Radiation Therapy to Treat Breast Cancer: Options, Duration, and Side Effects

Radiation Therapy to Treat Breast Cancer: Options, Duration, and Side Effects

Yerbba – Breast Cancer

3 года назад

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Barbara - 23.06.2023 10:05

Thank you for another informative and thoughtful video. I have the dilemma of my surgeon advising me I don’t need radiation therapy (HER2+ve, ER/PR-ve Grade 111 26 mm tumour). I’ve had 6 rounds Chemo and mastectomy (wide margin, sentinel node biopsy -ve) and 3 weekly Herceptin. However the oncologist says I need to have 30 rounds of radiation therapy over 6 weeks. I don’t want to go through this if I don’t need to. I’m 71 years old. How do you suggest I manage this.

Alanna - 25.05.2023 10:28

How often do you see the later blood vessel effects happen?

Toy Soldier Cheeks
Toy Soldier Cheeks - 19.05.2023 22:06

Thank you

C Y - 22.04.2023 02:53

I had double mastectomy last month because of my left breast was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. After the surgery, I was found no genetic problems( no family history ) lymph nodes are negative, but I had 1mm -2mm surgical margins, so I will have 30days of radiation treatment with even my armpit area. Do I really need it or how can I reach for the second opinion?

SV - 23.03.2023 01:32

Tell the whole truth!
Please discuss the 20% (Cleveland Clinic) or 25-30% (NIH) who suffer severe side effects. This is NOT “RARE.”
And yes, my wbc count tanked.

SV - 23.03.2023 01:26

My oncs screwed up my rad. I had moist desquamation all over the breast, & ulcers & infections. The drs wanted nothing to do w/ me after they botched it.
I now have lymphedema that is likely permanent. Had they told me—stage 1 w/ NO lymph involvement—I would have skipped it.

Bubble Burster
Bubble Burster - 12.03.2023 08:20

Radiation is just another carcinogen along with xrays. Keep that in mind.

D O - 07.03.2023 22:49

Other than the lumpectomy I had last Friday, radiation is the only treatment I'm sure I will get. I might TRY chemo if I can do it orally. I have no one to drive me other than Uber, so obviously infusions are out of the question. Hormone therapy is out of the question because of the side effects. I have to work. Therefore I have to not be in constant pain, and I can't accept cognitive impairment. What good would it do to avoid cancer if it means I'll be homeless? I love that she says we should see the radiation oncologist before surgery -- as if we have a choice. Insurance corporations decide what kind of care we can seek. As for my "team," I live in Vegas. "Healthcare" is 100% corporatized. I can't even get my "team" to return calls because profits are tied to quantity, not quality.

Dawn Keckley
Dawn Keckley - 31.01.2023 02:19

I’m very worried about radiation therapy. 50 years old and very active. 1 cm estrogen positive tumor removed with 2 mm clear margin. Sentinel lymph node came back with no cancer. I simply do not want something like lymphedema. I have very fair skin which has had very little sun exposure, especially there.

EmmyJ - 06.01.2023 02:18

I was just recently diagnosed with stage 1 estrogen dominant breast cancer, left side. I am scheduled for lumpectomy surgery next Tuesday. I do not want the radiation. I am 66 yrs of age and figure if I go on the estrogen blocker hopefully it will not come back in the time I have left on this planet. I have made changes to the food I eat and will work harder on other things like exercise to help prevent it from coming back. I plan to use some kind of holistic /natural remedies also. I have learned a lot searching out info on You Tube. Guess my decision will have to be made after the results of my surgery.

Drawcap - 31.12.2022 16:40

My mom was going through lumpectomy two months ago her tumour was 1.5*1.5 mixed ductal and mucus carcinoma,mirgin was clear, ER+,PR+,her2 negetive ki67:30%... Her underarm cyst was tested FNac there no malignant tissue and it was her left breast.she is taking harmone therapy.. Is it possible to avoid radiotherapy?? We are really worried about it as it is her left breast. Is radiotherapy affect her lungs and heart?? Please suggest me

Hasib Ahmed
Hasib Ahmed - 31.12.2022 14:23

My mother had lumpectomy. Final histopathology is invasive ductal carcinoma and mucinous carcinoma, pT1(1.5cm*1.5cm)NxMx,ER,PR- positive and Her-2 Negative. Hormonal therapy is continued which is exemestane. Should we go for Radiation therapy or not? Please let me know.

Paige McKelvey
Paige McKelvey - 30.12.2022 03:14

I have an appointment with the radiation oncologist following chemo, immunotherapy (pembrolizumab) and surgery for TNB on biopsy. I like to know what might be expected so I can prepare myself for decision making. This video is a great example of what might be next and why. Thank you

Fatima Billones
Fatima Billones - 20.11.2022 19:52

December 5 I'm start radiation therapy 36days

Gabriela Vinteler
Gabriela Vinteler - 03.11.2022 04:33

Thanks for the informative video, I am about to finish radiation, 15 sessions, had SMX with lymph nodes involvement, 6 after SMX, 7 out of 12 after ALND, I am concerned about the possibility of getting lymphedema, is pain in the arm on the affected side a sign? I also have some cording.

