Fix Your Short Term Memory Loss – Hippocampus Repair – Dr.Berg

Fix Your Short Term Memory Loss – Hippocampus Repair – Dr.Berg

Dr. Eric Berg DC

3 года назад

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Rbnsn 123
Rbnsn 123 - 18.09.2023 07:24

"Oh wait I'm having short term memory loss? I think i do... Lets watch this video"

PG Tips
PG Tips - 10.09.2023 00:50

That was a very cheeky start to the video! 😂

Luke Izydorczak
Luke Izydorczak - 07.09.2023 01:59

Love dr. Berg but I do have to say that I completely disagree that it is easy to avoid stress nowadays, I believe I’m having short term memory loss that is stress related

Aymen Ahmed
Aymen Ahmed - 27.08.2023 21:42

Well done doctor Berg . I'd like to ask something about autophaghy .
If Alzheimer patients eat meat that means amino acids added to his blood , won't it affect on the autophagy .?

DIMITRIS KAYKAS - 26.08.2023 15:15

Dr. Mr. Berg. I watched a video with someone Indian called Sadguru and he said that eggplants kill 100% memory.
Do you think this is true ? Thanks

Phystruction - 20.08.2023 15:48

Great video, but how am I supposed to remember everything he said in it?....erm....what was it all about now again?

Minnie - 04.08.2023 05:09

Thank you so much for this video!! I will definitely try this!!! I am 69 and disabled from arthritis pain. I ask my Dr about my memory and he said I’m getting older it’s normal! This can’t be. I will be in the middle of a sentence and can’t remember the word for something, I will think and think and the word might be coffee, wallet or even baseball but I can’t think of the word!!! Is there anything else I can do?
I love your channel thank you again!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Helle - 03.08.2023 10:11

question, can you do ketogenic diet when you are too skinny? rubbish docs here f-ed me up, been fighting a year now to get health back.. but 1 of the things besides extreme memory loss, is that i lost 22 kilo's ofweight (and i wasnt fat to begin with) been struggeling for a year now , and with a lot of effort i managed to gain back 6 of it ... but more than that i cant seem to accomplish, even with adding 4 lil bottles they prescribe me that add 1200 calories on top of what i eat ... the memoryloss is so bad its debilitating and i landed here , at the end of my wits ...watching and writing down what to do... but well therefor the question... is ketogenic an option when u have to gain weight? cuz i cant afford to lose any ...

Hotcher - 08.07.2023 06:51

Just here to say after passing a gallstone a few months back and suffering with residual pain and bloating in the weeks after, I started taking your Gallbladder formula and I am now feeling completely normal. Thank you!

D.J.N. - 30.06.2023 04:56

I just forgot everything i justv watched. But thanks anyways Dr. Berg...jk. ty Dr.

Gladys Volz
Gladys Volz - 08.06.2023 18:34

I admire your dedication to helping others.
You have talked about soo many areas i need and suggested natural and supplements for help.
How can i get a list of these ? I am unable to get them all written down.

Motivation by Michele
Motivation by Michele - 06.06.2023 15:11

Hello, my sister has a damaged hippocampus. And, has severe short term memory loss. She has seen several doctors. She has seizures, do you think she could use the hyperbaric oxygen therapy? Any advice? Many thanks!!

Waseem Jod
Waseem Jod - 03.06.2023 06:54

I am 17 and I have been having this issue for so long it's devastating... Especially after I got COVID back in 2021. 😔

Bob Greene
Bob Greene - 18.05.2023 10:18

Suggestion-- with each and every video, include a bulleted sumnary of chief points. Many of your viewers cannot take notes and follow your narrative, at the same time.

Chamberlain Emery
Chamberlain Emery - 18.05.2023 00:54

In India Alzheimer's is almost unheard of, because they put tumeric on everything. I chain smoked pot for 56 years, which improves your long term memory but completely destroys your short term memory, so mine was almost non-existent. I quit smoking pot and started taking tumeric and putting it in my food and my memory has come back tremendously.

Dub Siren
Dub Siren - 17.05.2023 18:23

Great information as always DR Berg. Happy to say I take most of the supplements you mention, and take long walks and short sprints to get my breath going. Thank you so much !

Grace RC
Grace RC - 09.05.2023 01:21

B12 sub lingual tabs was a huge help years ago. Basically saved my job. B12 deficiency dementia is real.

 invisible innovations
invisible innovations - 04.05.2023 23:46

I was suffering with something but I've forgotten what it was.....

Nancy Smith-baker
Nancy Smith-baker - 03.05.2023 17:27

I can attest to stress .
I crave the sun , taking d3; and I'm in the sun .
Co QTen .
Started to fast and getting Suger out .
I'll get beef liver supplement.
Thank you so much doctor .

Arizona based
Arizona based - 29.04.2023 03:15

Thank you.

Terri Schofield
Terri Schofield - 28.04.2023 20:48

😂😂😂love your sense of humor!

Lagu Richard Luke
Lagu Richard Luke - 24.04.2023 18:40

Hello Sir,to be specific, I have to sign a Document when I realise I have just forgotten my signature which I have used all the from my primary education to higher upto now for more than 20 years When have sign documents just a month ago.

Draffter - 22.04.2023 16:17

Make "to do" lists.

Carolyn B
Carolyn B - 17.04.2023 18:58

Thank you. As someone who has c ptsd I found out short term memory is a "side effect"

Leslie G
Leslie G - 16.04.2023 05:25

Ok, You're often talking about Nutritional Yeast.
My Question is: if you are sensitive to yeast, can you still use Nutritional Yeast. ? & is there a safer, best quality to use?
Also: what is MCT oil?

