Monster Hunter Rise | How To Get A Perfect Buddy | Buddy Skill System Revealed!

Monster Hunter Rise | How To Get A Perfect Buddy | Buddy Skill System Revealed!


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@goroufromgenshin57107 - 08.01.2024 02:01

I have a problem. So, I started mh rise recently, downloaded some content, messed up badly so I had to reset my game, downloaded the content again, but none of the downloaded equipment was showing up in my inventory/item box. Also DOES NOT work on alt acc, I tried. Weirdest thing is though, it says that the content WAS downloaded, and it is not a storage issue.

@danielgeronimo5538 - 16.06.2023 21:43

Just one question, does the buddy system here have that very awful cutscene they traditionally have about dismissing your buddy?

If so, then, I don't mind keeping my bros, my heart won't be able to take that kind of emotions, I made a mistake in MHGU, never again.

@christianguerrero701 - 02.02.2023 21:41

I'm only here because I somehow accidentally dismissed my palamute, I didn't care what skills he had....he was perfect 😭😭😭

@ehoraida5900 - 09.07.2022 20:46

I know this is useful and all, but my partners will always be with me in the missions, no matter how good the others may be

@Scarletcroft - 01.05.2022 13:14

I like my palicos/ palamutes random. I love them all like a crazy cat lady.
But I prefer having two gathering cats with me, because Pilfer........enough said. The healing cat is good when you are still learning the game, but becomes sort of useless, when you don't get hit as much anymore. The support cat I generally don't need, because I prefer to lay traps myself, but I do have two trained each with different skills.

@samyt681 - 10.02.2022 21:10

Can i follow this guide as of right now?

@laterbot - 07.02.2022 15:58

Wait, so do the buddy skills effect you or your buddy?

Like, does Earplugs stop me from flinching or just my Palamute? Because if it only effects my Palamute I couldn't care less, but if it effects me these skills matter like a lot

@Zedaso - 03.02.2022 12:03

Excellent video, thanks. I love it when people make videos like this. Straight to the point with no nonsense.

@kyubipl - 21.01.2022 01:07

how to make palico/palamute to attack more frequently?

@LumenPsycho - 15.01.2022 17:15

Good video.
I loaded the presets & will pretend they were the ones I first made.

@Morielen - 13.01.2022 14:02

Do passive skills of palicos and palamutes apply to hunter? Or are those skills only for them?

@charliebunker5625 - 11.01.2022 19:53

Fastest way I suggest Roly poley

@edwardoliveira1748 - 03.01.2022 00:03


@foxoarts2528 - 18.10.2021 06:04

great video man

@jordanbarrantes9943 - 04.10.2021 21:05

This video explains the basic knowledge of the buddies and all the hunters need this, thanks!

@Ayztee23 - 07.07.2021 04:14

all along i thought the memory skills are always active, thanks to you i now know its equipable with memory slots and not all passives.

@Servbot31 - 22.05.2021 17:23

Nice one!

@xcelentei - 05.05.2021 20:31

Passive skills apply to your hunter, correct? Because I don't really see why we'd give the dog crit up and earplugs.

Also, which move places the cloud that summons wirebugs? Because that's by far the most useful one imo.

@babayaga4320 - 02.05.2021 04:04

Why are some skills in blue and some in red?

@Ken_Jones - 25.04.2021 10:15

Best video on Buddies! Thank you very much

@dynamicsketch - 19.04.2021 21:36

How did you get a fifth slot on your Palamute and level it to 27?

@Malzarius85 - 17.04.2021 23:23

It might have helped if you said which passives and skills are good and I should be looking...

@horrid9809 - 11.04.2021 07:20

so whats recomended, im tryna get a gathering with healing bubbles, power drum and shock prison

@imgladimyellow4483 - 11.04.2021 07:13

I think that this is easier for those of us who played MHgenU
But I can definitely see how people who are coming from world to this are completely lost and a lot won’t even mess with this lol
Thankfully your video is a lot of help and I hope a lot more people see it

@MonstaThecookie - 07.04.2021 07:24

can you not head out to an expedition and return to change your buddy's as well? i do that with the cohoot and argosy if i'm in need of random gil to spend

@phyniffer - 07.04.2021 02:23

You deserve way more subs my guy

@MohamadHanifAzrai - 06.04.2021 14:03


@gjgjgtcgj - 06.04.2021 06:08

If you’re going with a duo palico then passive skills is also important. If single palico then active skills should be the main focus. I find that palamute uses their passive skill better than palicos and is great with status weapons since they attack very frequently

@BookkeeperGaming - 06.04.2021 01:25

I use the 1star village quest Rolly Polly Laterns to cycle takes 32 to 42 seconds to complete in my experience.

@DjVader112 - 05.04.2021 12:45

I don’t know why I keep customising these, their fur is gonna be covered up all the time anyway

@alexe4554 - 05.04.2021 05:13

Gaijin Hunter's method seems to be faster at first glance. To summarize the method in his 300k zenny in 10 minutes video - Max botanist and do the 1 star village quest, Rolypoly Lanterns. There are a few nodes near the camp in the ruins, so with Botanist it's possible to complete the quest in two harvests, which takes well less than a minute to complete.

@HeilRay - 04.04.2021 11:42

Thank goodness I found this channel for my monster hunter rise needs.

@n0xxm3rcyxx - 04.04.2021 11:04

Why are the palicos I can get only lvl 1-5...? I'm like 3 missions away from high hunter rank is that normal?

@athlonzero - 04.04.2021 08:05

You can do arena quest and then failed the quest for faster cycle it would work similar to melding pot ?

@drowningin - 04.04.2021 00:14

Can someone tell me what Felvine is/does?

@justindelano8565 - 03.04.2021 22:49

How do I get more than the one I start with?

@drowningin - 03.04.2021 22:11

Would expedition quest not work? Just go in hit complete quest and leave? It works for the other activities that take a round for buddies, I haven't payed much attention to my buddies moves

@ferniesbog77 - 03.04.2021 10:44

I can't let go my bois
Theyve been with me since the beginning :(

@KingMaraxus - 03.04.2021 09:37

Hopefully we see some way to retrain skills in the future, like GU had. Constantly waiting on the perfect palico is keeping me from hiring a more diverse roster and it's getting annoying

@kurizu007 - 03.04.2021 02:31

thx for the pool XD i can stop to search an assist palico, bc better than one i have can't be XD so now i need 2 good gathering palico :)

@felixctc - 03.04.2021 01:49

I think you can do the one star first gathering quest to cycle faster. Check out Gaijin’s zenny farming. It mentioned about it there :)

@flatulencetheunendingii5815 - 02.04.2021 22:42

the fact that this is behind rng sucks. I like the palamute i have been hunting with for 100 hours

@rowenarrow - 02.04.2021 22:18

I learned a lot from this, so thank you for taking the time to make it.

@MiraSmit - 02.04.2021 12:02

Well it's really similar to the system in MH gen lol.

@horneytoaster4773 - 02.04.2021 08:14

Quick question. Do buddy skills affect just the buddy or you as well?

@howl4749 - 02.04.2021 04:55

He rly had to read out those palico skills the cat way xd...

@wilddreams - 02.04.2021 03:01

well, that leaves us with RNG still^^
i thought you somehow found a way to influence RNG on that system xDDD
