T-Rex vs Spinosaurus Fight Simulation | 3D Face-Off In-Depth Analysis

T-Rex vs Spinosaurus Fight Simulation | 3D Face-Off In-Depth Analysis

Goji Center

2 года назад

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Frèdèric Chopin
Frèdèric Chopin - 16.09.2023 19:07

The end result is actually a lie
The spinosauras would be severely injured but it can land hits the t rex cannot evade or counter
Because it had already been injured by a bite and should be weakened so spino can deal the killing blow
Spino also has bigger stronger tail and also a jaw hard to resist but not as much like the t rex
Close fight but spino wins
Yeah and that trex at the end was a stronger t rex than normal
Normal t rex would lose because it depends on age and skin

Frèdèric Chopin
Frèdèric Chopin - 16.09.2023 18:40

I think the t Rex used it's arms for many things
1 picking up small pieces of meat
2 whenever it gets close to prey it locks it in the hands so the prey doesn't escape
3 for grabbing sticks to build a nest
4 to climb cliffs and saving them from falling
5 it ate any type of meat it could also use then for catching fish
6 they are also abit sharp it also couldve used to stab necks of small prey such as raptors and baryonyxes
7 to probably keep injured t rexes safe for example a t Rex with a broken leg
The mother could have covered it with an arm to keep it safe from bleeding

Frèdèric Chopin
Frèdèric Chopin - 16.09.2023 18:24

T Rex can never ever be underestimated as it completely demolished a giant bus and destroyed it
It also threw a mutated t Rex into a building with ease
The spino is bigger,smarter but it's slimmer
The t Rex has an advantage of surviving more attaks

The Komodo dragon
The Komodo dragon - 16.09.2023 08:38

The spino reminds me of the g man because that thing on his back reminds me of a Dorsal plate of him and they both are good swimmers

Amy Chapman
Amy Chapman - 16.09.2023 00:11

That was just a simulation

Bittybaff - 15.09.2023 10:15

A fair analysis will result in a T-Rex win, statements that spino would be destroyed doesn't come from disrespect or bias

spacemanjupiter - 15.09.2023 09:16

Entertaining video. I would have to disagree about a few things though. Hate to sound like a T-rex fan boy but the Spino would topple over much easier most likely. The weight of the sail alone would throw its balance off quite easily, and the legs on T-rex were much larger and stronger. If a Spino did get toppled over it would also most likely be much slower to roll and get back up because of the weight of the sail.

I also disagree about the Spino being a great deep diver or great under water. It probably did deep dive, but most likely wouldn't be very agile or multi directional in mobility. Again, the sail alone would greatly inhibit movement. It probably was best at the waters surface and in somewhat shallow marshes or rivers. I believe a T-rex would still have the advantage even in water.

Also, I doubt the claws were used in battle much at all unless it was against smaller animals. A Spino's skull and neck both were very long and the claws were set back far from its jaws. For it to use claws against a T-rex it would have to rear up, and also raise its head up out of the way to get its claws in close enough, exposing its skinny neck for an easy kill from a Rex.

Seriously, one bite from a T-Rex... I mean play the video again and look at the skulls again head on. T-Rex skull was massive in comparison and could probably literally bite a Spino's skull completely in half or bite its jaws right off of its face. I don't even think a Spino would win 1 out of 10 fights against a Rex. It would be like a pit bull against a grey hound with stubby legs.

Jim Kirby
Jim Kirby - 14.09.2023 21:48

I don'tthink there is much debate as to who would win. It's all about the bite strength, and what stresses the jaws can withstand, along with the tooth structure. T-Rex wins hands down.

Nick Gerr
Nick Gerr - 13.09.2023 23:05

Tbh the spinnosaurus doesn't make any sense

Frosted breezy
Frosted breezy - 12.09.2023 18:32

Figure skater from hell

Jewel Screaming Chango8387
Jewel Screaming Chango8387 - 12.09.2023 11:38

T. rex actually wins

Rushzilla111 - 12.09.2023 10:16

Goji these people don't believe you we need do something there's something wrong with these spinosaurus fanboy's we need to get the spinosaurus killed in Jurassic world

Fam Family!
Fam Family! - 12.09.2023 04:31

a trex might win easily

WeirdVr - 11.09.2023 22:46

I feel like trex would win easy. The spinosaurus isnt adapted to fighting on land, and its better for fishing than fighting.

Tony - 11.09.2023 09:47

Just got into an argument with my girls 4 year old son whose obsessed with dinosaurs. He thinks the TRex will win, but as a Spino fan I believe he is completely wrong. It is good to know he was right all along 😭😭🤣

Jason McGuire
Jason McGuire - 10.09.2023 16:39

the Spinosaurus is not denser, and it will run away NO FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheHermit TheTower
TheHermit TheTower - 10.09.2023 01:02

Trex gets scarier the more we learn about.
In 50 years we will find evidence it had telekinesis or something.