Samuel Young
Samuel Young - 14.04.2023 10:12

I’m 17, I’ve have experienced some short term memory issues making it hard to remember why I went into a room , it’s harder to read and retain new information and I end up leaving stuff around and finding it again to remember what I put it there for(for this last reason I don’t think it’s that bad because I can still remember stuff but I just forget small things I guess). I believe this was after stupidly chugging out of a bottle of NyQuil severe about a month ago and will try and follow the steps in this video to see improvements.

Lisa Christina Confirmed
Lisa Christina Confirmed - 13.04.2023 01:19

Could it not be related to being over stressed ? c-PTSD??

Commies are evil
Commies are evil - 04.04.2023 14:05

Cutting off toxic people out of your life is the best for stopping stress

Debbie VanBrunning
Debbie VanBrunning - 30.03.2023 08:58

I take coconut oil, which has MCT oil in it, and have seen good progress in my memory issues, 2 TBS. a day. I take organic. God Bless!

Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas - 29.03.2023 19:24

I have got Brain damage after a Bad Lorry Smash 1987, on the right side of my head, the brain damage is on the right side

Sens Commun
Sens Commun - 23.03.2023 02:28

Thank you Dr Berg❤

Spacegoat92 - 21.03.2023 12:47

I wanted to watch this but i keep forgetting...

maureen green
maureen green - 20.03.2023 18:11

Please look into somrthing I discovered by accident
If you have old mercury fillings or have lots of mercury available in blood and you eat flax (seeds/oils) it highest is highest scource of ALA...ahlpa linoleic acid (or the other ala). It chelates mercury's and w/o binders for safe removal it causes shortterm memory lost, essential tremors & depression.

Luciano CARP
Luciano CARP - 20.03.2023 06:26

We are just talking about living like thousands of years ago. Eat once or twice a day, no processed foods, organic foods, no sugar, etc

IRAM NAZ - 16.03.2023 05:47

Hi my sir I am fighting this problem since 2008 right after diagnosis high prolectin ( due to benign noncancerous tumor in putotory glands,,Although It has reduced by adopting healthy diet ,but still I am facing short term memory loss, mostly I forget the words while I speak, that's why I lost my confidence, Can you help me for this ?

Jesus: Our Only Hope
Jesus: Our Only Hope - 11.03.2023 17:11

Yes, my question is when will you start carrying MCT oil? I began taking another company's product a couple of weeks ago when I noticed you do not carry it. Just not quite sure if it's pure enough or even the real thing? Any recommendations?

J. Zachary S.
J. Zachary S. - 26.02.2023 06:00

shellfish = not food for humans, but sin (see the Creator of everything's Torah)

R.C.S.J - 24.02.2023 15:06

Dr.’s acting on short memory loss makes me laugh 😂😂😂

Julie Barnett
Julie Barnett - 22.02.2023 02:11

I think exogenous ketones kicked me out of ketosis.

Laurice Day
Laurice Day - 20.02.2023 19:13

How much B1 should i take to regrow? How much to maintain?

Robin Ford
Robin Ford - 20.02.2023 00:48

Thank you Dr. Berg. Much appreciated. What do you think about ginkobaloba ?

Leonard Gibney
Leonard Gibney - 17.02.2023 16:18

Some people thrive on stress. But there are two kinds. There's the stress you can deal with and there's the kind of stress you can't deal with. It's like when there's no light at the end of the tunnel.

JP S - 11.02.2023 19:08

I guess everyone knows the research of London taxi drivers which stated that they have bigger hippocampus than non taxi drivers. So it might be awesome for brain if you learn your city streets and in your mind navigate the streets shortest route from point A to point B.

Constance Schroer
Constance Schroer - 02.02.2023 11:56

Tyou for your work....🌼🎵😎👍🌶🙏🧅🧄🥦🥬🫑🌶🥑🍓🍋....You rock!!

Lovey Isaac
Lovey Isaac - 31.01.2023 15:09

Will the MCT oil work without being on keto?

Juneyah - 28.01.2023 22:55

Dr. berg, Stay Amazing. Thx for that number and all you do for healthy America. Peace

J* Marie
J* Marie - 11.01.2023 19:33

I thought that the MCT & those particular oils are not good if somebody has dementia or Alzheimer’s??

Chris Norman
Chris Norman - 05.01.2023 00:55

See the video Ted Talk on coconut oil and Alzheimers.

Rob Cross
Rob Cross - 01.01.2023 23:20

"The hippocampus is one of the only parts of the brain that can completely regenerate".

False. Take the case of Henry Molaison, who's listed in virtually every textbook about memory. As a child he got hit with a bike, and that started causing seizures. The seizures progressed to the point that in his 20s he typically got 6 per week. To treat the seizures, his hippocampus then got surgically removed - this was before they were aware of the hippocampi's critical role in memory. That surgery caused the most famous case of amnesia in modern history. There's YT videos of him, the rest of his life he only had around a 10 second memory span. Like 1 minute after doing anything, he'd have no memory of it. He was often under the impression that he had just woken up from a coma.

His case is what uncovered the hippocampi's critical role in memory. And how declarative memories, like remembering someone's name, are formed in different parts of the brain than non-declarative memories like typing. He was still able to learn things like writing with a mirror, despite having no memories of ever doing it.

He was the subject of extensive research for decades. If the hippocampus can completely regenerate, he would've made at least some recovery. But he didn't. And in other cases of acute hippocampal damages, like in HSV encephalitis, the lesions are permanent.

Be wary. Although Dr. Berg is generally a great source of information, I've come across several errors like this. So administer due diligence, use a combination of his information and other sources like library books to confirm if different sources agree.
