will be fine!
ОтветитьHi friends i think i need the bubble skincare collection because me and my sisters look up to laura and want to be just like her and in this case i have three sisters and my family could really share this!!! Thank You
ОтветитьBecause I listen to my parents
ОтветитьI deserve to have it because I’m getting bullied at school for not having enough skincare😢😢😢😢😢😖😡😭😭😭
ОтветитьPlease me I never got a turn everybody deserves not me😢😢
ОтветитьDid it idk why but I have most dry skin everrrrr
ОтветитьIt’s because I wanna give it to other people in the world that’s why I wanna get it
ОтветитьI don’t have any bubble products because they are way to expensive and Really want to try bubble!
Ответитьi one hundred prevent don't deserve this and I know I'm not winning and if you see this and are thinking beetwen me and someone it would break my heart if you sent it to me but the other person deserves it more so I really would cry honestly if I got it sorry to be petty but please..
ОтветитьI am Ariana grande
ОтветитьI choose the book because it will be my birthday soon and it will be my twin sister‘s birthday may make us really grateful if we got that. We would totally share it every single day. She only has a year left to live so I think I share it with her.❤
ОтветитьI'm only 10 I don't need bubble well I mean my face wash bubbles up but I don't what bubble is
ОтветитьI hope I get it
ОтветитьI love bubble it is so good for my scin
ОтветитьMy face looks prettier
ОтветитьI like i subscribe
ОтветитьI really need bubble
ОтветитьI need it
Ответитьim entering
ОтветитьI have loved your videos and when I saw this ahhh I have joined and I really want to win but who win is happy so if those happy then I am happy 😃 I really want to win but sometimes you can’t get what you want ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьI need to glow up and I need to be better looking
ОтветитьNBM 😢 I was late
ОтветитьPlease have one in it, but I don’t have it
ОтветитьIt’s my birthday today🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьI love skincare
ОтветитьI would really like to win because I cant aford to get expensive stuff. Even if I dont win your still great❤
ОтветитьI think I should win this so I can share it with my friends and because I have no skin care and I’m 12
ОтветитьMy name Laura❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьI’m your biggest fan every night before I go to bed. I love checking on my phone just to see if you posted in a video you keep doing what you do and you’re so pretty so is your daughter😊
ОтветитьI really want it because every girl in my school has bubble I dont and I get bullied out of that
And btw I really love ur videos I usually watch them every day and the video when u helped someone get out of being bullied really touched my heart and I also really like bubble skincare I’ve tried slam dunk ONCE that girl who let me try it is now one of my bullies because I don’t have bubble
And I recently got grounded for watching tv to much so yeah stay awesome
(. >❤
But i live in germany
ОтветитьI would love to win because I have tried several different brands and none of them worked very well to my skin so I tried my first bubble product and it just helped and never had the opportunity to get more and I love you and bubble❤❤❤🎉
ОтветитьLove this! Best of luck to everyone 🧡