Survival Training The Pathfinder Scout Course - A Review, How to be Successful, and Earn that Patch!

Survival Training The Pathfinder Scout Course - A Review, How to be Successful, and Earn that Patch!

Ranger Survival and Field Craft

3 года назад

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Michael Kilinski
Michael Kilinski - 30.08.2023 20:00

Hey Andrew - I'm going to the Pathfinder Basic Course in November. Quick question: For Cover, do I need all the items on the equipment list? Do I really need the bivvy and accordion sleeping mat?

Peter Perfect
Peter Perfect - 23.08.2023 12:00

Excellent video, Clear and concise , thoroughly entertaining. Thankyou

Ryan Phillips
Ryan Phillips - 04.08.2023 05:52

Congratulations on the patch major great video

rodney conner
rodney conner - 25.07.2023 06:38

Great tip on the pace beads. I broke a bead on mine when i droped my pack on the concrete while preparing to load out for Desert Storm in 1990. After watching your vidio i felt down right stupid that i never thought about useing rubber to replace it. That makes perfect sence to me. I am now going to make all new beads for myself and my grandkids. Thank you so much for this and all the other great videos you and your instructors provide.

John Timlin
John Timlin - 23.07.2023 01:17

Jungle boots

John Timlin
John Timlin - 23.07.2023 01:16

I would love to take this course but how do contact u, & when do you train

Penniechris Pickard
Penniechris Pickard - 18.07.2023 23:04

I'm 51. 18 years in national guard. Was med boarded out. Looking at your videos to learn and for mental and physical healing. I'm from southern Missouri and am used to the outdoors. Really enjoy your training videos. Thanks. Hooah!!

Renan - 09.07.2023 14:46

What mark is yours headlamp?

William Moore
William Moore - 15.06.2023 14:08

Another Awesome Video Andrew!

xionix4 - 11.06.2023 05:27

I am loving your channel. Thank you and thanks to Corporal's Corner for sharing your channel with me. :)

B Q - 15.05.2023 04:01

Outstanding video.

Bob Bieschke
Bob Bieschke - 12.05.2023 05:29

Cotton canvas usually stretches, splits or has holes over a period of time.

flyyinryan - 26.04.2023 04:05

getting caught up on your older videos during some downtime. I have struggled to find an effective way to motivate some of the knuckleheads I work with. They waste time walking in circles or talking in between tasks, then become so distracted they forget what they were trying to accomplish. When you said to "move with a sense of purpose" it clicked in my head. I have always known and practiced that in my work and interests, to the point that I thought it was common knowledge. Hearing you say it out loud in this video made me realize that there are A LOT of people out there just walking in circles being distracted and wasting time, going through the motions without a sense of purpose. Thank you for the "AH-HA" moment..!!

Tim Smith
Tim Smith - 23.04.2023 19:25

Never showed how to use you sun compass . I have used the stick and the watch one .really like your videos .RANGERS LEAD THE WAY. BROTHER .



J. Crizzle
J. Crizzle - 14.03.2023 13:39

Ooh one last thing, are we allowed to scavenge for vinyl chloride from planned Ohio train derailments to make PVC on the fly? I hear it’s also great for killing TONS of fish and game. Easy pickins’...

J. Crizzle
J. Crizzle - 14.03.2023 13:37

Will there be space in my pack for Facebook device, or do we have to mine cobalt and lithium to make our own? I’ll have to take the Chinese Slave Mining course first, if the latter is the case... 😁

Great vid.

scorpiooooh - 08.03.2023 16:25

The pathfinder school is definitely full of great skill lessons and information but I just can't invest due to all the outsourcing of gear. They need a complete made in USA line of gear. Yes I know it would be much more expensive but face it. If you can afford the course you can afford higher quality gear made in America. 🇺🇸

The Cookie Channel
The Cookie Channel - 22.02.2023 04:53

Great video. Thanks!

Juan Camilo Lovo
Juan Camilo Lovo - 21.02.2023 09:06

Very motivating reflections for everything in life! Your rock 🤘🏻

DDiskin69 - 08.02.2023 06:53

This was, by far, your best video! The information was clear and concise, and the explanations of why some gear worked and some did not, was excellent. I was also impressed by your candid discussion of what to expect, without sugar coating the discomforts. Your advice is critically important and straightforward, which is a blessing. I am about to embark on my first class at Pathfinders, and I am looking forward to experience with great anticipation. Thank you again for this video!

William - 10.01.2023 21:48

Another great video. Your presentation and information are very enjoyable.

zongongo - 09.01.2023 03:41

Big thumbs up for sharing your pep talk / philosophy, 👍🏻

80’s Rocker
80’s Rocker - 06.01.2023 04:35

Really cool thank you

Drew Werner
Drew Werner - 12.12.2022 20:24

Wish I could afford it.

Drive Strength
Drive Strength - 27.11.2022 02:55

Another great video brother! Any recommendations for a good tarp?

