Adding AUTHORIZED USER to credit card (Increase Your Credit Score FAST)

Adding AUTHORIZED USER to credit card (Increase Your Credit Score FAST)

My Credit Guy

3 года назад

15,808 Просмотров

Adding someone as an authorized user to your credit card can help them increase their score FAST. Better yet, you can do it without a lot of extra work. Before you do though, there are a few things you need to know about adding an authorized user to your credit card before you jump right in. Watch this video to make adding an authorized user to your card much easier.

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Tattertotman - 16.09.2023 07:42

I want to state that I recently asked my brother to add me as a Authorized User and it boosted my score in 2 weeks! By far I couldn't believe how fast it impacted my score.

My question is will it also impact my "FICO5" score?

Matt Dias
Matt Dias - 19.08.2023 07:09

I have a credit score of zero, always paid cash for everything my entire life. I just got added 10 days ago to my mom's credit card as an authorized user, two of her scores are 805 and 794. Do I receive her credit history and scores exactly? I'm confused.

Shirley Martin
Shirley Martin - 10.04.2023 14:51

Will it help to be added to more than one one

Cooking Section
Cooking Section - 25.03.2023 02:31

will it improve mortage fico score?

Savage One
Savage One - 01.02.2023 10:22

Can I add my brother ?

Tim L. Do
Tim L. Do - 24.01.2023 06:09

I was able to add my daughter online.. read through the disclaimer how it'll he reported to the 3 major credit bureaus, could show up on their credit history, and that I'm still responsible for making pymts... fine and great.

But.. nowhere did it ask for their ss#, just name, address, and relationship. So how would my credit card history show up on her history?

Jeff - 29.11.2022 18:53

Would like to talk one on one about credit repair

Scorpio-mama🌈 - 12.03.2022 22:11

Is there a faster way for there credit to go up ? beside adding them as authorize user

Patricia Lane
Patricia Lane - 07.02.2022 08:44

The name above help me and saved me from my student loans and all negatives on my credit profile. I highly recommend im currently with an 800 score across all bureaus

elena smith
elena smith - 15.08.2021 03:52

I can't rave about the SolutionX team enough. I did my best to rehabilitate my credit on my own for about 6 months and while I made progress I just could not get over that hump to mortgage ready. I found out about [ AnonymoussolutionX🟡ORG ] through my extensive research on fixing my credit and I have to say it was the best contact I've ever made. They are straight-forward and to the point. They will give you all of the tips you need, you just need to follow the directions. Royson was super attentive. I would send an email and he would respond immediately, just to ensure my questions were answered promptly and accurately. I started working with AnonymoussolutionX🟡ORG in JUNE and 2 weeks to the day, I received my Pre-Approval and I can proudly say that I just closed on my house a few days ago! I never thought it was going to happen but by teaming up with SolutionX my day dreams turned into reality. If you want to make it happen then invest your time, energy and trust and let Roy Brandon guide you. They are worth it!