Maureen Reed
Maureen Reed - 30.10.2022 00:16

I had a tumour 2.5mm removed in December 2021, with good margins. I was given a great prognosis. However, I was persuaded by the oncologist to have radiotherapy ( I really didn’t want to have it, but was told l would regret it if l didn’t and my cancer reoccurred). I now have breast lymphoedema, which inhibits my life (I was very active, running and going to the gym). By the way I’m 68 years old. I have researched and there seems to be very little mentioned about breast lymphoedema following radiotherapy. I would welcome your comments or feedback.
Your commentary is so useful and generally delivered. Thank you for your work.

Misplaced Texan
Misplaced Texan - 07.10.2022 02:28

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March of 2022. My tumor (which had been missed on two previous mammograms) was very large - >6.5cm. I had a double mastectomy in May followed by chemo. I will finish my first week of radiation tomorrow. I felt I’d been pretty well prepared by my doctors for everything but still went looking to learn more, and I found your video super informative! I’m 51 years old.

Edit: Fellow cancer patients, please get the genetic testing! I did it and discovered I have a genetic abnormality called the checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2) mutation. We secured life insurance for both of our adult children first and then had them both tested - They both carry the gene as well. 😞 But having this known and in their record means they’ll get early surveillance for the cancers caused by CHEK2: breast, colon, thyroid, uterine, and a few other lesser risks. If you have children: 1. DO get the genetic testing!
2. If you have a gene, get your kids life insurance FIRST… then get them tested!

Thank you!

Sofia Ahmad
Sofia Ahmad - 06.10.2022 20:12

Your video is so important to me, i diagnose breast cancer stage 3,
That's why I subscribed

 My Spices
My Spices - 17.09.2022 20:35

I remove my left brest ..out of 26 lynode only 2 was effected ..my chemotherapy was finish and now targeted therapy left only because of its HER2-positive.. do you think I have to take radiation therapy as well..if yes how many I should to take? thank you

Michelle - 27.08.2022 04:11

I have invasive ductal carcinoma, I had the lumpectomy in June, 22 lymph node was clear, I had 5 treatments of partial breast all fine no side effects, I’m on hormone therapy as was estrogen positive, gets hot flushes now, I’m 64 and in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Hazel Croft
Hazel Croft - 01.08.2022 06:07

This might be just barbaric treatment that devastates the body made to look gentle and lovely like the lady. I had chemo - I only lasted five weeks. It was horrendous.

Alexandra Muradas
Alexandra Muradas - 08.06.2022 00:37

You are great Dr. Jennifer. Thank you for your support. Jehovah God keep blessing you with health and knowledge. Thank you for helping us xxx

Seek Truth
Seek Truth - 07.05.2022 23:43

Thank you. What about long term side effects (vs more superficial short term) 🙁

Viktoria Melbourne
Viktoria Melbourne - 06.04.2022 11:09

I had TT due to cancer and received radio iodine treatment. Last week was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive carcinoma. What sort of treatment might be required and can I have radiation treatment? I’m so anxious 🇦🇺🙏🏻

Harry Contos
Harry Contos - 27.02.2022 17:14

Is this woman for real?
Give me a break, we have COVID and cz people dying from bacterial infections, and you dare to share your stupid bs

Harvestnoel Crawford
Harvestnoel Crawford - 13.02.2022 10:00

I start 33 treatments next week

Shi Shi Guan
Shi Shi Guan - 27.08.2021 06:41

Thanks for the info. Do you know how many radiation treatments is required after mastectomy with staged II HER2 negative? How soon do radiation should be started after the surgery?

Kathy Gann
Kathy Gann - 24.08.2021 05:56

The title says “duration”, but you didn’t cover how long the treatment is. Nor did you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of one week radiation versus 4 weeks.

Jennyann De Jesus
Jennyann De Jesus - 07.07.2021 01:45

Can i skip radiation therapy? T1N0M0

tamara dugan
tamara dugan - 06.07.2021 22:38

It's barbaric that doctors support these rad tattoos. We are not cattle you are hurrying through to make it easier for doctors ior therapist. It's just for the ease of the clinic and tags women for life. It's shameful.

Anne O'Brien
Anne O'Brien - 17.05.2021 19:29

Having an arm up like you said it could be for two hours is quite dangerous for blood supply. Can also cause muscle cramp and seizure, it can cause problems with the AC joint , not to mention the massive damage it can do to your rotator cuff if you have a problem in that area. Every medical person you meet say move , don’t sit too long, move when you are on a flight, and yet you expect patients to stay absolutely still on their back with their arms above their heads for 2 hours. You should get on the table yourself for two hours without moving any part of your body.... you won’t be so blaze about it

Patrick Finn
Patrick Finn - 26.04.2021 02:29

Thank you for all of the great information 🙏

Fay 949
Fay 949 - 21.11.2020 23:32

Three weeks ago l had a lumpectomy of my left breast the diagnostic was only DCIS clear margins high grade 1.2 cm ER/PR positive and I am 65 years old could I skip radiation?