John Jacobs
John Jacobs - 17.11.2022 01:37


Adventures with Conrad
Adventures with Conrad - 13.11.2022 11:10

Great review of the course! 🙌🏻

Peter Bogart
Peter Bogart - 11.11.2022 10:15

This is a convicting video, Skipper. Getting a little of the reason why you do this stuff. When the going gets tough, the tough get going, all right. One item I want to find or make is a light camping tarpaulin really tough enough to resist Arizona desert thorns and cactus, to put under my small, light umbrella tent. I am talking about protection from cholla, prickly pear, goat heads , etc. Also, I somewhat respect raccoons and don't want to cook or eat the little bandits. I would admit that eating them would beat starvation or cannibalism, though. Could also help preserve some crops. Please note, though, that the older they get as pets, the more likely they are to eat a baby's ears off, or something. Just an FYI to raccoon domesticators. Wild IS wild. Turnabout is fair play, too.

John Blocher
John Blocher - 07.11.2022 19:33

Great review of the course - a lot of excellent information and great 5 tips at the end. So true.

xingmen neigong
xingmen neigong - 03.11.2022 08:34

thank you, loved this vid, please make more videos on mental toughness, move with a sense of purpose, creating the right attitude etc. thanks again

ARIIS Corkins
ARIIS Corkins - 28.10.2022 21:19

Hope the people who quit never end up homeless. Bc it's cold at night you have to find a place to sleep in the cold, find a way to stay warm, fing food find a way to cook it, and if you give up you die. Been there.

rockerwola - 22.10.2022 21:07

Tip nr 5 is the best tip.

Nicholas Diaz
Nicholas Diaz - 22.10.2022 08:15

A hockey puck sharpening stone is always handy. Water can be a "substitute" but oil is preferred. Just don't mix machine oils with the cutting tool that you're planning on using to cut food with. Olive oil is never a bad idea.

Slav Kochepasov
Slav Kochepasov - 11.10.2022 19:41

Is having wrist watch important for this class or it is just a convenience?

Brian Lawson
Brian Lawson - 10.10.2022 07:11

Excellent video Andrew. Tip number #5 alone is psychology 101, dig deep. Sense of purpose ignites motivation, motivation fuels purpose / reason. The greater the sense of purpose the greater the motivational energy (mental fortitude). Therefore, failure is not a option. I'd have you on my team any day.

Glynn Ellis
Glynn Ellis - 03.10.2022 20:53

Thank you Andrew, another great video.

Grunt Proof
Grunt Proof - 25.09.2022 12:27


Lee Barry
Lee Barry - 23.09.2022 23:42

Thank you for this video.

DisabledPrepper - 22.09.2022 17:13

I learned so much! Thank you Major.

Mary Frederickson
Mary Frederickson - 13.09.2022 06:37

Well, my favorite quote of the day is : " You always know a steely-eyed killer by the suppleness of his lips." Probably will find a use for that saying in the next few days! On another note, thanks for the always great info. Something new is learned each time I tune you in.

Terry Queen
Terry Queen - 07.09.2022 21:27

to me mindset and move with a sense of purpose should be in everyone's agenda. you would be an excellent instructor you seem to have the patience to teach but I don't know for sure because I've never been with you specifically to see how you teach someone and how much patience that you have to do that. just from watching your videos it would seem to me though and I'm a pretty fair judge of a person that you would have been a great or are a great instructor. keep your nose in the air and your eyes on the horizon. PS yeah I guess you better look down every once in awhile too huh

XRP Mission Control
XRP Mission Control - 05.09.2022 11:43

Big tip I learned in the Marines. Take a rock from around the fire and put it in your boots with socks. Dry feet are a must. Take care of your feet.

DoomOfConviction - 15.08.2022 11:59

You guys have Nike boots over there? I cannot find them in the EU… I guess my Haix are better anyways but man Nike combat boots…

mendyviola - 05.08.2022 07:37

Congrats! Shoot, if i took the basic class and survived at my age I’d be amazed. My goal is to do some primitive bikepacking with a cargo trailer this year for 1-2 nights. That being said, all this info is still helpful for a “glam” primitive bike camping experience. I’ve used a lot of info I’ve learned from videos like these for primitive camping.

Shawn Maginness
Shawn Maginness - 27.07.2022 16:12

I grew up camping and playing in and around beaver creek in Amherst, OH. As time goes by and I experience more places, I'm more and more grateful for having grown up there at that time. I think most kids now live such drastically different lives and don't develop the kinds of skills that can help you survive out there. Hell, the power goes out for an hour during a storm and they lose their minds! I can remember getting excited when the power went out, because it meant we got to play with flashlights and tell scary stories!

And moving with a sense of purpose is probably the most difficult thing to get kids to grasp these days. At least, in my experience. At first, I thought it was just my kids, but after spending time around their friends... It seems to be a common thread.
Awesome work, as always! I absolutely love your videos! Thank you for all the knowledge!

CoJo JoJo
CoJo JoJo - 22.07.2022 21:29

"You always know a steely eyed killer. By the suppleness of his lips." 🤣 Best thing I've heard in a long time!

ourtechwriter - 12.07.2022 12:42

I come back for inspiration!

Dale Meyer
Dale Meyer - 01.07.2022 11:05

Nice....I lik what Canabury got going...I usta go to the Outfitters Store in Indy ect.

Great Stuff