Bader 7amid
Bader 7amid - 06.09.2023 20:22

in real life the t-rex was feathered but not in your model

Frank - 05.09.2023 23:33

I honestly just don't see how a Spinosaurus could realistically take on a healthy, full grown T-Rex, based on the T-Rex's unmatched and absolutely colossal bite force alone.

Paul Walker
Paul Walker - 05.09.2023 04:21

On land REx wins, in the drink Spino wins, but did Spino ever meet the Tabosaurus, the biggest and strongest species of Rex?.

Paul Walker
Paul Walker - 05.09.2023 04:13

The fight in Jurasic park 3 should have ended the instant the Rex had the Spino's neck in her jaws, having jaws like the most powerful beartrap, stronger than any Croc, the Spino should have been dead.

Seth Naffziger
Seth Naffziger - 02.09.2023 20:40

that is what the neck bite should have done in jurassic park, I no longer could suspend disbelief after watching the spino emerge unscathed from that attack

Fern - 02.09.2023 03:54

Winner on land: T.rex
Winner in Water: T.rex
how you may ask?
a Recent study said all dinosaurs
Would pretty much swim very
The Spino will put up a good fight,
but as said. All dinosaurs can swim.
Hope this helps!

Alan Mcilroy
Alan Mcilroy - 02.09.2023 01:15

spino should of won that

rudeboijasmithy - 01.09.2023 15:48

When T rex was biting spinos arm off would spino be biting his neck or slashing him with its other arm?

Niels The Dark Lord
Niels The Dark Lord - 31.08.2023 21:00

I actually live in Leiden, which is one of the 2 places where there is a near complete t-rex skeleton :)

Zioflex - 30.08.2023 00:32

I feel like if these two somehow met in the wild that the spino would simply submerge. Rex would be like... nah I dont think I want to either (even though I would choose rex as the winner).

Maximilian May
Maximilian May - 29.08.2023 03:47

Sorry to say time caught up the old spino estimates are accurate these “newer” estimates are super wrong

Baykun - 28.08.2023 11:53

This is actually very accurate and not some random jp kids saying spino can kill tyrannosaurus

bullpup33 - 27.08.2023 22:29

There is thing not taken into consideration. TRex kills other dinosaurs for a living. Spino kills fish. You can be bigger and stronger and still lose due to your fighting skills. Proven in nature time and time again. Plus clawing is not necessarily a natural act.

The08450 - 27.08.2023 20:35

If spino ate fish, Trex would crush in bite force!

Paris Gabriel Decosto
Paris Gabriel Decosto - 27.08.2023 11:20

I'm kinda curious about spino's arm's. Can it like bend and twists them like ours or bear's?

Alakazam Gengar
Alakazam Gengar - 27.08.2023 04:25

Next should be tyrannosaurus vs giganotosaurus, based on recent studies.

Dinosaurs VS. Animals
Dinosaurs VS. Animals - 26.08.2023 20:26

a studie in 2022 nov it was shown spino wasnt a good swimmer and cant submerge itself underwater and every dinosaur could swim so even in water trex wins but this video was made in june so its forgivable

Tech Games Plus
Tech Games Plus - 26.08.2023 08:48

It should've been more happier if the Tyrannosaurus would be Bull from JP3.

Feline - 25.08.2023 12:44

How can the t rex be more agile and more robust?

aboomination - 24.08.2023 22:10

WTH is that jelly belly on the Trex

z1az - 24.08.2023 06:33

A freshwater mosasaur or deinosuchus would definitely have an advantage over any theropod.

TDM - 23.08.2023 19:28

Spinosaurus still the best 😂

MeroEdits - 23.08.2023 15:24

i believe/probably

Spino Trex

Land 50/40 50/60

Water 100/99 0/1

Rally Tonight
Rally Tonight - 21.08.2023 19:16

What I love most about this is that it has the respect and realistic outlook to admit that the fight could go either way, instead of outright determining that only one would win 100% of the time. Very well done!

Elvin Mah
Elvin Mah - 21.08.2023 18:27

T rex would beat the Spino, I rex and Giga

Nelson Ward
Nelson Ward - 21.08.2023 10:18

T-Rex bites Spinosaurus' head off...

Keverett Hights
Keverett Hights - 20.08.2023 05:04

You do know that in the current present, the alligator, and the crocodile, are the apprentices of the Tyrannosaurus and spinosuarus. and there is one crocodile species in North America. the same home of the American alligator. Unlike the spinosaurus and T-rex who lived in different time periods and places. So technically, If the two reptiles get into a fight. it would be like spinosaurus and T-rex clashing in real life!

DammeBoiX10 - 20.08.2023 03:50

It's basically like fighting your dog.
